The U.S. unemployment rate reached 14.7 percent for April – the worst monthly rate since the Great Depression. The White House has projected optimism, saying they expect the economy to rocket upward once coronavirus restrictions are lifted. But many experts think that is not a realistic expectation.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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U.S. Logs Record High Unemployment Numbers – What Comes Next? | MSNBC
I imagine that the hungry will start looting Mansions and taking things. People do desperate things when hungry!
@Bernie Cruz So how much of tax payer’s money did they spend taking Obama on his over 400 golf excursions smart guy? How much are they still spending for security on his outings to this very day?
Drump= Herbert Hoover
That’s how you get shot.
@Default Name ???
@Erth Mann Trust me, I have contemplated it many times. But I have roots, a solid business and a family that prevents me from leaving permanently. That said, I am a child of the 60s who grew up in a Republican family. My siblings and I all agree. Things have taken a nosedive in the US since we were young.
What’s more interesting is just that graph in general. So you have the roller coaster of Eisenhower in the 50s, then the rollercoaster from Nixon into Carter’s stagflation, then a huge spike under Reagan, a spike at the end of HW Bush’s presidency, a bump in the early 2000s from 9-11/tech bubble, then a spike from the Great Recession in 2007, and now a spike from Trumps bubble and Covid combined. Like I keep saying every Republican President in 90 years crashed the economy, and unemployment numbers tell that story as well…
You hit the proverbial nail on the head!!!
@Dirk Digler it’s just amazing to me that so many people fully believe only republicans can save the economy yet unemployment, income inequality, and market losses peak under Republican Presidents…
Freaking Allergies are getting to me, and I bought masks to help with allergies

@tintinesk I’m more balls deep in seeds. I’m limited to how much i can grow. That video I have is from a few years ago at my old house. I focus on breeding unique strains these days but always have a personal grow in place as well.
The seed industry is exploding right now so I’m trying to make a small mark in the world of strains.
help was there even for animals too I didn’t know until 4 months ago
@tintinesk puff puff pass
The Zombie Whisperer This is our amazon baby registry if you want to look at it. Thanks much love fam.
Please share that link also
@Kaylee Spillers
The stockmarket is not in the real world is because trump made the feds back up losses for large investors…..gambling losses backed by american taxpayers.
Unfortunately if you see them all fall as you wish… You will surely feel it too in ways you can’t imagine.
People are going to start going hungry and living on the street if this keeps up. We’ve got a president who is clueless and don’t seem to care
Big Paulie they already doing that
you must haven’t been to la in a while people all over the street
We need another stimulus period. $1200 didn’t last!!!
crumz o many unemployment is unemployment not food stamps

Hand these

Ben G them TVs though

brian gardner i’d be ok with this
Chris Pausenwein the average tent in Orange County California is &3.5k. I doubt we are getting $3.5k plus $2k.
@Chris Pausenwein Utterly ridiculous. You sound as if you have no choice in the matter except to be poor. Did you know that nearly all of the millionaires in our country are first generation and 80% of them received no inheritance money? It’s almost as if….they did it by hard work and saving. Gee, what a concept. Instead of having your hand out, how about asking your governor to let you go back to work so you can make money?
This is the most vertical spike in graph I’ve ever seen haha
Every one of Spanky’s business ventures has failed.
Nonessential business were ordered closed all at the same time, what else would the graph look like?
Keep laughing numb skull
open back up let the workers go back to work and the line will go right back down just has fast
Part time does not get unemployment even if they are working 2 or more part time jobs. What about those people??
@Bongo Fury You should take some advice and stop buying those $1000 iPhones, my $150 phone that is two years old works just fine, when I was 18, thirty years ago, I already had $12,000 saved up, that’s from working, mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow and working in the summers, these KIDS today only know how to play video games, facechat and snapbook. Where is my welfare check Mr. Trump, its pathetic.
michael P What about the latest Nike’s I must have……..????
@Bongo Fury To each their own, I prefer to have money in my wallet, my checking, my savings, my 401k, my coffee can in the cupboard and that secret stash the wife doesn’t know about.
michael P

Not the stash

@Bongo Fury I bought a new pair of Nike’s at the flea market for $10….brand new. Saved $60!!
Since the stock market is up, those who were already well off are doing just fine.
@Downright Dutch nobody’s gonna read that. Jesus is the personification of the sun.
@Michael Liles What is the link with buying stocks and hard work?
Dave Ponsford I work hard for money and choose to buy stocks. People act like you can’t be a blue collar worker and make money off the stock market. Like only rich people can invest. You don’t have to be well off for your net worth to grow.
Downright Dutch so sure are you?
@Michael Liles You miss the point, working hard has nothing to do with buying stocks. You can do similar by working hard and using the spare money on betting sports events, with the same level of profit. Is someone who buys stocks a hard worker if their money was a gift from daddy?
I thought it all went away in April, with the heat.
It didn’t really start, though. 75k dead is 0.002% of the country. Sad, yes, but not worth destroying your country over.
Football Nerd I hear Trump’s voice in my head daily saying, “Like a miracle, it will disappear.”
@JJoe It’s actually 0.02% and if it weren’t for the lockdown that figure would be way, way higher. This thing spreads exponentially if not supressed in some way so the figure could easily have been about 1% of all Americans.
@JazlDazl Phenol.
The lesson: Never Ever Vote Republican
It has never been more clear that the stock market is just an indicator for how well the rich are doing. People need to wake up and schools needs to start having financial curriculums in grade schools.
@Evil Spyke so you literally made close to what I make in a day? Do you see the failed logic here? That also isn’t guaranteed. Its completely random. Gambling if you will. Just because you win the lottery once, doesn’t mean you will every day

