U.S. Ambassador To Russia: Really Shocked By Yovanovitch’s Opening Statement | The Last Word | MSNBC

Michael McFaul tells Ari Melber that Marie Yovanovitch’s deposition before the House impeachment committees was “very clear,” “very diplomatic,” and firm in her admonishment of the Trump administration. Ari also discusses with Evelyn Farkas and Joshua Geltzer. Aired on 10/11/19.
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U.S. Ambassador To Russia: Really Shocked By Yovanovitch’s Opening Statement | The Last Word | MSNBC

Fmr Ambassador To Russia: "Really Shocked" By Yovanovitch Opening Statement | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. From that curmudgeon Don Surber:
      “There are no unintended consequences in politics. The mass media’s loss of credibility is deliberate — a campaign to end objectivity, which is the foundation of a free press.

      Consider today’s news that a former ambassador to Ukraine ambassador dumped on President Donald John Trump.

      The Washington Post reported, “Ousted ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells Congress Trump pressured State Dept. to remove her.”


      Ambassadors work at the will and pleasure of the president. Just as Jim Comey did.

      The press knows this but reporters and their editors believe readers are dumb enough to believe these people are above politics. Many reporters described the FBI as an independent agency. It is not, or at least it shouldn’t be because then it would turn into a nest of vipers.

      Remember Name That Party. It exposed the tendency of the press not to mention that the politician in a scandal was a Democrat as the reporter would bury the party affiliation in the story or not identify it at all.

      But in the Trump presidency, there is a new game in town: Obama appointee.

      In any story in which a government official speaks against President Trump or a judge rules against him, there is a strong chance that he is an Obama appointee, which the press will downplay or not mention.”

    1. Yep, isn’t that a shame. My question is this stuff going to change the minds of the brainwashed Trump supporters that would rather believe a lie than the truth?

    2. Why did this woman need to testify behind locked doors?  So this is the former Ambassador that denied entry VISAs to Ukrainian investigators who wanted to present evidence about DNC in Ukraine to our FBI?  Who the Ukrainian officials accused of telling them who they could and could not investigate?  After three years of crap it’s time to PUT UP OR STFU!!!  VOTE!  Give Republicans subpoena power…

    1. There will be plenty of leaks from the impeachment investigation – no rules apply here.

      That was basically decided by the White House – if they’re not going to play by the rules, neither is anyone else.

    1. Barr ,Jim Jordan, Lindsey Graham, trump only has to promise money and they will do his bidding, even though he never pays his bills

    2. Unfortunately we’ll have to see Conway more often now… It pains me to hear her lies even more than Rudy’s. At least there’s comedy in Rudy’s performance as he incriminates himself and his big boss

  1. Trump is so easily played. If he were honest and patriotic, this would not happen. Ego stroking, money, pats on the back, people pleasers, criminal activity, compulsive lying, all add up to this clown trump not being appropriate for office. He is not president, he is networking at any cost.

    1. From that curmudgeon Don Surber:
      “There are no unintended consequences in politics. The mass media’s loss of credibility is deliberate — a campaign to end objectivity, which is the foundation of a free press.

      Consider today’s news that a former ambassador to Ukraine ambassador dumped on President Donald John Trump.

      The Washington Post reported, “Ousted ambassador Marie Yovanovitch tells Congress Trump pressured State Dept. to remove her.”


      Ambassadors work at the will and pleasure of the president. Just as Jim Comey did.

      The press knows this but reporters and their editors believe readers are dumb enough to believe these people are above politics. Many reporters described the FBI as an independent agency. It is not, or at least it shouldn’t be because then it would turn into a nest of vipers.

      Remember Name That Party. It exposed the tendency of the press not to mention that the politician in a scandal was a Democrat as the reporter would bury the party affiliation in the story or not identify it at all.

      But in the Trump presidency, there is a new game in town: Obama appointee.

      In any story in which a government official speaks against President Trump or a judge rules against him, there is a strong chance that he is an Obama appointee, which the press will downplay or not mention.”

    2. Agree, the point of just how easily played he is tends to be overlooked. He covers with arrogance and ignorant bombast hoping it will carry the day. It doesn’t of course, as we are seeing now that the serious grown ups have joined the game.

  2. They should follow up on what the woman panelist said. All of those, like McGann, who said Executive Privelege etc stopped them from testifying, should be given one more chance to testify, and if they don’t, throw them in jail for failing to comply with a subpoena.. ALL of them, ministers and all.

    1. United States Supreme Court: US v Nixon – Executive Privilege DOES NOT APPLY TO A CONGRESIONAL INVESTIGATION!

    2. Absolutely, there is almost nothing more important than this because without it there is no accountability or justice and all you would have to do to avoid justice would be to join the Republican Party.

  3. Trump is corrupt to the core. It’s just a matter of time before he throws Rudy under the bus just like he did Michael Cohen.

    1. @James Lundberg 2 Really, James?!?! Listen to what Trump had to say at the rally in Minneapolis. Ask yourself afterward if he is a “good man.”

    1. @Paul Eccles “Clinton” is considered worse. Of course, there are two of them. Nixon will continue hold the title.

    2. @RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING he also failed to mention dragons, the Easter Bunny, faeries, a liberal Klan member and Trump acting selflessly. Just because all those things are figments of your imagination doesn’t mean you don’t desperately need them to divert attention from 45’s criminality.

  4. Trump was right when he predicted that “the woman” was “going to go through some things”.
    She went through the metal detector before going through the door into a congressional hearing room and then she went through a list of evidence that is quite bad for Trump

  5. Its staggering that a lawyer who became a mayor, fought criminal injustice so passionately has turned out to be the very creature he pursued. What a tragic end to a career.

    1. But I wonder if he’s becoming narcissistic if you think about the following:

      Once he left office, maybe he felt that not being in the spotlight anymore his name and everything he had achieved would fade out.

      Perhaps he felt that he had to keep himself in the spotlight and given there would be very little opportunity for him to do anything at state level (for which he could be called a hero), maybe he felt that by taking on interests at the federal/international level that he could come up with a way to appease his client Trump, and also create a scenario/scheme that if done successfully, could result in him being labelled a national/international hero again?

    2. It’s a good case study for you are who you surround yourself with, if you sleep with dogs you’ll get fleas…

  6. United States Supreme Court: US v Nixon Executive Privilege DOES NOT APPLY TO CONGRESIONAL INVESTIGATIONS!!!!!

    1. Why do you think Trumps team keeps asking for more time, they know theyll lose they’re just hoping they can spin it to the people first.

    2. Well Trump has his appointees lined up in the supreme court to dismiss his crimes. Kavanagh needs to be impeached while the iron is hot.

  7. “I heared bad thing about hear”, his definition of bad was probably based on the fact that she did wanted to cooperate with the WH plans/strategy! So to the press, ask what is “bad” !

  8. Twump says “I heard bad things about her “ – translation… she is a good, honest, respectable American citizen

  9. Marie Yovanovitch is a True Patriot and American Hero !
    Anyone that is ignoring a subpoena is part of the Conspiracy Against the United States .

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