Twitter whistleblower: Jan. 6 committee failed to hold Twitter accountable

Anika Navaroli, former Twitter employee turned whistleblower who gave evidence to the Jan. 6 Committee, speaks out in an exclusive interview with CNN's Donie O'Sullivan. #CNN #News


  1. Still never found the pipe bomber either??? All these mysteries could have been mentioned but oh wait fb,twitter, yt, all silenced and ‘fact checked’ ….your own dirty tricks back firing folk are saying!! Lol

  2. They WON’T because the corporations are their cash cow!! They’ll NEVER punish corporations!! Instead they’ll give them HUGE tax breaks and handouts!!

    1. Wrong. They intended to. Planned to. But bailed because of the fear of the powerful tech companies’ massive lobbying arms and weaponized PR dollars. It was a cop out, not out of their scope or beyond their ability.

  3. Never fear – the systemic problems revealed by this report will be quickly and effectively removed from the public discourse

    1. Ummm, yes, they already did. Canceled all truth and promoted lies pushed by the Dems. That was obvious 3years ago. Keep up dude

  4. This “insurrection” was nothing compared to the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests”) in Hong Kong 2019-20. One man was killed by the rioters (sorry, “peaceful protesters”). One man was set on fire by them. The Legislative Council was invaded and the Chamber vandalized. Police officers were attacked and injured. The use of Molotov Cocktails against the police became commonplace. Police families were threatened and doxed. Anyone daring to disagree with the “democracy” and “free speech” rioters (sorry, “peaceful protesters”) was assaulted, including women. Infrastructure was vandalized and a real attempt was made to destroy Hong Kong. Ted Cruz travelled to Hong Kong to express his support for the rioters (sorry, “peaceful protesters”) and Nancy Pelosi called the riots (sorry, “peaceful protests”) a “beautiful sight”. What happened In Hong Kong was a real, sustained and organized attempt at an insurrection. What happened on Jan 6th was karma.

  5. Holding Twitter responsible? Might as well hold Samsung or Nokia or att or Android responsible.
    Google mail and Facebook as well.
    At the end of the day, none of these are responsible for those animals actions

  6. I’ve stop going to Twitter, FB, etcetera. That’s not living. That’s worse than television. The digital interaction tricks your mind into thinking that you’re actually doing something. When, in fact, you’re literally sitting still for hours.

  7. I quit twitter – it had nothing to do with Jan6 – this is Dumb on so many levels! Blaming Trump? So idiotic and all theater!!

  8. Never had a Twitter acct, never will. Name says it all – Twit.
    Same goes for FB, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc. We’re kidding ourselves if we think we are safe on social mass media. Besides a complete waste if time for most people.

  9. Should’ve asked her about the Twitter files. About Twitter’s and social media’s censorship and politically biased actions and guidelines that affected elections. If I were to guess, she did not have a problem with it

  10. This reporter has done a lot of good work around the January 6 insurrection along with the behind the scenes that caused this historically treacherous & dangerous event.

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