Twitter Abruptly Changes Hacked Materials Policy | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC

In the wake of a controversial New York Post article, Twitter has updated its Hacked Materials Policy. Under the new policy, Twitter will no longer remove hacked content unless it is directly shared by hackers. Aired on 10/16/2020.
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Twitter Abruptly Changes Hacked Materials Policy | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC


  1. If Republicans hate the government and the media, why are they obsessed with controlling the government and the media?

    1. If the left is all about free speech, why do they censor that speech on Facebook and Twitter?……’re right, they are not about free speech unless it agrees with them and their agenda.

    2. We’re fighting for our health care our social security the future of social security for our children where fighting for our black Americans were fighting to bring justice back to our government so if you have to even ask that question you probably another uneducated Trump voter who thinks his lies are funny but have no idea what his lying has caused and his racism!!!! Kick rocks!!!

    3. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Excellent copy-and-paste skills. Now s-word my d-word, you b-word

  2. Disinformation on Fb and Twitter shoe-horned game-show host into office, killing thousands from horrible leadership and even more disinfo. They will never make amends. But they should ignore grievamces of fairness from Trumpkins – they already gave them the gift that keep on giving at the expense of all Americans.

    1. How’s life there compared to india like I’m an average poor indian u can ask me anything I earn 20 dollar a month I’m a toilet cleaner

    1. *White House: Trump Expanding Healthcare Access for 13 Million Americans*
      Feb 24, 2020

      *The White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) estimated that 13 million Americans will have increased access to health care due to President Donald Trump’s executive action, according to a report released recently.*

      The CEA estimated that millions of Americans will have new health insurance access that is better tailored to their healthcare needs that were previously unavailable due to high healthcare prices and overregulation. The council attributed much of the increase to the president’s reforms to expand short-term limited-duration health insurance plans, association health plans (AHPs), and health reimbursement accounts (HRAs).

      Short-term plans cost less than Obamacare plans because federal statute does not require the insurance plans to comply with all of Obamacare’s onerous insurance regulations; thus, they serve as a good alternative for many younger and healthier Americans.

      The Trump administration’s rule allowed Americans to purchase short-term plans for up to 364 days and renew the plans for up to three years. The Barack Obama administration curbed these rules to encourage Americans to purchase Obamacare.

      The CEA said that short-term plans could be half as expensive as Obamacare-compliant plans.

      “Though these plans are more limited in coverage than the ACA-compliant insurance plans, they are priced at up to 60 percent less than the unsubsidized premium cost of ACA exchange plans and give consumers more insurance protection than being uninsured,” the council wrote.

      AHPs allow small businesses to join together and benefit from the regulatory advantages that many large companies experience under health insurance rules. AHPs can serve employees in a city, county, state, or a particular industry across the nation.

      The CEA wrote that up to five million Americans will likely enroll in either AHPs or short-term plans, with one million Americans likely to get newly insured as the result of the short-term plan expansion.

  3. The story of how these emails were obtained makes them sound likely to be fake and disinformation. Yea, they’re hacked. But, they’re fake! Someone drops a water-damaged laptop with a Beau Biden Foundation sticker on it, never gives proper contact info, never claims it, and the right wing repair shop owner snoops in the computer and turns it in? This is classic spycraft.

    1. *LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them*
      April 2018

      *Was former President Obama the “scandal free,” top 10 greatest president he claimed to be as he exited the White House?*

      To his aides and most in the media, the answer has been a hearty “yes.”

      The View’s Joy Behar said, “President Obama, for eight years, was completely scandal-free.” NBC’s Tom Brokaw said, “He’s been scandal free, frankly, in the White House. We haven’t had that what for a while.”

      But now, to counter that legacy campaign, biographer Matt Margolis has penned a book detailing some 29 “scandals” under Obama in, “The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama.”

      It reviews some of the bigger affairs, such as the Benghazi attacks, and littler ones, like his stonewalling of the media, in an effort to chip away at Obama’s stain-free legacy.

