Fmr. HUD Secretary and fmr. San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro weighs in on the problems in Texas following a crippling winter storm. Castro also discusses Sen. Cruz's controversial departure and return to Texas following the storm. Aired on 02/22/2021.
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#Texas #Storm #MSNBC
TX Officials At The State Level Not Doing Their Jobs, Says Fmr. HUD Secretary | Morning Joe | MSNBC
They voted for tRump, Abbot, Cruz, Coryn and etc. What do these men have in common? Ineffective.
Greedy, cruel, depraved, wicked, death cult—week after week, months on end, year after year!
@William H Music 2021 not a death cult!
All those above mentioned are bought and paid for by fossil fuel corporations. Not one of them works for the people of Texas. Cruz went as far as abandoning his duties and claimed there was nothing he could do when he fled to Mexico…
@John Bohica LOL…is that an elaborate joke? It must be, because what you stated is not possible. Quite a sense of humor. I especially like the part about the lizard people
@Allison Franks Great comment, I wish more had a similar logical, intelligent outlook on politics. It’s a true shame people distort and pervert The Bible to suit their own needs, especially political ones. There is a good reason one of the founding principles of this Nation is the separation of Church and State. Extremism in any sense is bad, add religion, which connorates blind faith, and requires allegiance to central ideaologies, discourages questions of logic, and you have something potentially dangerous.
Republican response to California emergency: “Your blue state sucks! Haha!”
Democrat response to Texas emergency: AOC raises $5 million for Texas.
@Altrusian WolfDog but what happened in Texas was that they were warned 9 years ago that their systems needed to be weatherized, after the last disastrous winter weather. Why that didn’t happen, I don’t know. But I dare to assume that greed and not wanting to spend the money necessary for this to not have happened. It is a catastrophe, and it is even more hard to accept when it was preventable. But that’s just the way I see it. The taxpayers money should be used to make the populations lives better and more safe. Sadly, profit came before people and some died because of it. And the ones that didn’t perish are dealing with horrible conditions right now. Hopefully, this will be a wake up call. Sadly it had to come to this. But it did, and now, maybe, hopefully
will prioritize what is important for the communities they are responsible for can function properly.
@Altrusian WolfDog
I heard that the Repuglikans in Texas Are Blaming China for those power outages !
They are claiming that China STOLE all their electricity, loaded it into shipping containers and Shipped it off to China!
@Colin Mahoney I’m sure there are idiots that will believe it, the rest of us are laughing at those so dependent upon electricity when it gets taken away it becomes life threatening….One small step for collectivism, one giant leap for self-reliance…
@Altrusian WolfDog Once in a 100 year weather event is NOT a 1 in 100 event when it happens twice in 10 years.
Texas KNEW about how weak their network was after it failed 10 years ago. They had the chance to fix it, the GOP CHOSE not to.
That is what makes the GOP response and actions so moronic.
@Peter T To me it’s not a matter of a weak system, they are all vulnerable to something including human error and natural disaster…….What I take away from this is don’t rely on electricity as your only source of heat and energy..I’m sure millions of Texans would concur..
Republicans will blame someone else for their incompetence !
Just the Church of Baby Cheesus following the gospel of their Toddler Messiah.
They blamed wind turbines, AOC, California (somehow), and Democrats in general. That was just the first day of this completely avoidable catastrophe that Republicans brought upon the State of Texas.
Ha. Ha
Why accept blame when you can blame AOC? Or Pelosi. Or…
I hate regulations , big government and accountability. -texas
Now when the ish hits the fan they cry out for help . This is the true gop way no accountability but when they need help it’s a priority
@Bastiat C
I heard that the Repuglikans Are Blaming China for those power outages in Texas!
They are claiming that China STOLE all their electricity, loaded it into shipping containers then Shipped it off to China!
@Bastiat C this is the third time this has happened in texas…1989 federal investigation revealed facility’s need to be upgraded and winterized…2011 it happened again this federal investigation found the recommendations from 1989 were never done and now it was recommended that these be done to prevent catastrophic failure resulting in death and damages in property….2021 well we know what happened , this info isn’t hard to find if you just search for it people here put the evidence but yet there is always the ones who deny saying they want proof and then when they get it they still call it fake ….search the info and facts or quit arguing with what is shown and proven
Isn’t accepting help from the Federal Government socialism?
@Lilac and you are not?