gothicman03, ya, but at least I tried. I just can’t compete with your pathos rhetoric. Well done kiddo. Good night.
@Robert Smith So when your 401k collapses and disappears, you will be happy to die than live?
@michael P If the dems want uneducated then why is it ALWAYS Republicans who cut education?
Why someone who does not own stocks would care about the stock market is beyond me.
Oh boy…America is soooo “great again”.
Toma Harley yea man keep going, show us all how great and original you are.. show us how your moral superiority manifests.
Ty Crane again, zero rebuttal

Toma Harley rebuttal to what? I’m cheering you on nazi hunter. Thank god we have good people like you bringing everyone together.
Ty Crane

@Lucius Kiirus no wonder your stinky country is filled with jeffrey epsteins and school shooter’s
You know it’s bad when you switch from numbers to percents
SaveClimate NOW! Percents gives more context than raw data.
You are so right it is politics on the worst, so un-american Instead of fighting and standing up and face the reality
it is a cover Up of the worst , from both Parties. They always say banana republic if they want to express a bad run country Personal I think it is worst then ever.
Chris Schmidt
Time to empty your pension funds, while you can. You may take a hit, but that’s still going to be WAY MORE than you’ll get for the next 20 years! Let the big businesses go under, rather than carrying them on your back for the rest of your days. And, vote the trump’s out! Or, say goodbye to your Republic, FOREVER
Ash Roskell people should not go that. The Dow is almost up 6k points. Most people invest in 401ks and those numbers are back up. If a person invests in individual stock then that’s an entirely different strategy.
i love how when its good times..we cant help the poor who would pay for it…free education healthcare…and when its a pandemic the answer is the same as expected so when can middle and lower class catch a break ???
Idk who actually thought the stock market represented the economy as a whole. If you believed that you’re a dense fartknocker.
Fartknocker, hmmmm, interesting.
Well technically the markets dropped however the feds injected more than 2 trillion dollars into the market so now it’s even better than pre Covid era.
@PsyQoBoy The economy will probably boom the minute quarantine ends. There is ALOT of money to be made taking up the slack of the last six months or so. And since China is basically a leper nation now, the part of the world economy that was there is now ours.
No one. And I mean nooooooo one is going to trade with them or in any way even talk to them now that we know 1) they are developing biological warfare weapons and 2) were so incompetent they killed off a huge number of their own people and infected the entire friggin world.
Every person on the planet is going to run from them lest they catch some hideous disease.
And more. Every nation on the planet is re-evaluating the consequences of giving even a single dollar to fruitloops like China.
As living in uk, I am seriously asking is this a comedy soap
That’s exactly what I think whenever I watch politics in the UK.
About as funny as the Rotherham cover up.
Every time the GOP always in less than 4 years ALWAYS SINK the US economy.
@Jeff Taylor We have 2 systems here Medicare and Medicaid, the Party of the rich and ignorant poor keeps pushing for Medicare for in even though Medicaid for all makes more sense. But don’t forget we’re in a different situation than you guys when Whitlam and Hawke brought in Medibank and Medicare
@Jeff Taylor Nothing would be any different if the president was a Democrat. Most deaths are in Democrat led states by far.
@Nissan370Z hahaha that’s quite a leap of logic my friend…. here’s why that is…. because cities and heavily populated states are all Democrat, because foreigners want to go to new York and California…. and come into those international airports
@Nissan370Z if you were trolling then thanks for the laugh, if you were serious then my apologies for laughing at you
@Old Computer most other countries are not having the same economic/unemployment issues as well.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
– Isaac Asimov
@Commentor1 sure
@Bennett McCoy found the Trump loving America hating traitor
@Commentor1 not if the ignorant endanger or negatively affect the lives of others.
@Jesushates6969 What about when the others endanger or negatively affect the lives of the ignorant? Goes both ways, dude. I think Existential Hangover
nailed it when he asked if the ignorant were the people who didn’t agree with something politically.
@Commentor1 nah he didn’t nail it on the head. and I only see one group endangering the lives of others. I bet this is what the North felt when the south was going to break off.
We aren’t the richest country, we are a country where a small minority of the richest people live.
Fact: ” The one percent needs the ninety-nine percent”