U.S. troops are preparing to head into Eastern Syria to keep oil fields from falling under ISIS control and they will work alongside Kurdish fighters – the same group the president ordered troops to abandon in Northern Syria. Founder of Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of America Paul Rieckhoff joins Stephanie Ruhle to discuss the latest developments in the Middle East. Aired on 10/25/19.
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U.S. Forces Preparing To Protect Syrian Oil Fields | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Trump hasn’t told the truth yet, so no one should expect him to start now.
When he says he cares about oil over people, that’s the truth
Everyone lies, even you.
Since Obama 2011 Syrian War has been about the oil fields. This is cleaning up his mess. Read a book, stop watching fake news.
@Zero Sum No, the war is about Assad being a dictator and about ISIS. Don’t be a moron.
Liar in chief
They are therefore used as a human shield to protect oil fields.
It was never a problem when brown man good was doing it.
Alex Ocasio-Gomez laughable little Gomey and more of his troll crap. What a tool
@Kevin stevens And you are not a laughable troll crap tool?
Franz IV and are you not a low iq Tool little Franny?
@Kevin stevens Nope
IN HIS attempt to dodge responsibility for his strategic blunder in Syria, President Trump has created a kind of parallel universe, at least on Twitter. In that world, “our soldiers have left and are leaving Syria for other places, then COMING HOME!” Mr. Trump tweeted that on Friday morning — even as his defense secretary, Mark T. Esper, was confirming that, in the real world, hundreds of U.S. soldiers would remain, along with tanks or other armored vehicles, to secure Syrian oil fields.
I thought all the American troops left Syria… By a lie, a man…annihilates his dignity as a man like mr Trump …
@Brian Smith
He should be hanged.
@Brian Smith nice turd polish, but seriously why don’t you go serve your orange Bonespured pedophile Fuhrer, by protecting oil.
@Brian Smith I don’t how you can keep following this utterly incompetent fool.
Easy. Keep uoto date with reality and stop watching MSM propaganda
There will be 4,000 troops there before too long.
They will all die and for what?
4000 is still but a small contingent in comparison to our military size.
@BC Bob still a pretty large number compared to the some 75 that were there before.
@BC Bob 4000 more than bringing our troops home.
They will join the 14,000 Trump has already deployed to the middle east since May.
US soldiers protecting putin’s interest ….. what is happening
@eurekajim #VoteBlue2020 Look another Yankee with no brain, best you can say to someone you disagree with is that he is a Russian bot ? No wonders you guys are being used like sheeps
@eurekajim #VoteBlue2020 P.S: And you still are waiting Meuller report ? Hahahaha it’s way too funny!
“Protecting the oil” equals stealing it from its rightful owner, the syrian government and no, this is not putins interest, this is typical us interest.
Not to protect allies but as oil company mercenaries. Trump looks to his own priorities as always
Helpin ISIS is democrats top priority because orange man bad.
syrian oil fileds are home for us soldiers ? king trump said he betrayed the kurds in order to send home his soldiers !?! waow
need to protect that sweet oil
Every step he take, every move he make is about corruption and bribe
A Hashimo
Crap lyrics, where did you get them from ?
This is what happens when someone is addicted to uppers!! When they are high, there mind is allover the place.
Who is the USA protecting the oil from, The Syrians, or their current best friend and ally, Turkey. And how long before the USA betrays Turkey like the USA betrayed the Kurds
This what happened when you let a baby drive the car.
The bottom-line with this story boils down to the usual: The President does not know what he is doing.
Trump is following Putin’s demands!
To him, there’s no difference between “president” and “poker player”.
When protecting minor oil fields will stand out as Trump’s signature achievement on foreign policy, you know this is bad. Leave the rest to the Russians.
Lol Trump said a week ago the oil fields had been secured. Just another Trump made up on the spot lie.
Troops coming home, ha, lets look after the oil first, always business first with Trump
Americans will not protect people (the Kurds), but will protect oil. We all know the truth- it’s only ever about the oil.
So they’re allowed to protect the oil, but not it’s allies
commander and chief knows whats best for our military. whatever putin and his top donors tell em to do.
We can’t protect them forever, they need to grow up
When this for profit war started there was a picture of a soldier protecting haliburton oilfields in iraq, trump is exactly like bush: unqualified & plunging the u.s into a depression.
Didn’t Cheney work for Haliburton?
Was the desertion of our Kurdish allies desertion in the face of the enemy
Sounds like the opposite of bringing troops home unless you’re unbelievably stupid.