U.S. Economy Added 2.5M Jobs In May | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The U.S. economy gained 2.5 million jobs in May and the unemployment rate dropped to 13.3 percent. Steve Rattner and Chris Liu discuss. Aired on 6/5/2020.
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U.S. Economy Added 2.5M Jobs In May | Morning Joe | MSNBC

U.S. Economy Added 2.5M Jobs In May | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Pancho Villa I too have tried talking with Sam and can’t reach him,I know he lives in his mothers basement,I suspect he’s stealing money from his mother to support his habit,so sad

    2. Let me see the economy lost 40 million jobs in the last 3 months but added 2.5 million jobs, that is still a net loss of 37.5 million jobs.

    3. @Bill Fuentes Good on you Bill,I’ve been trying to reach out to poor little Sam but he’s stuck down in moms basement and his mother told me that Sam has a crack cocaine habit, so sad.

    4. @anthony wright What?! Crack is whack Sam and to quote a former first lady who I imagine you wish were your mom, Nancy Reagan “Just say no to drugs”!

    1. @sonnyblack0870 It is not a long story. Just 2,5 mill. laid-off getting BACK to work. Not unemployed getting a job.

    2. @Sam Boudreau Could you be anymore infantile? The only looting occurring is over on Wallstreet and the criminal parasite class with their TRILLION dollar unsustainable handouts. Ewwww! Gross boot licker

    3. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/mays-jobs-report-brought-good-news-but-not-for-everyone/
      *Summary paragraph* “And while there are signs of a recovery in the data, there is also plenty of evidence that the rebound did not reach all corners of the economy, particularly the most vulnerable ones. For now, the best grade anyone can give the job market is an incomplete — with even more emphasis placed on the next jobs report, which will speak volumes about how to interpret this one.

    4. @Miss.Butterfly I am feeling at this time that I don’t want to vote RED or BLUE. Both are bad IMHO. America NEEDS better!

    1. @Mark Bullock Yeah, I’m fully aware of the skin burn issue. I ordered the hand wands, not the larger lamps. Usually I wouldn’t dignify anything trump says, but, as for what trump suggested, don’t hold your breath Mark.

    2. @Amaji Raines then you must be one smart cookie!! I was unaware of it before I bought one!! I figured they are used in tanning beds so they wouldn’t burn your skin!!

    3. @Mark Bullock From what I researched, UV rays will cause cancer if exposed for a prolonged period. You have three rays from the main UV light, the sun. You have UVA, UVB and UVC ( each have their particular wave lengths ), which all cause cancer, as fore-mentioned, which is why they strongly warn not to look at a UV light and not to shine it on your skin.

    4. @Amaji Raines ergo why I said you must leave the room while it’s on!! It only takes 20 minutes to disinfect a room and no radiation remains in the room afterwards!! I also already stated that UV lamps may burn your skin if you stay in the room while it’s still on, that’s why it comes with a remote control and a timer!!

    1. LOL I doubt anyone capable of critical thinking can believe ANYTHING coming out of Drumpf’s BS mouth.


  1. theres over 20 million who have filed for unemployment in
    last six weeks who hqve not had any payment total in 11 weeks 42 million so how is the.rate at 21 million in may at 13 percent and when there was 5 million in feb they dont add up ?

  2. NONE of the self employed people/small business owners were counted, EVER!
    OPEN OR CLOSED. They are the invisible members of society to this, and most administrations.

  3. That’s about how many people have had to take jobs delivering food and groceries. Not real paying jobs

    1. @I_am_me prob b in lockdown again…U.S. didnt follow guidelines n now we got too much corona floatin around…

    1. Unions fight for workers rights. They bargain for wages and benefits. They HELP workers. That’s why rich people don’t like unions and politicians (republican) oppose unions. They have never liked unions. They prefer slavery actually.

    2. @Virginia O’Flaherty agreed, but prepare for the onslaught of Foxtards who think today’s Democrat = a Southern slaveowner who voted for a political party by the same name 160 years ago.

    3. NO De St, you’ve gotten a broken hearted woman completely disgusted and infuriated by my party and it’s criminal complicity with fascist corporate tyranny.

    1. Manuel, the jobs were added to states that either never closed, or actually opened. If where you live is Locked Down, you can thank your Liberal Governors and mayors for high unemployment and riots.

    2. @Captain America Hail Hydra! Immortal Hydra! We shall never be destroyed! Cut off a limb and two shall take it’s place! We serve no one but the Master-As the world shall soon serve us!

    3. @Captain America I live in a state with a (R) governor, with both houses of the state legislature with (R) majorities, and it went to Trump by eight points. And oh yeah, we locked down hard and early and we are the best example of any of the larger states on how to have properly responded to the pandemic.

  4. You can not count people coming back to furlough jobs and jobs added!!!!
    The numbers are cooked…

  5. When numbers look very very strange – look harder. It is called investigative journalism.

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