After President Donald Trump called the recommended sentencing in Roger Stone's case "a miscarriage of justice," the Justice Department intervened to recommend a lighter sentence for the president's longtime associate. As a result, all four prosecutors on the case resigned and Attorney General William Barr assumed direct control over Stone's case. Now the president is attacking the judge overseeing the case on Twitter. What comes next? Aired on 2/12/20.
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‘Tuesday Night Massacre’ At The Justice Dept.: What Happens Now? – Day That Was | MSNBC
the judges dont have to follow the ‘new’ sentencing recommendations tho…let’s see what happens next…but all of this shows the importance of voting…
States hold the key vote people don’t it’s all an illusion if no one votes your State will.
@Crfor Freedom
So, I have no free speech to point out obvious facts? I am a bit of a grammar “Nazi” as my father was – as the ability to express oneself clearly is important in public debate. And the inability to do so is usually a sign of a poor thinker, and the dismissal of that importance is a sign of a lazy thinker. But you are as free to make your inane defenses of ignorance as I am to point out the obvious indicators of it. So I won’t try to say that you should not post such nonsense – except possibly to be taken seriously yourself, since your spelling and grammar do not seem impaired, though your ability to grasp and accept facts and reason from them clearly is.
Now I will await something of substance from you – I suspect it will be a long wait.
@Crystal Giddens
Last I checked, you don’t OWN this country. I know that democracy and freedom upset you terribly, but they are the foundations of this country, and that often means that you (or I) don’t get our own way.
@Crfor Freedom name them liar.
I don’t see any FOX coverage on this.
Thursday Feb. 13.
Robin Hood Trump isn’t a victim democrats are the ones that want everyone to be victims. People are going to start paying for their treason and lies
@Ken Warner Robbin hood didn’t rob from the poor and give to the rich cretin.
@Archaeopter X uh no, he was giving them help while reworking crooked trade deals….now farmers are sitting pretty. Communist manifesto…step 1…govt control of healthcare….step 2….unarm population…..soooo the weasels on the left are pretty much what I’m talking about. Short term subsidies to help farmers during negotiations is not socialist or Marxist at all peon
@Simple Waze every other industrialized country provides healthcare dimwit. I suppose thwy must be following the communist manifesto. You right wing morons have no ability to think properly. All you do is parrot other right wing morons.
“Infestation”. Good word. Same word Trump used to describe immigrants. Always know that when Trump says something about others, it is ultimately true of HIM.
Peacefully! @Laramie Roush, you mean as he always mentioned #deepstate too?
He’s also mention words like Spygate, wiretapped, Witch Hunt, deep state, alternative facts, and it was all about a Russian adoption.

It looks like our democracy is built on the hopes its autocratic president is always a decent person.
@David Clark I rarely watch Fox. Usually some YouTube clips. These people pass bills all the time to make it look like they are doing something. What is in those bills? You don’t seem to know. Stop your propaganda. Everyone who disagrees with you is a Russian agent? You are nuts. You keep going from one topic to another because I keep debunking what you say. Get lost. Loser. And stop smearing people who disagree with you. Did these bills say political organizations can’t use former foreign agents to make up smear campaigns by getting unverified info from foreign sources? LOL. And by the way, I know who the Clarks are.
@Akela DeWolf *A Republic is a form of democracy* , stupid.
When someone denies they have done something before anyone has asked them it usually means they did do it.
oh okay thank you detective
@Fake News 2020 where I come from a Person accused defends themselves with Witnesses and evidence.
Trump got caught asking a foreign country for help and re-election.
@J. Noble HOGWASH !!!!!!!!!
The US is being turned into a dictatorship and the people seem oblivious!!”
Just the dumb base. We the majority are not as stupid. There’s starting to be less of them each day. They’re starting to open their eyes to their criminal in chief.
@Random Guy That’s my experience. I have a few friends who voted for this con man who now say they can’t do it again. Some that I know will, but I think many will vote differently or not at all. Not all who voted for him are cultists and those who aren’t are repulsed by this behavior of the past three years.
I for one welcome our new authoritarian overlord…
“Great spirits have often overcome violent opposition from mediocre minds.” Albert Einstein
Is anyone surprised?
It took hundreds of years to build this democracy. Donald Trump and his co-conspirators in the GOP have destroyed it in less than 4 years.
@Daniel McMaster Agreed. He’s a criminal, it’s proven and he needs to go to jail. The Senate gave him a pass, and they’re responsible for his actions.
Unnamed sources call for fake news and their dumbocrat brain med crazies to be removed from Planet Earth! The real tyrants are fake news demons. The were coming for America, Trump just got in their way. Lets see CNN cameras at dawn FBI SWAT raids of Biden, Comey, Maddow, Ohr, Clinton, Weissman, Clapper, Brennan. to name a few that need to be made example of. Put them on a pike like Schifty said.
@Kevin McNeil A Republic *is a form of democracy* … so weary of right wing halfwits justifying anti-democratic behavior with your “we are a republic” schtick.
@David Goldman *A Republic is a form of democracy* … did you fail civics?
The people must revolt and protest against Trump,GOP abd Barr…period!! But the people are passive .