      And it also details the ways the media sometimes played along — or played dead — in a pattern that has been flipped in the coverage of President Trump.

      “Obama’s supporters in the media, academia, and the grassroots of the Democratic Party are invested in the idea that his presidency was an unparalleled success, and that he was the archetype of presidential ethics. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the following pages prove, but if they repeat their lies often enough, perhaps others will believe them,” wrote Margolis.

      He also hopes that it keeps a focus on Obama’s administration and its effort to help 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    2. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Shall we compare indictments and convictions between the two administrations?

  4. Joe Biden’s son is not on the ballot. His son will not be part of the administration. Trump’s kids hold administrative positions, are being subpoened and are under investigation for financial crimes. Who cares about emails about Hunter Biden. The trick worked in 2016 for Hillary. Too late this time to pull the same trick.

    1. Very good. Just wondering, were the claims that Trump called soldiers insults that were reported by the Atlantic anonymously while being denied by 20+ people present in the area (some of whom dislike Trump) also regulated by twitter? Thanks.

    2. You don’t get to decide for me what information I see and what I don’t even if Fox and NY Post are biased.

  5. Just to put this into context: our own intelligence services believe this is fabricated disinformation created by Russian Intellligence, and Republican Senators, who have been Briefed on this, want it disseminated anyway.
    Working in direct collaboration with Russia, just like the Trump campaign did. The Mueller report, which Trump and Barr lied about, found multiple instances of Trump campaign collusion with Russia. Manafort and Rick Gates are in prison for it, and Roger Stone was on his way to prison for it, before Trump (big surprise) commuted his sentence, but interestingly, didn’t pardon him outright.

    So that’s where the Republicans are right now; working with our enemy, Russia, to spread their fabrications.
    And half the country is ok with that….

    If you don’t believe me, believe our own Intelligence Service, which is mostly Republican.
    Oh, that’s right; Trump says the FBI and the CIA are now part of the “deep state”…..

    1. @keytwitchy , so the hildabeast DID NOT sign the paper work selling Russia uranium ?
      So it wasn’t obummer that allowed Russia into Syria to “ remove chemical weapons” and prop up the Assad government?
      Obummer wasn’t president when Russia waltzed into the Crimea taking that country over ?
      Obummer wasn’t president during the 16 election when Russia was found to be interfering and his only action was to tell Russia to knock it off?
      Maybe you think it wasn’t Obummer who gave Iran a clear path to nukes and gave them pallets full of cash ?
      Maybe Obummer wasn’t president when isis began its world wide reign of terror and did virtually nothing to stop them ?
      Everything I say is fact , no matter what your brainwashed brain spins it into.

    2. @keytwitchy , Reddit is nothing BTW and if you believe what is on a social media sight be careful because they’ll be selling you bridges 🤣

    3. @Saynoto Socialists More nonsense. I’m just going to ask you to provide evidence for your claims at this point. The Obama administration’s response to Russia may have been cautious and underwhelming, but he certainly didn’t just bow down to Russia as the Trump administration has.

      1. Trump refused to implement all the sanctions mandated by Congress, with 99% representatives supporting the law.

      2. Trump refused to condemn Russian meddling in US elections, undermining US law enforcement, the US intel community and even the finding of the United States Senate.

      3. Trump has ceded control of Syria to Russia, allowing Russia to prop up Assad while also abandoning our allies in the region.

      4. Trump pushed Turkey to the Russian sphere of influence.

      5. Trump has undermined the cohesion of NATO, leading our allies to question the United States committed to defend Europe against Russian aggression.

      6. Trump refused to condemn Russian attacks of civilians on British soil.

      In short, Trump bows to Putin, and you support his milquetoast inaction. Any action taken against Russia has been due to Congressional passage of laws with overwhelming veto-proof majorities.

      By the way, that Reddit post contains sources. To dismiss it as invalid “because it’s on Reddit”, is both incredibly ignorant and childish.

