Twitter has permanently suspended Donald Trump's account after he incited a violent riot at Capitol Hill. MSNBC's Ari Melber and New York University law professor Melissa Murray react to the news, Murray asserting "it's not surprising that it's come to this," and that she anticipates Trump will respond to the decision with legal action. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 1/8/2021.
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#TwitterSuspends #Mob #MSNBC
Twitter Suspends Trump Permanently After Inciting Mob | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Awwww No Twitter? Erase him take his stolen wealth break him and his people
He will have to listen to the BS!
@Jen Snow Facebook did yesterday, till after January 20th but that mighty become permanent too
@Jen Snow They suspended him until the 21st when he’s no longer president .
All they have to do is make him pay his actual debts. Trump has negative money but doesn’t have to live like it.
His business empire will collapse once he is removed from society and outfitted with an orange jumpsuit. For all of his followers that have donated close to or by now a quarter of a billion dollars to his 2024 it’s too bad. Trump will pocket your money to satisfy lawyers and bankers as they unravel his business empire. His sons and daughters will get his supporters to send in more money which they will pocket for their future livelihood. If any of you reading this donated don’t count on a thank you.
Twittler-in-Chief becomes Twitter-less. And President-less.
Twitter stock go down
**Suggestion, we must deeply appreciate and present an award to Mark Z. the CEO of ” Twitter/Intergram ” who blocked the account of donarldrump on-time in an emergency, greatly reducing the catastrophe and saving our lovely country**
**Otherwise, the evil will use the media as a tool to continue to direct those thugs to commit more fierce atrocities, as his men have used countless scenes as cruel as those riots in Hong Kong year ago. If he succeeds, then the consequences of the incident in Washington, DC on the 6th of this month are really immeasurable. It will not be easy to be control which will spread over nationwide cause great damage and unrest ( these messes images should in his conspiracy ), then he will continued rules the country over. Prior to a legal action of moved him out of WH. We must be staying alert monitoring 24×7 on him while his words is no longer be trusted.**
I hope he forgot about the emergency broadcasting that can alert all our cellphones like he did once already.
Shhhh…don’t tell him about parlor.
Now banned by Twitter too… We feel for the Dear President. It must be hard to be the first person in American history to lose a State for 5 times in a row – once in the President election in Georgia, Two recounts, and twice in the election of both senator seats supported by the President. Nobody wants to be the single biggest loser in American history. We feel for you, Mr. President – life is already hard enough for you, having lost the 400 million your dad gave you and turned them into huge debts to the banks.
His oxygen is being cut. The narcissist needs supply and this is his worst nightmare.
@Cunty Jackpot <----- appropriate name for yourself lol
@Cunty Jackpot – Well, after Wednesday everybody’s antennas were totally full up. What in the f*** do they think they could get away with now? Cat was already WAY out of the bag. Inciting an armed insurrection resulting in the deaths of 5 people are a Twitter “violation of terms of service”. They are a private company. They can deny service if they want.
Hopefully he’s lying on the shower floor in the foetal position
if so someone should plug up the drain
@Aidan Kiriakou – How about the prison shower floor while his new block leader is asking him to “speak into the microphone”?
@Cunty Jackpot “digital soldiers” alright meal team 6, we’ll see how that works out for you and Y’all Quaeda
You mean Trump can no longer tweet inside his prison cell? How cruel.
@L Austin Speiss he wears diapers… problem solved!
You will be very well rewarded from the ccp.
He can have long talks with Rudy
@Aramide key he has done enough 2 more weeks and he is done
Some sanity at last. Someone, somewhere has done something responsible.
@Def Operator That’s a very selfish way to live your life and I don’t think you know what incite means. The exact opposite of what a human being should be, little own a president. So if a crackhead b/f dates someones daughter and she over doses and dies you’re ok with him saying I didn’t tell her to take the drugs? That’s the thought pattern of a psychopath.
@Def Operator Twitter isnt the govt. They a re a business and are not bound by free speech rules. Donnie can go to so other social media sight and hope he doesnt screw it up again.
@ajs11201 – Even ‘Oozy’ Giuliani *admitted the TRUTH in court…*
@C B im not saying I wouldn’t think something like that is a tragedy, but unless the crackhead broke her will or forced her to take the drugs it is one hundred percent her decision, like it or not. and the courts would agree… it might seem cruel to you but feelings aren’t facts. as an adult you are responsible for your decisions in this country.
@adjwindu70 I knowthats true but for twitter it sends a damaging message about their commitment to the United States constitution and also is sending a message to its users and other governments that they are aligned with censorship or one of the most powerful leaders of the free world
The fact that “Social Media bans Lunatic Instigator” is major news is kind of sad.
@Francis Turner NOT!
@Tskmaster Of course it should have been done years ago. That is another example how a big business treated Trump with kid gloves.
