A four-year-old boy and his 10-year-old sister have died in hospital after being struck by a car in a Vaughan, Ont. over the weekend.
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No words needed…
There is no words very heartbreaking
I was a professional truck driver for 20 years and IMO 16 yr old kids should have to start out driving 3 cylinder cars and graduate up from there.

I whole heartedly agree with you. I’ve driven bus for over 35 years. I’ve witnessed new drivers
get tested, should be failed, and amazingly pass. I believe in a graduation through horsepower,
and vehicle weight. Too many adults with the money to buy RV’s with zip experience to handle them.
At least take a provincial course similar to an F license, and the need to prove worthiness to MTO.
Exactly. If the parents actually let him drive something as powerful as a Mercedes, then I’d like to know what the hell they were thinking.
@SparseGaming they clearly weren’t.
So he was violating the G class system, acelerated with faulty brakes, then tried to dodge the murder scene. Why is this not murder charges? They are dead. He caused that.
Our justice system is a joke. This punk will probably not even get jail time.
He wasn’t drunk so it’s less likely they he will get any jail time. This is Canada for you
It’s unfair that there has always been two justice systems.
@HelTra91 All I can say is Marco Muzzo, killed 3 children and their grandfather, drunk, didn’t even do a year per person, something is very wrong with the system.. My condolences to the family, cant even imagine what they are going through..
@David McCombagreed, and this POS is probably going to get an even lighter sentence.
Don’t let the fast n fury wannabe drive on the road
@Maurizio Bevilacqua.
Speed bumps go on these streets.
Emergency services tend to oppose speed bumps. Slows down response times.
you cant cover the world with speed bumps. accountability is what is needed, athough that might be a difficult concept for some of you to understand. it means taking responsibility for your own actions.
@Travis Glenn I agree with you, just throwing a solution out there..
Yeah tell that to Alexa Middelaer.
@redngolden and you must mean her mother Laurel

Linda and Mike probably aren’t thrilled that you posted their personal letter with their phone number on it! (@48 sec mark)
Hello friend, sorry for intruding into your privacy, but I wish to write to you. How are you
Yeah! They should have blurred that out. Dummies!
Nothing on TV is a coincidence. This sounds like a psyop.
That’s so not cool. The network should know better that’s a personal letter.
misery loves company
change the age of getting a license from 16 to 21 in Ontario simple as that.
Or tougher laws!!!!!!
@Canadian Nomad Look at the courtrooms in Ontario, it’s filled with youngsters from 16 to 20 who are charged distracted driving, some got a ticket some got probation.
Well… then lower the age of needing to support oneself, right? C’mon. These rich kids need to be barred from high speed capable vehicles. Don’t punish everyone for the crimes of entitled little fucks who have a Mercedes handed to them at 16!
Common sense to slow down and keep eyes open on residential area., isn’t it … otherwise, to me , one KNOWS accidents/deaths are waiting
Rich, entitled 16 year olds notwithstanding, obviously.
This is heartwrenching. My condolences to all involved.
The teen better goes to jail no matter how old
Totally agree he should never see daylight
I’m am so sorry for your loss .
The charges are extremely light imo I hope the family gets their justice
it’s tough.. my condolences …
Rich kids, whatcha gonna do???
Absolutely disgusting. Rest in Peace to these two angels lost way too soon.
Hopefully that teen driver never gets paroled!
I hope they severely punish the teenager for knowingly breaking the driving rules.The teenager will turn into an adult and will only Break The Driving Rules again if they are not taught right here right now the consequences of their unlawful/illegal actions.
Daddys Mercedes go BRRRRRR
16 to young ti drive that me saying u all can say what ever !