U.S. Intelligence Uncovers Russian Plot Offering Taliban Bounty To Kill Americans | MSNBC

American intelligence officials have concluded that a Russian military intelligence unit secretly offered bounties to Taliban-linked militants for killing American troops, according to new reporting. Reporter Charlie Savage joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 6/29/2020.
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U.S. Intelligence Uncovers Russian Plot Offering Taliban Bounty To Kill Americans | MSNBC


    1. @william doviak You have an interesting theory. You couldn’t be more wrong, but it’s interesting.

    2. Vote republican traitors out of the senate and out of the oval office. WE can make America great again.

    3. This is beyond disgusting and his many many many many awful and angry tweets are completely unacceptable. Maybe he should go live with Putin and be made to apologize to the soldiers sent to surely die, in an effort to control the path of destruction he has set upon. DISGUSTING!!!!!!!

    4. black lives matter motherfukers and antifa and Joe Scarborough for killing that staffer in his office.

    1. What retaliation is America gonna do? Trump is actually doing a smart thing by not doing anything for now. If we do some kind retaliation against Russia, it could escalate very badly possibly starting WW3.

    1. @william doviak Interesting theory, but I don’t see Trump dropping out. It would hurt his pride too much, and he would have to admit he was a loser. He will ride these next few months out, no matter what happens with covid, the economy, race relations, or Russian sponsored attacks on our military.

    2. And youre going on the fake news word yeh, the CIA reports to the New York times CNN has a bridge they want to sale you .

    3. @almostthere I agree. They are going to have to drag him out kicking and screaming (preferably in an orange jumpsuit with some fancy wrist jewelry). His egomaniacal need to be in the center has killed not just American’s, but several hundred Kurds b/c he wanted a deal from Turkey. He didn’t care then, he won’t care now, as long as it benefits him, he just doesn’t give a sh$# how many die.

    4. @kitty k It would be nice if someone in the media would revisit Trump’s policies in regard to the Kurds, since it establishes a pattern of behavior now. Also, on top of all this, I have just read that conversations between Trump and other world leaders have now been leaked to Carl Bernstein. There are many horrible conversations between Trump and Putin. This has got to stop!

    1. Remember the Democrats?Benghazi that was unacceptable ,newyork times,msnbc cnn,Russia, Russia, Russia give it a rest you lost the last election, and going to lose again ,With touchie,feelie , smell your hair ,where am I at Joe!


    3. @John Smith uuummmm, you do know many trump supporters have become EX-SUPPORTERS, that no longer supports trump.
      as to real info goes.
      as to those EX-supporters info goes.
      they many take to Biden, but, they want trump ought the WH.

    4. @Richard Moorhead will for a fact, it’s the other way around.
      you trump supporters bare a low IQ level. yet it’s you people that sites over to communist, socialist beliefs. the right { the confederacy } bunch of rebellious rebels.
      you can’t re-live those far off days of the confederate states.

    5. @Anthony Griffin remember, that all trump supporters are very capable of committing murderous massacres. just as those trump supporters committed those murderous massacres, those people they killed lies dead in those graves.
      serious Anthony, are you the next trump supporter to go out and commit murderous massacre. no joke, straight up. are you that next trump supporter to commit murder.

  1. So according to Trump all of your intelligence agencies brief Britain and other allies but leave Trump out of the loop. It actually sounds plausible. they briefed him but hid it where Trump couldn’t find it. In a written document. That is very cunning of the “deep state”.

    1. You speak of a conspiracy theory while stating the deep state as factual which is actually a conspiracy theory. Good job, you are stupid.

    2. He would be briefed because the uk prime minister was briefed by his intelligence and in turn briefed by our intelligence which means the president would be briefed as the possibility if this being brought up the uk pm or the uk ambassador to the US to the president considering Russia is a rival and major world power.

    3. @Lupin the 3rd

      Unfortunately Lupin the 3rd, when dealing with delusional Trump supporters, any kind of rational thought falls on deaf ears.

  2. anyone who finds this surprising hasn’t been paying attention… he’s already responsible for 125K american deaths…. js

    1. He showed no empathy for those who have passed away from COVID, absolutely no concerns for those who are still critically ill in hospitals , so yes, it is not surprising that he doesn’t care at all about the security of the American troops. Everyone is a number to Trump who undoubtedly doesn’t view people as human beings.

