Two massive earthquake aftershocks were captured on camera during a local news report in Turkey. #CNN #News #shorts
Turkey earthquake aftershocks captured on live TV

Two massive earthquake aftershocks were captured on camera during a local news report in Turkey. #CNN #News #shorts
Deeply concerning prayers for all
I pray for Turkey
this is so sad
! Allah rahmet etsin Turk kardeskeri
How devastating my heart goes out to them they’re in my prayers
Sending love and prayers from the United States
Thank you for prayer
Sending prayers from Fort Lauderdale Florida USA…..a capitol of Corruption in the USA..
Thank you for prayer
I’m sending my prayers from Nevada.
@Andre Le goat thank you
Prayers from Philadelphia Pennsylvania
My deepest condolences to the families.
I am praying for the people of Turkey and Syria. Its building after building collapsing, God please give them strength, courage and may God all Almighty have Mercy.
the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah, Sennacherib king of Assyria came up against all the fortified cities of Judah and took them
All people do evil still, you need to remember how God brings judgment upon us and nations when we go far from him and do evil. But God’s judgment often is so we can repent. As for the children, God makes it clear that children go to Heaven automatically, so you can rest easy knowing they are safe and sound with The Father. Even so, it’s not just Syria, God’s judgment will hit America and the others.
Look around, Take some time to consideration the actions we as people and as nations have done. With all the corruption and evil around us, you’d really call us good?
Fact that God still hold back his judgment though, means he does not plan to destroy Syria or Turkey, but save it. When a tree has a dead leaf, you cut the dead leaf and a new healthy leave grows. This is called pruning. Jesus Christ is pruning nations so the rot that has infected it, may be healed. Unfortunately God makes it clear a nation like Syria chooses to close it’s ears to God, often this judgment now with so many dead, is the only way a people would repent.
God even still says he weeps for all who die, how could he not? He made you all, but God says evil must be punished when we reject Christ. Christ died for our evil and when we know him he changes us. We may still mess up but he lifts us up. Yet when we reject him we have no advocate for our evil. We go further in evil.
God desires that any man still willing to repent, do so. The pruning and judgement is not something we are joyful about in the moment. It still makes God weep as it should make all of us weep, no matter how evil no matter if they deserve judgment, they are still people made by God and it is sad they are physically dead.
But God says we live on because we are spirits, let us pray that all who died met the Father and are in Heaven after accepting Jesus. That Sheol itself does not take them. In Jesus name, amen,
God is pruning us all, let’s ensure we ourselves are secured by him.
And all of you forget, when God brings us low, it’s so from there we rise. Many nation changing events like mass salvation have come after these kinds of mass deaths. So I have joy and faith because despite this sorrow, it means Syria and Turkey will witness a miracle. Hallelujah for that! That God did not abandon them, but will illustrate to the Earth that his people in Turkey and Syria, and those not his people, will be saved.
Through the darkness we endure, light often arrives to shine the way through. We must not despair and instead choose to get up and unite, as brethren, who acknowledge the wrong and strive to change it.
God desires unity, peace, love, and harmony, let us wake up and throw away our past selves, let us live as brethren, as family, as one people. Time is short after all, so we all must individually decide. I recommend we all decide correctly.
God Bless,
@Gay Christian Will they repent? No. They will continue to blaspheme his name.
@Timothah Molone God prunes us through judgement, God also said to many that what happened to Syria and Turkey is part of that pruning and America and all of us will see the same occur, because God desires salvation. God for 3 years has told many that billions will be saved.
In fact, he just told a sister her ministry in Florida will have Florida showing it’s first love is God, during Valentine’s day.
Big movements are occuring in Iran too, where Millions have turned to God while being killed and arrested by their Government. I’ve been waiting for a major sign and Turkey/Syria is it.
Seems like we’re in end game now. We must work together and shine God’s love authentically and be prepared to help others when the time comes. Put aside your prejudice and made up beliefs about others and let God take the lead. Ask him what you need to do and let him show you. We’ve only once chance, so do not waste it. Mentally and emotionally and spiritually prepare yourself, ask God to show you and teach you what’s coming, it’s both sad, and joyful.
Salvation through judgement that opens man’s heart, ask God to show you.