If only it were just a lunatic instigator… The president incited the riot
@Andrea Bennett Sad person? YES. Sad “soul” (IF he has one) YASSS. THIS?! SAD?! Nu-uh.
You know it’s real when Twitter suspends the president of the United States.
@ᎪᏌᏚᎢᏆN ᏟᎡᎪᏆᏩ Why should it have been “temporary”, when his debauchery is permanent and unbounded ?
lol reading this comment is unreal. even more unreal the replies saying that the big tech is the real government when its Trump making it his own office since day 1 not knowing that it’s a private business.
like a Karen angry when she’s being dragged out of Target for being racist.
@ᎪᏌᏚᎢᏆN ᏟᎡᎪᏆᏩ Your either a benighted minor, or as delusional deranged as Donald Trump, who is about to be impeached TWICE, in 12 months. That’ll be his legacy, that record will never be broken.
Its facism
Plow my field.
Tomorrow’s headlines: “Trump Sues Twitter. Rudy Giuliani Holds Angry Press Conference Behind A Hooters In Evansville.”
Breaking news! Rudy goes to jail for inciting violence.
Hooters? Count me in. I want to take a picture of Rudy “leaking” again.
Now banned by Twitter too… We feel for the Dear President. It must be hard to be the first person in American history to lose a State for 5 times in a row – once in the President election in Georgia, Two recounts, and twice in the election of both senator seats supported by the President. Nobody wants to be the single biggest loser in American history. We feel for you, Mr. President – life is already hard enough for you, having lost the 400 million your dad gave you and turned them into huge debts to the banks.
Actually, the Trump & Rudy Show wanted to hold a press conference at Hooters. Unfortunately, there was a miscommunication amongst the brains-trust, and they will be appearing at “Neuters”, a San Fransisco veterinary clinic specialising in the desexing of French Poodles.
@Jay Zenitram oh no, they mistakenly booked a biker-operated strip joint in Texas called “The Titz”.
Close enough, I guess.
Imagine the oceans of tears on Parler right now
Imagine what stuff Trump is slinging around in his living room during the biggest temper tantrum of his life.
do u people live in this planet ? you are getting censored for everything bunch of beta males and beta females
men and women are long gone
@Son Goku You don’t make any sense. Trumper!
@Son Goku Twitter terms of service: “Try to at least behave like an adult.”
Trump: “Sorry Twitter, I can’t do that.”
Twitter: “Then you’re banned.”
You: “Waaaaa it’s the end of the world, everyone is beta, alt right blah blah blah …”
“One small step for mankind.”
@Craig Wheeless It wasn’t Trump’s fault. All Trump wanted was a peaceful protest in Washington D.C. He also thinks the violence is unacceptable and he did end up calling out the National Guard.
@Justin Jones your a funny little troll. The people you believe in stormed our capital, with the intention of killing, taking hostages and force the change the election in donny’s favor. If that’s not communism then what is. Also one of trumps supporters killed a police officer at that facade. It must be difficult to convince yourself and others of the sugar coated lies.
@Timothy Hainaut How do you know those are Trump supporters and not antifa in disguise? If you watch video streams during the Trump protest you can easily see antifa members in the crowd mixed in with the Trump protest. You should know that Trump supporters support the blue meanwhile liberals want to defund them.
Now banned by Twitter too… We feel for the Dear President. It must be hard to be the first person in American history to lose a State for 5 times in a row – once in the President election in Georgia, Two recounts, and twice in the election of both senator seats supported by the President. Nobody wants to be the single biggest loser in American history. We feel for you, Mr. President – life is already hard enough for you, having lost the 400 million your dad gave you and turned them into huge debts to the banks.
A bit late, but this is the most appropriate thing Twitter has ever done.
Why? Because you don’t like Trump?
If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.
A bit? WAAAY too little WAAAY too late. Twitter, and all social media, as well as several channels including faux news, let their platforms to be a tool for an influential MADMAN lie to his brainless follower and agitate them for months, BEFORE and AFTER the election. Everybody who has been a tool for this disgusting sack of sheet has blood on their hands.
We mandate putting the warning “may cause drowsiness” on sleeping pills, in the name of truthfulness and public safety, but let a corrupt and traitorous president fill the brains of MILLIONS of gullible, uneducated people with blatant lies and instigate them to commit acts of treason against the nation. Let this be a lesson to all of us.
@Marco Solo You are the typical leftists with the superiority complex
“Everyone who disagrees with me is wrong and a nazi and freedom of speech is only good when I agree with it”
@Football Nerd Show me any proof you have of Trump telling people to get violent
And it took them ONLY 4 years to read the thug’s tweets!

Exactly! I can’t these blind eyes mf. We already knew this, thats why we didn’t like this mf.
