Antonio Romanucci, one of the attorneys representing Tyre Nichols' family, describes what he saw in the video that led to the death of Tyre Nichols and the family's state now that the officers have been indicted. #CNN #News
Tyre Nichols family attorney: It was an MMA fight except only one side is MMA

noway i wld want to be in memphis 2morro night
Why? The officers were black…nothing will happen. If they had been white., Memphis would already be in flames, and the ‘grieving victims’ would be carting off 42 inch HD TV’s, shopping carts of liquor, diamonds and jewelry, etc., to let the world know how angry they are, and how they need to be compensated for their anger.
Cops were black, there’ll be no riots.
And since you don’t live there you’ll conveniently not be able to see that it’s going to be just another Friday evening. The “burning cities” myth is annoying and fake and I’m tired of hearing it from people who don’t live in the cities.
Unfortunately I have to drive to work in Memphis tonight, it’s Friday already, about 6 pm. I have faith in God and I fear only God.
Peace was never an option
Ask the cops
What do you say to this ? Monsters did this. Be safe everyone.
Been going on in Memphis..I was beaten as a kid 17yo. Jumped out a car and ran at 2 O’clock in the morning…not a stolen car a friend’s car…just ran underage driving and smoking weed..I actually ran home was caught 50ft. From my cop held me down with his foot on my chest and while they used Billy clubs..had a fractured jaw..I was so close to home.I too was calling for my mom. Thought I was gonna die…and they too was blk officers.all because they had to run and do their job to catch me..Prayers for the Family.
Maybe not being a moron would have stopped that from happening.
Everyone knows if the Cops have to chase you they bringing a whoopin with them.
Brutality coming out of a brutal nation, democracy is freedom to be brutal. Good luck diasporas! Watch you back!
The fact that officers been fired so soon, that Feds are investigating, that’s charges against police filed, that the police union hasn’t made any statement tending to support the officers involved, all while not even a sliver of any video of the incident has been released to the public (usually to sway public opinion to view the perspective of the arresting officer(s), tells me that this was a very bad and serious horrific incident on this young man. May he R.I.P. AND
up to his family!
Protest is always embraced – it the excuse to loot that makes it corrupt – There is more to the story that is being left out by the corrupt media. Your Cops may be corrupt – and there is no justification for this beating. You are right.
@Tobias Birmingham so he drove recklessly and ran from the cops. Or perhaps he resisted the cops. Are you saying then that the cops are justified in their brutalization of a citizen in their care?
well, the officers were all black, so…..
@Short Fuse finish your thoughts
Get a wonderful day fo Can you get home ok if we are going to go to the house tomorrow l Can get together sometime Yesterday and l Can get together sometime Yesterday and I l to be Of a lot more than yesterday but I’m kk FOX GAVINNE WSOM ARNOld Schwarzeneg LlVE ARNOld Schwarzenegger TONIGHT is it
ARNOld Schwarzenegger TONIGHT is it l Me Messages GAVINNE WSOM TOMORRO
Those cops just turned into a pack of wolves with badges, horrible.
Waiting & laying for their prey….. allegedly a cheating wife is at the root
Lowdown cop’s have always been everywhere in America, all races of law enforcement.
Came here because I thought this was actually MMA related
It is MMA related…but only on “one side”.
Allegedly a cheating wife is involved in the motive….no actual real traffic stop….just wolves stalking prey…… Allegedly….
was the beating seemed personal……
My initial
Yes! Why is she still alive?
Personally I was shocked that actions against the five police officers was so quick ,regardless of how horrible their treatment of Tyre Nichols was, but then my aha moment came when I found out the policemen were black!
They were all Black, the victim is Black so I am failing to see how this can be racially motivated. Ask the victim’s family if they felt it was racially motivated to charge the officers.
Did you see the video already? From what is being said, it sounds especially brutal. If it is that brutal… shouldn’t be a surprise.
Why were there 5 cops for 1 traffic stop? That screams overreach right out of the gate. It was a gang showing up to a fight. I would be freaked the F out, as a middle aged White woman, if 5 cops showed up to my traffic stop. Let’s look at how police action escalates. That is question #1.
I feel like I’ve heard this “he didn’t do ANYTHING” thing before.
Barbers caste system is used to undershave a high caste Bride grooms in marriage rituals to undershave
Please save humanity
Thambi சீமான்
நீங்கள் சாதி அடிமைத்தனத்திற்காக போராடினால் தான் மக்கள் உங்களை முதலமைச்சராக ஏற்றுக்கொள்வார்கள்,,,?
ஒருமுறை CM doctor கலைஞர் முதல்வர் தர்மபுரிக்கு சென்றிருந்த சமயம், சென்றிருந்த சமயம், கலைஞரின் உறவினர் ஒருவரை வலுக்கட்டாயமாக இந்த திருமணச் சடங்குக்காகச் ( kongu vellalar marriage rituals,,
கொங்கு வேளாளர் சாதியினர் அவரை இந்த,,செய்ய வற்புறுத்தியதால் அவர் இதை சொல்லி என் அப்பாவிடம் இதைப் பற்றி மிகவும் அவமானமாக
அழுதார் ,,
இந்த அடிமைத்தனத்தை எதிர்த்துப் போராட வேண்டும் என்பது ,,,வடிகால் சுத்தம் செய்பவர்களை கையால் வடிகால் சுத்தம் செய்ய அனுமதிக்க கூடாது, எனவே இந்த முடிதிருத்தும் வேலையை மணமகன் சுயமாக ஷேவிங் செய்s வேண்டும,, undershave
Shame to TAMILS,,
Especially doctor KALAINGER’s relationship
தம்பி சீமான் Barbers caste system, slàvery,, மற்றும் வடிகால் துப்புரவு தொழிலாளிகளை ஆதரிக்க முடியுமா நீங்கள் சாதி அடிமைத்தனத்திற்காக போராடினால் தான் மக்கள் உங்களை முதலமைச்சராக ஏற்றுக்கொள்வார்கள் இல்லையெனில் நீங்கள் உயர்சாதி இந்துக்களின் ஏஜெண்ட,,,
Some are already speaking in public,,,
Seeman is a slave to his wife and her devars or gounders caste ,,,(; ANAMALAI,)
I’m not from the US. Always confused why in the US people always run away from Police during routine traffic stops. Why does this happen? Surely most people comply? It seems people die when they resist and run. Why not just do as asked?
It’s mostly blacks who run like bitches from the police, they’re scared of the police
This was a set up.
Cops are corrupt and murderous in the US. That why people run.
Change takes time but w/each case in which officers r held accountable, we r getting closer to changing the culture of police, as well as other first responders. When we were all around 1yr, we may not remember, but we fell down a lot as we learned how to walk. Our police depts r learning how to walk and how to break the bad habits some of them have had. If u protest, please do so peacefully. If white far-right terrorists (they usually have no other interest aside from criminal behavior) show up to use ur peaceful protest as an opportunity to commit crimes and make the everyone believe that BLM or antifa r terrorists just like the far-right republicans, try to get the peaceful protesters away from those w/ulterior motives.
This is an atrocity. Maybe it will bring the needed changes, Finally.
I’ve not seen any statement from TN’s hair sprayed Senator
They beat the brakes off that poor sweet picture of innocence.