He wants to save all of them, will you stay in the sidelines? Even prayer is good enough, so pray and fast if you can do no other thing. Ask him to save these people if you can do no other thing.
We better start treating each other well across the whole planet or we’re doomed
@James Daniels there we go…
No. Do it BECAUSE we are doomed.
Said who ??
All people do evil still, you need to remember how God brings judgment upon us and nations when we go far from him and do evil. But God’s judgment often is so we can repent. As for the children, God makes it clear that children go to Heaven automatically, so you can rest easy knowing they are safe and sound with The Father. Even so, it’s not just Syria, God’s judgment will hit America and the others.
Look around, Take some time to consideration the actions we as people and as nations have done. With all the corruption and evil around us, you’d really call us good?
Fact that God still hold back his judgment though, means he does not plan to destroy Syria or Turkey, but save it. When a tree has a dead leaf, you cut the dead leaf and a new healthy leave grows. This is called pruning. Jesus Christ is pruning nations so the rot that has infected it, may be healed. Unfortunately God makes it clear a nation like Syria chooses to close it’s ears to God, often this judgment now with so many dead, is the only way a people would repent.
God even still says he weeps for all who die, how could he not? He made you all, but God says evil must be punished when we reject Christ. Christ died for our evil and when we know him he changes us. We may still mess up but he lifts us up. Yet when we reject him we have no advocate for our evil. We go further in evil.
God desires that any man still willing to repent, do so. The pruning and judgement is not something we are joyful about in the moment. It still makes God weep as it should make all of us weep, no matter how evil no matter if they deserve judgment, they are still people made by God and it is sad they are physically dead.
But God says we live on because we are spirits, let us pray that all who died met the Father and are in Heaven after accepting Jesus. That Sheol itself does not take them. In Jesus name, amen,
God is pruning us all, let’s ensure we ourselves are secured by him.
And all of you forget, when God brings us low, it’s so from there we rise. Many nation changing events like mass salvation have come after these kinds of mass deaths. So I have joy and faith because despite this sorrow, it means Syria and Turkey will witness a miracle. Hallelujah for that! That God did not abandon them, but will illustrate to the Earth that his people in Turkey and Syria, and those not his people, will be saved.
Through the darkness we endure, light often arrives to shine the way through. We must not despair and instead choose to get up and unite, as brethren, who acknowledge the wrong and strive to change it.
God desires unity, peace, love, and harmony, let us wake up and throw away our past selves, let us live as brethren, as family, as one people. Time is short after all, so we all must individually decide. I recommend we all decide correctly.
God Bless,
My heart goes out for everyone in Turkey and Siria
pray to Allah for us

When your having a bad day.. and things are rough.. remember that it can be much worse. Feel blessed for what you have and treat others with love and respect.
aint that the truth!!
Its crazy how we panic in the moment and regret our life choices when catastrophes or bad incidents happen in our life. But the moment hardship passes we learn nothing and go back to our ways… makes me understand why God constantly inflicts hardship, because we dont learn with just one trial but many many trials and some still dont learn..
This is an unimaginable disaster! Sending hopes to all affected people of Turkey and Siria!
Praying for all of you involved in this earthquake.
Prayers out to the victims of this disaster, rest in peace.
I understand how scary this is, bc a couple years back i was ina 7.0. However, i can’t understand or even try to imagine the pain and loss they’re going through. We were so blessed to have no losses, it’s sad it’s not the case here. Praying for them
Los amamos hermanos queridos, los amamos. Estamos llorando y oramos por Ustedes querida gente querida, sorry…
My heart is heavy for everyone. May God protect you all , take you to safety
Prayers to all the people in Türkiye and Syria. Hope the rescue mission goes smoothly and everyone can stay safe.
OMG may the lord give strength and courage to the survivors. Praying for the people who remain to rescue and recover the missing. Comfort to those grieving a loved one.
It is a totally terrifying surprise incident. What a heartbreaking and overwhelming situation. I feel very sorry for all those people who are directly and indirectly involved in this natural destruction. My prayers and my attention of mercy always be with them.
Damn that’s sad to see, people’s lifes and everything they work for gone in just seconds. We need to help each other in times like these.