    4. @keytwitchy your willful ignorance of what happened when obummer was president is astonishing. You’re saying obummer wasn’t president when all that stuff happened so none of the Middle East mess is his fault nor is Russia interfering.
      America was in Syria to deal with Isis and nothing else , it was obummer that allowed Russia in period , and after isis was demolished in record time Trump took our troops out , he was correct in not getting in the middle of a centuries old religious conflict. As for all the other stuff history backs me. No social media entity is a viable news source including Reddit, you only have to turn on any channel to see most are openly supporting democrats with selective censorship, so going there is ludicrous. I suggest you read history books to see what the real facts are. I fell into a trap thinking a brainwashed fool like you would ever admit to the facts None of mine can be refuted period , all that stuff happened when obummer was president and he and only he is responsible for all of it from Syria to Russia interfering

    5. @keytwitchy , Russia into Syria 2015
      Russia annex Crimea 2014
      Isis gains global prominence in 2014
      Russia interference in American elections 2016
      Obummer abandoned anti missile defense of Europe 2009
      Iran gets a path to nukes and pallets full of money 2015.

    1. *LIST: Obama’s 29 scandals and the media’s campaign to hide them*
      April 2018

      *Was former President Obama the “scandal free,” top 10 greatest president he claimed to be as he exited the White House?*

      To his aides and most in the media, the answer has been a hearty “yes.”

      The View’s Joy Behar said, “President Obama, for eight years, was completely scandal-free.” NBC’s Tom Brokaw said, “He’s been scandal free, frankly, in the White House. We haven’t had that what for a while.”

      But now, to counter that legacy campaign, biographer Matt Margolis has penned a book detailing some 29 “scandals” under Obama in, “The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama.”

      It reviews some of the bigger affairs, such as the Benghazi attacks, and littler ones, like his stonewalling of the media, in an effort to chip away at Obama’s stain-free legacy.

      And it also details the ways the media sometimes played along — or played dead — in a pattern that has been flipped in the coverage of President Trump.

      “Obama’s supporters in the media, academia, and the grassroots of the Democratic Party are invested in the idea that his presidency was an unparalleled success, and that he was the archetype of presidential ethics. Nothing could be further from the truth, as the following pages prove, but if they repeat their lies often enough, perhaps others will believe them,” wrote Margolis.

      He also hopes that it keeps a focus on Obama’s administration and its effort to help 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    2. @Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Don’t judge everybody to Trump’s low standards. You’re describing honourable people and defending an evil man.

  6. The Clinton campaign wouldn’t confirm that the files on Wikileaks were authentic, because they were doctored. I’ve never seen anyone investigate who could have doctored them, but it was not Russian intelligence. My best guess, based on publicly available info, is that the person who doctored those emails was Ted Malloch.
    The coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian intelligence and Wikileaks was tighter than the picture that we got from the lies told by Trump and Barr.
    Ted Malloch and Sean Hannity INVENTED the Seth Rich hoax, and covered for Russian intelligence for almost two whole years 2016-2018.

  7. tRump is doing everything and anything to stay in power.I like president who have integrity and dignity.We need to heal because I’m very tired of all of the chaos and violence against people.stay safe.✌

    1. Just think about this.. If We Don’t vote..4 more years of trump,.or a Dictatorship. Please Pray for our Democracy.

    1. I don’t need anybody censoring baloney, I can do my own due diligence and research information the only people who agree to any form of censorship are the mentally lazy.

  8. We need to talk about TRUMP’S Addella Addiction, and the amount of time he went to Walter Reed for overdose… have you all forgotten, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!!! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂⚕💊⚕💊⚕💊⚕

  9. US Intelligence Agencies had Prior Information of this Orchestrated Russian Drama. Trump didn’t Read his Briefings Once Again…..😏👎

  10. Translation: We didn’t realize that doing what we did would result in MORE attention instead of less. Next time we’ll use a nice quite algorithm.

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