Tulsa Mayor G.T. Bynum (R) discusses coronavirus cases and deaths rising. Aired on 11/12/2020.
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#GTBynum #Coronavirus #MSNBC
Tulsa Mayor: 'Have To Be One Of The Worst Possible Cases Before You Get A Hospital Bed' | MTP Daily
Examples of Trumpcare in Oklahoma.
It’s worse than that …
“Trumpcare”, or how to cure cancer by resting at home. Alone.
Trumpcare… LoL…. If you get sick, you just say you’re not sick… It’s a bit like the Cobra Kai dojo, “pain does not exist in this dojo”…
The levels of ignorance in this country is really sad. No one says, “well, I don’t know anyone who was killed in a car crash, so I’m not going to wear a seatbelt.” But when it comes to the corona, people are like, “It’s a HOAX!” while 240,000 people have already died.
Lets hope natural selection will take care of those idiots who are proud to be ignorant.
@Joe Joe don’t quit your day job “doc” that Trump university medical degree won’t cut it in reality-world
@truth troll It’s more than that. This virus causes blood clots in seriously ill patients, so it directly causes things like strokes and heart attacks. I’ve heard a doctor talking about using an ultrasound while they were working on a patient. As they were breaking up one blood clot, they could see others forming in real time.
@GreenIdLady 1 I remember someone talking about that clotting incident on the news! I tried to keep it easy for the uneducated science deniers, thanks for going deeper!

@truth troll To this Crazed Right, their tomcat can fill an Olympic sized swimming pool with its pee. I’d sooner argue with flat earthers.
Call Trump he got the cure for y’all he got the helicopter ready..call the Golden Goose.
Yep. Start sending all excess patients to Walter Reed.
Roll up. Roll up. Welcome to Le Cirque Macabre : Hosted by ringmaster Donald J. Trumpet.
Everything Trump touches dies.
You should shake his hand.
We know this to be true. Eric and Don Jr are still alive. I always suspected Trump was an absentee father. A firm handshake on their 18th birthdays. No more.
Right.puff daddys the same way
We can only hope on the EVERYTHING!
Well, except ivanka
Too soon?
hate to sound harsh , but if you voted for trump and you don’t wear a face mask, you get to go to the back of the line for health care.
Actually, if we want to take the cult members at their word, they are science and medicine deniers, they get NO health care at all, they can go home and lay in their beds. They get NO access, they are not allowed to take the doctors away from us. Who do you think is spreading covid-19? The people without masks. That’s a co-conspirator in negligent homicide.
@Donna Diorka Exactly… and all encouraged by Despot Donnie.
Negligent homicide, reckless endangerment.
Hospital staff should not be required to treat people who willfully assume the risk of contracting Covid-19 by failing to wear a mask and/or socially distance. They don’t believe that Covid-19 is any worse than the flu, so give them OTC meds and send them home.
@Joe Joe Boy, you are really evil. May you get what you deserve.
@M John
# end black supremacy
Just call GOP Trump. He will fix it. Oh yeah. Those people with covid just need to use Trumpcare. Oh yeah, no Trumpcare.
No please he might tell them to drink bleach or inject it
Trumpcare is Clorox
You are harsh he just needs 2 weeks to get it out…2 weeks after never
@Jennie Kreiner
But its all a hoax, it will go away right after the election, right Trumpsters and Republicans!
I am a doctor who cares for COVID patients, and I was told by one of the infectious disease doctors just last month that everything will end after election, and I was so surprised by his statement that me made sad and disappointed. The tribal thinking of Trumpists have clouded their minds.
Or… “we’re rounding that corner”! Either line of BS, depending on the situation.
If people don’t want to wear masks, maybe they should volunteer at the hospitals.
Without PPE.
@GoGreen1977 yes
Agreed! But they’re far too selfish. They expose their own children to anyone and everyone. Such loving parents.
As doormats or doorstops? The uneducated cult is useless for any tasks requiring critical thinking skills, I wouldn’t want a cultist anywhere near me if I was sick!
Or be denied treatment when they catch it
And the one responsible is pouting in the White House, putting together a government overthrow.
Unbelievable. It’s like watching a movie but it’s really happening right under our nose’s and we can’t do a dam thing about it. I’m Beyond infuriated.
Never forget that the orange blight tried to infect his opponent at the first debate, prove intent and that’s attempted murder.
Looks like conservatives got their death panels.
Good job, Trumpers.
But there taking a lot of people with them
Are they rationing care?
In a Red State?
Is this Venezuela?
@Ian G no there not but the hospitals are stretched thin
Yep, one of their biggest lies about ACA was death panels deciding if you live or die and now here we are with red states implementing the policy they accused others of wanting. It’s tough to be sympathetic when people vote for trump and won’t wear masks.
Trump will be a Televangelist in future. He knows how to Fool gullible and ignorant people.
N-o-o-o-o-o not that. It has been joy not hearing his voice over the past few days.
The Joseph Smith of the 21st century…ooo, that’s got to hurt some folks! Truth seldom doesn’t hurt
Maga church!
The major thing that COVID has shown us, is that the DEMS and the MSM Propaganda MACHINE, HATE Our US Constitution!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AevBM6eM68I
@Bruce Swearingen –

Now Oklahomans want “elites” to help them. Go ask Donnie.
The train has already left the station. This winter’s new accessory is not a bedazzled mask. Turns out, ventilators are the new chic.
Meanwhile the president hasn’t even bothered to attend a coronavirus task force briefing in months!
We are now a ship without a captain and we’re headed towards an iceberg!
Don’t worry the orchestra is still playing and women, children and the wealthy white men are allowed in the lifeboats! I mean the hospital wards
@Eric TaylorIn a lot of countries, this kind of president will definitely get jail sentence after leaving the office. I am not talking about his case in New York.
@Yuan Wu American Justice system is a joke. If this fool is not indicted, the World can never trust American Justice.
You are luck breathing is involuntary
Oh, but he’s been so busy with much more important things!
Wear a mask in public. Wash your hands. Are they so stupid that it sounds like rocket science to them?
Concede Today.
Where’s Trump? You voted for him. It’s just a hoax, get over it
The President is AWOL on this virus. Sorry you voted for him Oklahoma.
This yellow dog Democrat did not
Call Trump and ask if there is room on his helicopter. Remember, wearing a mask infringed on your freedom.
People who voted for Trump and the GOP voted for Corona.