They only did it cuz the Dems took the Senate, who would have shut them down anyway
Should have been banned the day he threatened a nuclear strike, his “big beautiful button” tweets
@brenden vigus Why?
Twitter is acting like all the staff leaving him on the sinking boat
@phunkyCW –

@CynAnne1 – Somebody knows what time it is. Thanks.
It is twitter that is the sinking boat. Trump one of the first to get off.
@phunkyCW – Most welcome.
@James Combs he didn’t get off. He was kicked off and he’s fighting to get back on.
“One day, it will just disappear, like a miracle”
Trump’s Twitter account just disappeared!
It’s time for all left wingers and moderates to party and celebrate!
*starts making the popcorn*
@Steve H Guys like Lebron James, James Harden, and Lonzo Ball will more than make up for the loss of Twitter followers due to Trump’s suspension.
Best comment of the day, you made me smile in these dark times. (Joe & Kamala are the light at the end of the tunnel).
@Tim Bateman – Along with the mental image of…
, flailing on the floor like a tantrum-throwing toddler, clutching his cellphone in one hand and a half-eaten ‘hamberder’ in the other. 
The rest of the media needs to do the same. Trump wants to hold a press conference, don’t host it. Everybody ignore him from now on.
@Rooker After Trump leaves office he will no longer be in the position of privilege that he is now. The media and Twitter have no obligation to give a platform to a crazy person. That’s not fascism at all.
Now banned by Twitter too… We feel for the Dear President. It must be hard to be the first person in American history to lose a State for 5 times in a row – once in the President election in Georgia, Two recounts, and twice in the election of both senator seats supported by the President. Nobody wants to be the single biggest loser in American history. We feel for you, Mr. President – life is already hard enough for you, having lost the 400 million your dad gave you and turned them into huge debts to the banks.
@weldabar I’m simply warning you that right now you are exercising this opinion against an individual like Trump, a person who you probably find to have an abhorrent personality and has done things of the same nature.
But should the pendulum swing right, the means of communication in the hands of those not of your opinion or morals, then the abuse can go the other way because people find that person’s personality to be abhorrent and their actions to be of the same nature.
They’re free to ban Trump. Honesty, he should have left a long time ago and gone to non-Silicon Valley based websites.
I just think people cheering for this are a bit… short sighted.
@Rooker – Although, *no one* has *EVER* been as *openly gleeful* in their ‘punching down’ *as #45
has* …bereaved widows, “Gold Star” families, the handicapped, nearly every race and religion on planet earth, *women (and even teenaged girls)* – *ALL* have been the targets of his *grammar-mangling, randomly-capitalized ‘rage-tweets’.*
So *now,* now that he’s *finally* gotten a comeuppance *he CAN’T blackmail, bribe or bully into cowed compliance,* well…
It’s ‘bigly’ satisfying.
@CynAnne1 You’re free to that opinion.
And I understand why you have it.
However, he’s just been martyred in a way that I personally find beneficial. Trump moves to alt-tech sites, says his opinions and humor, crass as it may be, unfettered and without the meddling of Silicon Valley, and many more follow him to said websites and grow their numbers and popularity.
We can exist on the same internet, I just hope those who use Twitter and YouTube don’t meddle elsewhere.
Feel free to write this same statement you said to me across all social media platforms, heck, don’t be polite on the language.
Just remember, leave the other places be.
Banning him less than two weeks before the end of his term – how brave of them.
Brave of them to censor people with opinions they don’t like
@Big Fish Donnie agree to the Terms of Use same as the rest of us. He broke them countless times.
@Big Fish if that’s how you interpret it, then I suppose you can call the Allies taking down the Nazi regime as “censorship” cause we didn’t agree with their opinions on things
Lol, the so called “greatest president ever” being wiped from the history
Next history book should not mention anything about him or if it need to be mentioned put in the same category with hitler and mussolini wannabe. Coz he failed at that category.
He was suggesting out of blue that he isn’t going to the inauguration. Almost hinting at something
@AYouTube User – Have you not been paying attention? I didn’t create that. That’s a specific example Twitter used as their reason for permanently banning him. You got a problem with it…take it up with them, not me.
@phunkyCW Clown, try to read threads properly. You stated it was ‘code’. Twitter didn’t say that so you are lying and indeed have your head full of movie fictional rubbish which was my reply.
No curing stupid with people like you.
@AYouTube User there were almost no indication of people asking if he was going to the inauguration. just reading the tweet I get “dont come to school tomorrow” vibes from it. but you must be so full of that American pride and nationalism that that’s probably the norm to you anyways
Yes – feel free to do whatever.
@AYouTube User Open your eyes.
“Stupid is as stupid does” – Forest Gump –
“Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.”
– George Washington
Farewell address
like the ones that back BLM riots.
@DP Dutcher Goober.