Two NDP candidates resign after backlash over online posts

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh comments on the resignations of two NDP candidates over their anti-Semitic comments.

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    1. Any vote for a fringe party such as the ndp, ppc, bloc, green is just another vote for the LIEberals & his Turdship to stay in Power

    2. I spoke with a co-worker yesterday, he was hating on O’Toole, I told him I was surprised as they are both former military, co-worker didn’t know and instantly was intrigued. If you’re not going to compare party platforms at least do a little background check on the candidates.

    3. @Bob Dobalina PPC is the only option to vote for, other than that there is no point in voting as the other parties are all the same as liberals

    4. PPC are antivaxxers on roids. See AB for what the rest of Canada would look like with more of these crazies get in.

    1. If anyone made it this far – typing youtube, clicking on the video, I’m sure anyone can look up what anti-Semitism is.

    2. @Cai Ingram you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Any adult should have at least basic knowledge of the issues and the world.

  1. What kind of a news report is this? What was anti-Semitic in the tweets of these two candidates? Were those candidates leading in their ridings?

  2. The antisemitic quotes from the NDP in case anyone was wondering:
    Dan Osbourne: “Was Auschwitz a real place?”
    Sidney Coles: Various conspiracy theories that Israel was secretly hoarding vaccines from North Americans

  3. The state of journalism in 2021, a full video about backlash over online posts, but there isn’t a single example of what was actually said….

    1. Yes, they also didn’t say anything about how that would effect the election in those ridings or if it was how important these resignations were for the NDP chances, etc. If they were Conservative candidates there would be a 3 person panel going on for 25 minutes expressing their outrage.

    1. Why? When he found out about those guys, they got booted rather than trying to cover it up or ignoring it like PPC, Libs, & Cons often try to do. Looks like solid leadership to me

  4. Why do we have to be “educated” about Israel? I can criticize any of the three leading parties in Canada or do I have to be educated beyond high school, degrees careers etc to do so?

    1. Based upon the behaviour of the current generation, you need to have proof of knowledge, common sense is not, believe in what your university professor said, and live YOUR truth as per your subjective interpretation.

  5. Is this this not the same internal squabble going on within the Green Party?
    Meanwell Liberal Party candidates can pretty well say anything and nothing happens to them.

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