One of the biggest lies conservatives like to tout less regulations well look at the ridiculously large bills there getting.
@D.B. Cooper but they will the gov of Texas is blaming the green new deal which is not even implemented only an idea
@West coast yeh I know but thier supporters won’t understand that, they only believe what they had from them.
@D.B. Cooper exactly look at Ted Cruz
“You can take my wealth!! But….you can’t…take…my….FREEDOM!!”
@Michael Bray my freedom protects me from pandemics lol
Didn’t want to be regulated on the national grid. They voted for this. I don’t want anyone to die but this is what they voted for. Always voting against your best interest when you vote republican.
@Never.the.last. lul I’m not sayings Dems are perfect but will cruz ran to mexico, AOC FROM NY WAS RAISING MONEY FOR TEXAS.
@CJ Tymczak
Didn’t Texas Vote to leave the UNION!
Didn’t the Texas Republican talking heads float the idea of Secession very recently? Surely they won’t accept help from the Federal Government, that would be screamingly hypocritical. Oh, wait…………………
@CJ Tymczak My friend is so pro Republikkkan I told him to move to TX.
What a great point! ” You can’t put people in charge of government…
who don’t believe in government.” That’s crystal clear.
“Government cant do anything right, put us in charge of it and we’ll show you what we mean.” –GOP
Wow after criticizing California officials
just a few months back for FAR LESS of a mess
Just like a Republican ! Won’t do their jobs but point fingers at everyone else
That’s the life of Republicans. Blame others…screw everyone else.
I’m having a hard time with this. TX has just the Power system that they wanted. They didn’t want federal regulations on power to encumber them. They elected officials that implemented these policies. Now they are a Federal problem anyway. Thanks much to the people who’s elected officials that attempted to regulate other state’s voter regulations (My State included). I don’t want people to die but I can’t see that this is any other problem than a TX problem.
Except Texans are still Americans. We are the United States. I agree with you, but “When they go low, we go high.”
Republicans, use a Democrat emergency to try and score political points. Democrats go to help without asking for praise, knowing they’ll still be looked down upon later.
AOC and Beto O’Rourke raise over $5 million to help Texans, neither of which hold public office in Texas, while Cancun Cruz goes on vacation then stages a fake photo op.
Cancun Cruz

@joh rut TED was CRUZ-IN Mexico whilst Texas and his snowflake was a FREEZIN!
Hey Texas, remember who came to your aid, the Democrats and Independents. Remember who failed you and put you in this situation in the first place, the GOP. Your voice can count with your votes in 2022 and 2024. If you don’t like what has happened, maybe it’s time you guys rethink who you want in charge of your state. And I’m talking all up and down your official elected officers, state legislators, judges, federal congressmen/women. Only YOU can change who works for YOU.
It’s really hard to feel bad for places like Texas, Kansas, and Florida. You get the policies and politicians that you vote for.
Yeah but I feel bad for those that voted blue and got dealt with this
@Erica Espinosa Agreed and that’s why we need to keep pumping more Democrats and progressives into Texas. That entire state is right on the edge of flipping to blue.
Not really. Pretty easy.
Add Oklahoma. Kansas and Oklahoma both installed very right wing tax cuts and deregulation under Obama’s first term, during his second term Oklahoma and Kansas begged for him to save them when they weren’t going to be able to pay police or teachers…
AOC “I just raised $4 million for people in Texas.”
Ted Cruz: “I just ordered a margarita at the Cancun airport bar.”
Gov Abbott: Windmills!!”
Yup, I’d say that pretty much covers it.
5 million so far.
That should be a warning; “You can’t put people in charge in government who don’t believe in government in the first place.”
Criminals and Corporations don’t like laws and regulations. Corportions=Criminals
My god they arrest a guy in Plano Texas for walking home from his job during the snow storm pathetic
Texas officials: “We’re not here to help you, you’re on your own. We’re only here to get paid.”
I just can’t believe Texas has not yet ran Cancun Cruz out of Texas.
i’m a democrat in NYC and i can’t believe we haven’t ran schumer, deblasio and Cuomo out of new york. did you know that chuck schumer wanted to build a wall before trump even ran for president? he demanded it in front of congress. the problem is heard mentality. there are a sea of morons out there who will vote to keep garbage in office just because they have a D or an R next to their name.
@Abraham Lincoln what about what about what about what about what about what about