Tyranny Expert: Like Past Authoritarians, The Truth Doesn’t Matter To Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Timothy Snyder, the author of 'On Tyranny,' reacts to Trump using his aides to act on his falsehoods and how that behavior puts democracy at risk. Aired on 10/01/19.
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Tyranny Expert: Like Past Authoritarians, The Truth Doesn't Matter To Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. *We needs to stop putting this all on Donald. This is the REPUBLICANS doing.* They voted for him. They support him. They protect him. They obstruct for him. They coverup for him. He could do nothing without them, they share equal blame.

    1. @9 GOD Are you to even view the Republican voters as fellow Americans? Their authoritarian/fashist ideas and wishes are what Trump promised and delivered.
      Edit: They seem to see the president as some kind of king. Very weird. I also ead a very interesting piece on reddit: “Not our countrymen anymore: Why the common Republixcan is evil personified.” A bit cartoonish, but interesting.

    2. Unicorn On The Cob The republicans are the ones that got us in to the wars we are today…. by lying to the whole world

  2. You have a right to meet your accuser individual 1, but only in court. Hopefully your wish would be granted.

    1. Marky E spend some time reading the comment section of Fox videos. These people want to be lied to, really hate if Fox does tell the truth.

    2. @Dave Ponsford …back in the day religious cult members were proactively deprogrammed. members of the Trump Cult will need no less.

    3. DivineHeresy, you make the same dumb mistake every Trump moron does. Nobody likes Hillary, politicians do lie, but none of them tell so many, or such stupid and pointless ones. Plus even the odd person who supports her, wouldn’t be so dumb to pretend the lies are truths.

      The moronic Trump cult members, believe ALL the lies he tells and make excuses for it.

    1. @Mr. Precedent FAKE NEWS! These Democrat criminals are trying to obstruct Obamas Spy Gate Investigation and Quid Pro Quo Joes BILLION dollar shakedowns of China and Ukraine. This Fake NEWS CRISIS Outlet is run by psychos. You’ll see! Look at Lyin Brian Williams delivering it roflmao

    2. @Randy Sanders – Get out of here with all that asinine conspiracy nonsense… do you know how idiotic you sound?

    3. Randy Sanders scary how some of u believe Trump over the free press, Trump is a proven serial liar and conman…yet sadly, u greedily drink the kool-aid.

  3. Is it recoverable? Only if America ends this ridiculous excess of power from the executive and presidential control of its judiciary.

    1. Defenders of the Constitution are circling the wagons, Congress, media, Southern district of Ny, etc. We are seeing a play out of the Nazi regime in the WH. They have to be dismantled. Allowed to get away with this sets us up for a dictatorship in the future.

  4. Ugh, i dont want to see trump invited to all the things old presidents are invited to. Strip his title and paycheck.

    1. I was in the Children’s Section of the Public Library. There, in the books about Presidents, is his photo. ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING. He just doesn’t belong there. He’s not like the others.

    2. Jason N Yeah, this Trump criminal must never be part of the former presidents club. He must never get any retirement payments and let him pay for his own security. Actually the best security for Trump is in prison, where he belongs for the rest of his miserable life.

  5. Every time trump overestimated his properties for the banks , every time he underestimated his properties for his taxes, every time he paid his women with campaign funds, every time he used charity money for his personal use, every time he scammed his insurance he should get jail time.

    1. @alfa zulu yes 18 criminal cases in NY DISTRICT which include bank and insurance fraud.
      What rock have you been under?

  6. I recently read ON TYRANNY, by Timothy Snyder, which was excellent! He is knowledgeable, sensitive, and insightful. Let’s hope we get out on the other side of all of this.

    1. Dont forget its about undoi g a legal election…..thats a direct quote from jerry Nadler…..in 1996 just a coincidence that the president impeached at thst time was a democrat right?

    1. @Rob Simpson Clinton and Prince Andrew also are suspect. I believe it was a unanimous effort by Clinton, Prince Andrew AND Trump. Epstein was connected to many powerful people on BOTH sides of the aisle.

    1. Emiliano Zapata Please understand that in 3 1/2 years my best friend daughter graduated with a preMed.. what has the Democrats accomplished??? NOTHING Absolutely NOTHING…. 😂🤣🤡🌎🐂💨


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