Two teens are tackling Covid-19 through science and innovation

As scientists around the world race to find a treatment for the coronavirus, two teenagers among them stand out. 14-year-old Anika Chebrolu and 18-year-old Taft Foley spoke with CNN’s Chris Cuomo about the work they’ve done with treatment and testing for Covid-19.
#CNN #News


    1. Hello,
      It is a pleasure to meet you up online here. Like to tell you that I like to make new friends with people who enjoys the company of another and happy with the gifts of life.

    1. @NIKE FAN XOXO Besides call u ignorant? Call u stupid, childish, petty, a hater, maybe a racist, tell ur moma take ur phone b4 you get yourself in trouble….FOH 👌🏿👌🏿✌🏿

    2. Come on guys… Put your handbags/purses away. These are two exceptional young people that have certainly earned my respect. They have bright futures ahead of them. Well probably hear about them again

  1. yooo my boy taft on the news! met him at a summer camp years ago awesome kid super nice and hilarious he got along with everyone. keep it up bro!

  2. Congratulations to these two from Texas… A great big congratulations to Taft for his scores. Wish both these amazing young people very bright futures and for knowing there are children out here wanting to make changes for the better.

    1. @Kimberly how infantile. Gathering you’re for the one who wants to make our country like Russia, so sad. Either that or you’re a spammer

    1. @Child of God Thank you for telling people the gospel. Jesus Christ said the gospel needs to be told to ALL people(Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15).
      All people sin and thus all people need a savior. And that savior is *Jesus Christ.*

    1. @Raad Almansoori even more of a reason why you should get of YouTube and do something with your life instead of pushing false narratives and hating on kids who are smarter than you and are doing something meaningful with their lives

    2. Donato Davis are you stupid ? do you know how to read ? I’ve complemented them not hate them. I push true narratives so smart kids will never have to be fooled like fools like you.

    3. Donato Davis yes I did I was going to do a second comment but why make two when you can edit and put more, that’s why YouTube has the option for edit. Something my and our young Generation z use.

  3. Let’s stop looking at age. thats a construct. they embody the intelligence of All Mighty God. there are no limits nor boundaries.

    1. And the young black man too boo . Stop the madness 98% in the world did you her that part boo. I am overjoyed for both of them and you should be too. Thank you dear Lord praise your Holy name for them.

    2. Why is it you racists call minorities articulate when they speak proper? That’s a pretty racist way of thinking.

    1. 🟩 CDC acknowledges that only 6% of all deaths listed covid-19 as the only cause of death. All other deaths listed covid-19 and other reasons. Doctor wasn’t sure what the cause of death was. If you can’t find this yourself on the CDC website look at this link which will show you how to find it on the website.

      CDC: 6% Of US COVID-19 Deaths List COVID-19 As Only Cause Of Death – First State Update

    2. I think that I now understand why Donald Trump had to be impeached: to protect Joe Biden from ending up in jail for his multi-billion dollar fraud. But my question now is: why did they do all this, just to protect corrupt Joe Biden? There must be some reason. Does the corrupt Biden family dynasty have something on the Democrat party? Surely they could have found a LESS CORRUPT candidate than Biden, and they wouldn’t have had to go through all this for Corrupt Demented Joe.

    3. Breaking News AP: Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation ( FBI) have confirmed today that Hunter Biden’s Laptop is his and not part of a Russian Intelligence Disinformation operation. Biden Campaign has not deny the authenticity of the Hunter Biden Emails. FBI has confirmed they are in possession of Hunter Biden’s Laptop. *****************

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