BEN K MAMOSEBO. You must have such a low IQ to not realise how Democrats are corrupt and how they manipulate you with the help of the fake news media to make you brain dead. The justice department was corrupted and tainted by Obama the worst president ever. More important if you side with Democrats I feel sorry for you if one day you fall foul of the law. For what the crooked Democrats are doing is ignoring and trampling on people’s right. If you allow this to happen you will never ever get justice from a corrupt DOJ. FOR WHAT THEY DO TO rOGER STONE TODAY COULD BE TO YOU TOMORROW. Trump is cleaning the corrupt justice system and the corrupt Senators like Schiff Pelosi Nadler and all Democrats so that you a fellow citizen can enjoy living in the US without fer of being accused wrongly. when you understand tht Democrats are corrupt to the bone maybe just maybe you will stop watching the crap fke news channels and tune in to the real news channels.
Ben…actually. the passive ones have been all of Trump supporters and the non leftists…my guess is…it would not be pretty if you awaken that beast.
White folks must organize and start the revolt! We african Americans is ready just waiting a signal from you.
Not this ppl !!
When will you finally go out and truly resist America?
Take the lead from Hong Kong. There should be tens of thousands of Americans surrounding the Senate every day. March on Washington.
It won’t happen. We weren’t paying attention during history class and are all drunk with the wine of entertainment.
@Adero Ramseur I am sad to agree with you Adero.
@Adero Ramseur americans like what is happening and sitting on their hands
Unnamed sources call for fake news and their dumbocrat brain med crazies to be removed from Planet Earth! The real tyrants are fake news demons. The were coming for America, Trump just got in their way. Lets see CNN cameras at dawn FBI SWAT raids of Biden, Comey, Maddow, Ohr, Clinton, Weissman, Clapper, Brennan. to name a few that need to be made example of. Put them on a pike like Schifty said.
It’s pretty sad when an immigrant seeking a better life and safety for their selves and family are seen as a bigger threat to our democracy and Constitution than our president who has no respect for our Constitution and democracy right in front of my eyes!
Someone’s doing the raping.
@Marvin Burkholder Drumpy would if he COULD!
Jamie Cox
no respect for the rule of law makes Himself more dangerous to this country than the caronavirus. Himself is a cancer that devours everything to feed his ego. Everything will never be enough for this sicko.
Jamie Cox why don’t you take all these immigrants and put them in your mommies basement along side you and the rest of you corrupt deranged lying Democrats!
Jamie Cox – good point; the Republicans use immigrants and especially Islamic ones to stoke fear amongst the quivering cowards in the right wing base. The tactic is a textbook fascist/autocrat play as history has proven.
Where is Seal Team 6 when we need them
Take him out, I don’t care how you do it just do it
If any of the followers a trump knew their history. They would know this is just what Hitler did in the thirties and everybody stood by and watched until it was too late to get rid of him. Don’t make it too long before we get rid of trump.
Can we PLEASE have just one GOP senator who would actually be someone worth having in a Fox Hole by your side? Just one? Besides Romney?
Trump is to be despised and gone after until he is imprisoned without pardon.
@Loki Ro remove trump and his family
Unnamed sources call for fake news and their dumbocrat brain med crazies to be removed from Planet Earth! The real tyrants are fake news demons. The were coming for America, Trump just got in their way. Lets see CNN cameras at dawn FBI SWAT raids of Biden, Comey, Maddow, Ohr, Clinton, Weissman, Clapper, Brennan. to name a few that need to be made example of. Put them on a pike like Schifty said.
Democrats are the Dirtiest lowest species on the planet earth
they need to be voted into extinction in the November election!!!!
The Republicans and their base are cowards; they follow the schoolyard bully around squealing with delight as he trashes our Republic, retaliates on anyone who hurt their little feelings.
Do you now get it that the USA has been changed into a Dictatorship? The WH Psychopath is being played with and he doesn’t get it
how old are you? dictatorship drama queen
Trump is a Jim Jones. A cult. How much time is it going to take before you all drink the Kool-Aid? He has got all of you Hoodwinked.
Trump is going to give the poison cool aid to all you maggot deranged lying Democrats to get rid of you corrupt slime balls!
The WH Psychopath is brainwashing the public and the people do not get it.
Its why Republicans have always been SO pro religion. Religions brainwash people and condition them to be particularly vulnerable to further brainwashing from other sources.
But YOU and I do – so let’s vote against it !
@Kate D just watched The Family on Netflix….eye opening…explains a lot!
When Trump first took office, right wing media made up the narrative of a deep state in our government.
The biggest, most long lasting thing Trump is doing is to create one.
debunked stupid )
oops! )
Unnamed sources call for fake news and their dumbocrat brain med crazies to be removed from Planet Earth! The real tyrants are fake news demons. The were coming for America, Trump just got in their way. Lets see CNN cameras at dawn FBI SWAT raids of Biden, Comey, Maddow, Ohr, Clinton, Weissman, Clapper, Brennan. to name a few that need to be made example of. Put them on a pike like Schifty said.
Learn from Hong Kong get out in the streets!
The Senate should have been encircled by tens of thousands of loud patriots during the impeachment vote.
Yes protest like the 60s Bang that Gong Bash that can Blow that horn , wave the banner let the Republicans know there time is limited, !!!!!!!!
We as a country should revolt. It’s our right to take our government back from Trump and his criminals.
Then do it!
Unnamed sources call for fake news and their dumbocrat brain med crazies to be removed from Planet Earth! The real tyrants are fake news demons. The were coming for America, Trump just got in their way. Lets see CNN cameras at dawn FBI SWAT raids of Biden, Comey, Maddow, Ohr, Clinton, Weissman, Clapper, