Justice Minister David Lametti discusses the government's new legislation to target and freeze the accounts of donors to protest blockades.
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ENEMY! Almost time for counter action.
Can you specificy Dave?
No officer, I can’t.
Bouncy castles
WTF!!! These politicians are poking the bear.
Total disgrace
So turns out most donations came from Canada
. Do your own research 
This appears to be a failed state… Maybe just throw this governing body out fast?
Too bad Yanks like you can’t vote in foreign countries eh? Do you even vote in your own country?
The fact this guy is the spokes person for LaSalle Emard and Verdun is a laughing joke

1 time he’s been here and it was a photo op with police in front of an elementary school,also masks were off until the camera came out then back off when they put the camera away!
As I said before federal bank eg TD hacked, private lenders like servus credit union not as easy to access
Nov /4/2015 Treeedoooo said Canada is back . Lmao , what a joke .
Oh but it’s ok for them to have support from USA interest when they are running for office things have to change .
Justice Minister works in a submarine.
Dissent is not a criminal act! Shame on the Trudeau government
No, but purposely blocking traffic to protest is against the law unless one has obtained a permit to do so.
@Mark Green The government has bungled the response to this protest from day one. Look at the local protests in Quebec and Ontario – they were managed properly and the protesters quickly dissipated because Premiers Ford and Legault made it clear that the protesters’ message was being taken to heart. Trudeau has consistently been both weak and overly harsh, like a three year old throwing a temper tantrum
Yes the democratic government just takes too long lets just suspendvit. Lol
The “blockades” ended themselves; the government has absolutely no rationale. This government is horrible, quite literally.
outrage!!!!!!!! This is so wrong in so many ways!!!!
Notice how he uses his hand as a pointer like he’s some kind of politician running for office.
Oh wait, they pay his salary.
This Prime minister has lost his mental ability to lead. His ego and grandiose sense of entitlement has gone to far. Narcissists traits are not qualities that make a Prime Minister. I can’t understand why other Liberal MP s allow him to remain their leader?
The librerals stole enough money.
We all know the emergency act cannot be invoked legally
Name a bank who is not doing this. They will get my business .