The body of a man who exited an aircraft mid-flight during an emergency landing near Raleigh, North Carolina, has been recovered, authorities said. CNN's Nadia Romero reports on the investigation into his death.
Two pilots took off in plane, but only one was left when it landed

I believe he went to check the tire situation and opened the cargo door..then accidentally fell to his death.
At operational speeds you can’t accidentally open the door there’s extremely heavy wind pressure against the door.
it seems pretty obvious
Doesn’t sound too mysterious if you watch interviews about it and look at the timeline.
He likely wasn’t wearing a harness to keep him inside the plane while trying to assess the problem with the landing gear and got sucked out at 4,000 feet.
Just a terrible accident, a critical mistake.
@Calvin Abbott no brain? Good on you.
@Calvin Abbott agreed
Accidentally fell. So sad.
I’m no detective or anything, but how about you just ask the other guy in the plane what happened.
It’s elementary, dear Watson.
would be a good place to start
Nope, we’ll just never know.
Seriously did you say he may have jumped to save his life because he was afraid of landing without gear? I’ve watched a lot of airplane videos and one young girl on her first solo managed it. Therefore I think not.
No pilot would do that ever period.
The main theory is that he was trying to check the gear by looking out the door
Yes let me take my chance with gravity… over a plane that can still glide..
Because you were in the plane with them and you know exactly what happened, right?
The pilot surely knows what happened. He was also in the cockpit.
Yeah, this pilot’s got some answering to do… He doesn’t radio to the tower that his co-pilot fell or jumped from the plane? That’s off the scale suspicious.
@Lee Land roger, Roger
Does your mom know you’re on the net right now instead of talking to the therapist on Snapchat?
@Billy SBC Do you always make up lies? Or is today a special occasion?
Not necessarily. He may not be able to see behind him. He may have thought the co pilot was in the back when he landed, so he may know nothing. The other extreme is that the pilot had something to do with it.
You dont need to go anywhere near the rear ramp on this plane to look at the landing gear. You can get a very good forward view if you stick half your head out of the cockpit side windows.
Secondly, apparently, both were aware that the right wheel had fallen off as the drop zone had radioed them that info. In which case why go looking for a wheel if you know it is not there ??? Etc
I think there might be a bit more to this.
The guy was, in all probability, trying to manually free up the frozen (stuck) landing gear without a chute or harness clipped to the airframe structure. Angle or vibration could have caused him to slip.
Yeah, my take on that as well. Kids at that age think they are invulnerable, so it makes sense that he’d conclude he could do it without a strap.
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Or the 100nk wind would also do that
My guess was that he was performing maintenance mid flight and that he fell
The flight instructor died, and the survivor must have been the student. And they must have really been in shock to say so little.
Reporters don’t know what happened and neither do any of us who just watched this video.
Thinking two possibilities, 1. He thought they were in no way going to land without a huge fire, and he didn’t want to get burned alive thinking his chances were better if he jumped hitting a few branches that could break his decent. 2. He wanted to look down and see exactly what had happened to the landing gear, and sadly got sucked out of the plane. Whatever happened, my heart goes out to his family, I can only imagine how devastated they must be. RIP young man!
1. Jumped for some reason
2. Fell for some reason
3. Was pushed out
My guess is he fell trying to free the landing gear..
Neither sound very plausible. All professional pilots know exactly what to do in this situation. Worst case scenario is you pull up the gears and land on the belly or use the ailerons to keep you level until the last second. Landing gear problems are common. I’ve never heard of a pilot leaning out in-flight to check a gear problem. In that situation they do a low and slow fly by (usually wherever they’re trying to land) and people on the ground will relay what they see back to the pilots. I think both scenarios suggested would be firsts in modern aviation.
@derinderruheliegt No experienced pilot would evacuate the plane. If they have ten seconds till they crash they think, “Hell, I got ten seconds, I bet I can save this thing!”
One thing about the person exiting on his own or through an accident, why didn’t the pilot flying go berserk in telling what had happened when it happened? We obviously need more information. I’m off to check Blancolirio he will have more accurate information and understands airplane/pilot culture.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear it was along the lines of #2. They get an indication that the gear isn’t working, he goes back to look visually, then accidentally falls out of the plane. I don’t think he would have been “sucked out” though.
It definitely wouldn’t be #1. No trained pilot would think jumping out of a plane with no parachute would be a better alternative than buckling in for a rough landing.
Yeah, I agree. Hope they let us know what actually happened.
Doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the instructor tried to MacGyver the situation and sadly it didn’t quite go as planned.
Okay, but then why doesn’t the pilot mention the fact that his co-pilot fell while attempting to do so? Very very suspicious behavior by the pilot… VERY suspicious.
It does however take a genius to explain why either pilot wouldnt be actively discussing the situation with the tower, and telling them everything they are doing. The chances of both pilots risking their careers by not telling the tower about the decision to do something extremely risky is near zero.
The fact that the malfunctioning landing gear was on the same side as the co pilot I wonder if he was leaning out to view the wheel.
If there’s a problem with the landing gear, surely you’d just overfly the airfield and let ground crew be your eyes?
This makes me rethink the idea that I could survive a fall if I just hit enough or the right tree branches. Legit I’d just get destroyed by them or they’d be too small to slow me down. I’d been like 300 feet of small branches perfectly aligned to ever slow me down, this makes me rethink surviving a fall.
1 Robert Hilden Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
A plane makes an emergency landing and no one asks about the co-pilot, for hours?. Don’t be silly. This isn’t some sort of mystery. A man fell to his death, show some Dignity.
@Andrea Madden what?
When I was a student pilot my instructor asked me what I would do if he fell out of the plane during flight. I told him the one thing I wouldn’t do…land.
@Kristy Campbell fu2
He went out back, lowered the rear loading ramp of the plane to check up on the damaged landing gear, he did NOT strap in with the restraining belt, as per the usual rules, he fell out.
He was found 30 miles away from where the plane landed! The other pilot didn’t mention it. For a right wheel missing?
1 Ami Stenson Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer