Two more members of Congress — including one who recently shook President Donald Trump's hand and another who rode on Air Force One — have announced that they will self-quarantine after coming into contact with an individual who has been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus at the recent Conservative Political Action Conference.
Rep. Doug Collins, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida are now the third and fourth congressmen to take the step, following the same announcements from Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona. #CNN #News
Trump: I will not get the virus
coronavirus: HUahahahaha
Imogen1996 , just kidding my seven-year-old granddaughter a bath and I was watching this. She heard that Donald Trump said he’s not worried about the coronavirus. My granddaughter says he’s stupid doesn’t he know that’s going to kill people. I told her well you’re only seven but you’re smarter than the President of the United States.
@Nitrous Oxide Thanks, I’ll have it chopped, lightly fried, sprinkled with chopped thyme, served on wholemeal toast with unsalted butter, and accompanied by a nice Chianti…
You liberal beta humans are so funny. Black people are only laughing because finally a mass outbreak disease finally didn’t originate from africa.
@Mr T. Yup, you sound like a psychotic fantasy land lib to me. From my point of view, that’s crazy talk. It’s no wonder your party is gonna disappear soon. Yall are wacko.
Coronavirus was probably the CPAC attendee with the highest ethics.
@William H Music 2020 Wouw, I didn’t know my relatively harmless comment would make so many child fucker fascist democrats angry… well, if it doesn’t take more than this to offend crackpot kiddie fiddler democrats, just wait till Trump wins in november, o. m. g!
@LOOK UP: 21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger – Trump’s solution to pandemics: Pretend they don’t exist. But if you can’t do that, then just blame Democrats.
@Chuck Schumer is a true fascist Trump was accused of sexually assaulting a child
Trump was accused of sexually assaulting his ex wife when she laughed at his hair plugs
Trump palled around with Epstein.
Trump has been accused by dozens of women of sexual assault.
Insects attract viruses.
Hector Marroquin since your one of those annoying little fruit flies if I were you I’d get a can of Lysol cause your next.
so cockraoch trump is bound to get it, and his rats.
You look like a roach mice yourself hector..
Rats attract viruses too which is bad news for the leftist cities that have them roaming about freely
Y’all mean to tell me the president has the virus

@EDMILSON RODRIGUES – No Liberal DOLT. You’ll be getting it soon. RIP!
Trump should travel to Wuhan with the senior Republican leadership. Take a slow stroll on the empty streets, and enjoy the local street food. Then, go to an isolation ICU (no need to wear silly protection clothing ). No better way to prove this is a democratic /chienese / communist hoax!
said the halfbreed mexicant
@RAP your grifters gonna get it an die the world will cheer
Reporters: “Trump, have you gotten tested yet?”
Trump: I know better than the Coronavirus. “No one understands the Coronavirus better than me”.

Him an Russia probably had something to do with it , I wouldn’t put it past them
@Darvin Smith Darvin you honestly believe it’s ok and or acceptable to be HOMOSEXUAL in 2020 right?
Michelle Neville
Yep – my degrees and work experiences are things I got from Russia. RUSSIA!!
You go on back to your TV corporate news media now and get all those useful scare tactics. Maybe you learn to wash your hands or put on a surgical mask that blocks only large dust fibers. You go girl!
Is this how you normally debate the issues? Do you challenge other people when they call you out on your BS attacks? Are you some amazing media science expert or actress?
Do you know where to find the science of climate change? No, of course you don’t. You watch the TV corporate news media.
Those emojis animate your comment lol
@Hildebeast Clinton
Still waiting for your name………..
He’ll be fine. “I haven’t touch my face in weeks, I miss it.” — Donald Trump
we won’t miss it
“The President, as we all know, is quite a hand-washer. He uses hand sanitiser all the time…He’s not concerned at all.” Well, excuse me Ms Grisham, but I DIDN’T know that. But thanks for sharing… I feel a lot more reassured now.
Oh corona there’s a few guys in the White House you might like to visit….
J unfortunately I’m unable to say it’s classified….
Joe Maleski where did I say I wish

@Gooner Westlondon

In the words of their own party members: “Let em’ die!” Bwahahahahahhahahaha!
It I had contract with a dtrump I’d quarantine myself too! Heheh.
blaming the media is a sign of desperation and “not being concerned” is a sign of total ignorance.
*_”I think it’s a problem that’s going to go away.”_* -Donald Trump
MERLE1593 – who here said anything about obama, snowflake? Trump Derangement Syndrome is all I see all over these fake news comment boards. The old man lives in your heads rent free LOL
@Epoh Ecnatsnoc The regular flu kills an average of 60,000 annually in the U.S.
Chris Lee why do you libtard beta males talk about other guys dicks so much?
Your mom wants to go away..ask her.
@chris sItaly is under lockdown- I wouldn’t say the the concern will be diminishing.
“All the best viruses want me for a host. Every parasite says so.” — Phat Donnie.
wel1968 exactly who do you leftist baby killers and transsexualism advocates pray to?

said the low I/Q inbred…
@Hildebeast Clinton dont worry, Papi Trump will be ok.
@NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit probably the same stupid superhero your kind prays to sadly, I personally wish Humans would grow Up already and step Out of the cave bit hey then you wouldn’t be around
Happy Holiday – first off shitlib, maybe learn how to write before you tell others to ‘grow up’ and secondly, turn off that anime porn and wash up so mommy can tuck you in. Third, I’d rather have coronavirus than be a libtard soy boy beta male.
“It’s a good idea during a pandemic to stop shaking hands with people” – Jake Tapper, dropping low key shade
Quarantine all CPAC attendees in one big room with no ventilation.
What’s your address
And let them know Costco sold out of toilet paper so they are just gonna have to improvise.
@Heathen S lmao, damn you are stupid
Wouldn’t it be ironic if he contracted “the new hoax”
@identity7782 Ha Ha yes get angry i love it woo hoo
If Trump said anything remotely like what people on here post about him, the people talking crap would be the first to act as if they were appalled at what he said. I am not a huge fan of Trump. I am a independent voter. It’s just a lesser of evils. The hippocrates on the left are now at a all time high. Politicians used to be the punchline in a joke. Now they are saints if they go against the conservatives. Some on the left will trash our founding fathers for owning slaves. But the founder of planned parenthood wanted to eradicate blacks, but thats it’s cool. People watch mainstream media to form opinions, it’s a joke.
98% of our antibiotic ingredients come from china. Our politicians are responsible for this, trump wants all this to come back to the U.S. for our wellbeing, for America.
But let’s elect joe biden (who litteraly recently endorsed Trump during another senior moment) Joe Biden did not know china was our competitor. He would sell us out in a second, just like he did for his son. Can anyone on here name 3 policies Trump enacted or got rid of that they supported? I wasnt a huge fan of Obama, but could easily name some things he did I agreed with. Trump is one of the most accomplished presidents of all time. He has done lots of great things.
Beatle Stories actually it would be poetically just. Any luck that moron Matt Schlapp gets it
@the tater Lol you have zero clue what angry is lol. I am the good guy.
@the tater oh wait you were the guy crying about a post being edited, and I am angry

They should have self quarantined their selves the moment they decided to be part of president Caligula’s disastrous administration.
Darrell Brown I really like your Caligula reference. They’re are strikingly similar.
Irony is wearing a gas mask as a joke to congress, and then shortly having to seriously self quarantine after.
@Chris Lee
@Steven You make no sense. Thanks for the energy.
Gaetz could yet see Irony’s uncle, Hubris.
Ig please. You don’t really believe this do you? And no I’m not a Trumper
@Tammy Ousnamer oh, THAT would be Divine Providence.
or is it Divine Retribution?
Gaetz will NEVER live down wearing that gas mask on the floor to make light of the Coronavirus!
no kidding, that was THE best laugh I’ve had since Trump got elected!!

Secret Service: “We keep POTUS safe”
Corona: “Hold my beer…”
This is a little off topic, but do you remember how many times the secret service made “mistakes” when they were “protecting” Obama. Never heard about mistakes before him and haven’t heard about them since. Interesting.