    2. @Ash Roskell Exactly. He’s supposed to be the commander in chief, but he’s selling out our troops to Putin and the terrorists. He needs to be removed from office immediately!

    1. I don’t care what anybody says. I’m not fighting the Russians. History has shown what happens when you do that.

    2. @cheeze nip No worries. It won’t be that kind of fight this time. It’ll be nuclear and both sides will perish.

    1. Joe Biden does not need to go after Donald Trump. He has to go after the number two man on the ticket Pence. Donald Trump will drop out of the race for two reasons. Number one he doesn’t want in the history book that Vice President Joe Biden beats Donald Trump in a landslide. And number two pence gets to be on the top of ticket that will bring Republicans back towards the ticket. I’m going to mention a third one president Pence will Parton Donald Trump to make it almost impossible for anybody to think about going after Trump once he’s out of office.
      If you agree pass it on

    2. The Trump tap dance begins…. “I don’t know anything about it”…. “The report is a hoax”. “It was somebody elses’fault…. “Well even if I knew about it, so what?” “It’s not that important” “I asked Putin and he said he didn’t do it”

  3. TRUMP to President Obama about LEADERSHIP:

    “Whatever happens, you’re responsible. If it doesn’t happen you’re responsible.” Nov. 8th 2013

    1. @Reuben Herrera Your concern should be about party (democrats) trying to destroy our country just to go after a president just for winning an election that he fairly won! by a land slide!! haha

    2. @Hector Perez no, you’re here to troll and project. There is plenty of proof, and you can find it yourself if you care to. If you can’t educate yourself its not my responsibility.

    3. @Ice 247 name call is all you have? ok then? they hate trump for stopping the flow of money America was giving them!! in other words No airplane full of cash from me!!

    4. @Hector Perez He is our current sitting president. He won it legally. I am not disputing that. Our electoral college put him in. Democrats did not ruin this country. It is our president running it into the ground. He is a liar, and a bad one. He does not care about you. But don’t worry…he has you to stand up for him. I am a Californian and liberal Democrat. I am gun owner. I believe in a women’s right to choose. I believe in aid to those in need. I believe in a strong military here and abroad. I believe in oversight. I want good infrastructure. Good business and good trade. Those items are all up for grabs with this man. You can blame democrats all you want; yet we did not put him in office…you did. You keep up the good work as is your right. No need to reply with snark. Message received. I agree with you still. He did win…but that was yesterday.

    5. We better be glad Trump inherited Obama’s economy because we now know for certain that he couldn’t have created a good economy.

    1. @doggo Bork-Bork Thanks doggo, I had a feeling there was plenty of back story to the security arrangements.
      Good luck from England.
      Vote the scoundrel out…

    2. @Deborah Freedman What’s the overwhelming majority of Dem education? Corrupt far left Professors corrupting the young into Marxists views. Those in America that get a college degree in ‘Gender Studies’ got more than they bargained for. Indoctrination.

    3. @Colin Cleveland yoa it was the Obama Era that gave China millions to work on the Corona virus, so I see that Obama is at fault. Secondly this make the 3rd pandemic out of China in 20 years.

    4. @bicanoo_magic THATS RIGHT! A.d they have been doing that since the late 50’s. Over time the redoric has become more socialist and more Marxist, not to mention it now starts in grade school!

  4. I just want a president that, has ONLY a scandal of wearing a TAN SUIT, or wanting Dijon mustard !!! Not treason 😒

    1. Ortum I know MSNBC would never report a story that wasn’t true just to make Trump look bad politically

    2. Bring back the guy in the tan suit, he understood to listen to the experts and act
      on their expertise. Not on the effects of 5 Hamburgers on the stomach ulcer.
      He never used Putins Playbook, that Trump takes to bed each night.

  5. Imagine being a parent or spouse of a soldier serving in Afghanistan and hearing about this. What a nightmare.

    1. I’m that child…I’d be lying if I said this didnt bother me after many years of service and unhealed combat wounds….even still…TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! through His Son Jesus Jesus Christ. AMEN

  6. To paraphrase Cadet Bone Spurs on McCain: “I like a president who isn’t owned by a Russian dictator.”

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