Trump's White House is enmeshed in the politics of race exactly two years after the violent marches at Charlottesville. Meanwhile, Trump is fueling conspiracy theories about the death of Jeffrey Epstein. Phil Rucker, Annie Karni, Michelle Bernard discuss.
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Two Years After Charlottesville, Trump Stokes Divisions With Rhetoric | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
The guy is satans sleeper cell .
Mr T. : Get the message, America. DIVISION is the SOURCE of Trump’s POWER. “Unity,” and the very idea of a, “United States,” of America, is Trump’s Kryptonite. DIVISION is what got Trump in power; DIVISION is what has KEPT him in power; and he’s COUNTING on DIVISION to retain that power, in 2020. If we keep GIVING him that power, it will WORK . . . Smh
Mr T. : I pity the fool who disagrees with you
john Quillan : You are the one who should be embarrassed, son. It’s effeminate of you to keep hiding behind the Clinton’s skirts. Especially since Conservatives want Trump in jail too
Does that mean you’ve given up on pretending he is a Kremlin sleeper cell?
@john Quillan dont forget that Democrat Hillart won the individual vote, millions of votes over this Clown President. This time so many Republicans have already flipped and other, still Republicans, will remain within the party but will not vote for him. So, don’t be so sure about Trump’s win. And if he does get re-elected I am sure that he will regret it because people, The People, are going to be very unhappy.
Trump sinks deeper and deeper into a mire of his own making, we can only hope its goes over his head soon
James Dyer
He just doesn’t learn… there’s never a hint of complexity, subtlety or depth with him. He’s so petty.
@Fernando Castillo The emptiest vessels make the greatest noise
For every lie he tells, he should sink 1 inch deeper into the wood chipper, feet first. See how many he’ll tell then.
@Purpl3 Grape I would pay money to see it
@James Dyer Wow, you’re some sick betas over here. Do you sickos like kicking puppies and burning cats too? Does it make your shrunken little egos swell to the size of a pea?
He’s touting all these conspiracy theories to distract from his Racism!
kay armstrong What exactly has he said that was racist?
Or are you like all the other democratically owned slaves and only parrot what you’ve been told by your democratic slave owners?
What racism?
To distract from the real suspects — himself & his personal lawyer, Barr.
Notice the two recently created bots: martin Feliciano & barry Powell didn´t bother to capitalize the first letter of their First Name…who does that?! And two people on the same comment string, singing the same weirdo tone and theme??? Straight outta RTN and Alex Jones…
Russian mercenaries in the news have em out in droves… check out the cnn vids
Can we make the day Trump leaves office an unofficial holiday?
Let’s celebrate!

That is a fantastic idea..The world will also celebrate and will be able to take a breath..We are waiting…
How about an official holiday! He WILL be remembered for years.
And another holiday– La Fiesta del Croako the Cheeto– when he dies.
Are you sure he’s leaving?
A SECOND New Year’s Day! Super! You bring the noisemakers, I’ll bring the mulled cider. (It will be JANUARY, of course)
This is not about bad language!!!
This is about tax cuts for the rich, horrible economic policy and corruption in the whitehouse!
Horrible economic policy? EVERYONE hates record low unemployment and a stock market through the roof.
@Walt Schmidt You can thank Obama for that… and you can blame Drumpf for the slowdown in the economy’s growth since Obama left.
@James Schultz Exactly. Same as when Bush W. taking a well worked economy from Clinton and running it into the ground.
Doesn’t Trump realize he sounds like a creepy vaudeville act when he Talks. His ignorance conspiracy lunacy and racism makes him sound like a ridiculous joke add the vile insensitive tweets and he becomes a horror movie clown.
After 2.5 years of Russia Collusion Delusion I can be tolerate of his conspiracy theory, as far as racism, what has he ever said that was racist?
Alicia Taylor yes
Prove racism or shut up.
@Walt Schmidt I don’t have to prove it Trump already did that for himself if you don’t see it your watching fox or deaf , turning mexicans into a targeted race ,calling refugees an invasion a particularly well used ploy of white separatists to create hate, telling women of color to go back where they came from on and on and on from before he was president educate yourself don’t expect me to do it.
Alicia Taylor yet your subbed to msn the irony is very strong in you.
couldn’t someone tell trump that there are other peoples living on the same planet than himself?
“First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Martin Niemoller
A heads-up for those who think 45 will look after them. He won’t. He’ll be gone soon, so revisit your consciences and values now.
DivineHeresy : You mean, because it’s a different flavor of Nazi, that’s OK, with you? You can’t deny that, while not all Trump fans are Nazis, ALL NAZIS are Trump fans. They’re willing to, “compromise,” for now, targeting people of color, because that’s an EASY kinda’ racism, that doesn’t demand brain power, or background checks. But, they’ll come for you too, eventually. Remember I told you so, when they’re kicking in your front door, won’t you? . . . Smh
kozmic zian : Martin Niemoller; you must have missed it? He accredited it, at the end. Niemoller was a Christian activist, in Germany, during Hitler’s rise to power. He was jailed, and came out, weighing half what he did, when he went in. The Nazis didn’t like his Christianity. His biography is a pretty good read
0:26 This is why the media and everyone else thinks he’s racist. In fact, he said both side knowing he has supporters who are WS.
He is an illegitimate president
He falsely won
He has been the apprentice president
Still faking it
Michelle Branch fake president his fake marriage and his fake son baron
November 2020 we get to tell him, “You’re FIRED!”
Here’s a thought. Stop following Trump on Twitter!
Or send him regular, daily reminders of how few days he has left? It’s currently 448 days until…
Whats twitter
@DJ Thickemz It’s a time-wasting, soul-sucking toy for gossips and overgrown children.
oh NOW the Mooch is alarmed? what a slow guy. nice and well-mannered, but slow.
Ignore the Mooch. He’s nothing but a fickle opportunist.
The sooner Trump leaves office, the sooner he goes to prison.
Only problem in America is your college system

What crime?
We will see when he goes, he’s scared that’s why he he thinks he has to stay in power. FBI, CIA got him down.
Actually When POTUS TRUMP Leaves Office if the Demoncrap Politician get Back the Presidency, American Citizens Will no Longer Decide Anything for Themselves Since Satan and the NEW WORLD ORDER Will Decide Everything you Think, Do and Say for you!!! Our Great Country America Will be Turned Into a Third World Country Like Bangladesh or Worse!!!
MAGA Trump prison2020
Just getting around to realizing the “Orange Sphincter DORK” is a racist? Shark bait would be the finest ending for this excuse of a human being.
Not going to happen sharks aren’t stupid. They would never eat anything that toxic.
Vote vote vote Trump out in 2020 before there is no more USA
No this is not a “strategy” of Trumps reelection campaign. No strategy, Trump is being Trump. He’s a danger to Americans! Good day all *=)*
The grand wizard in chief wants you to believe that he’s the fire chief, when in fact he’s the arsonist.
Good analogy.
Hope when they drop him for 2020 he goes to jail with all his family and all who follow him in the white house
What crime? Still waiting.
#45 – the most divisive fraud to ever infect the government.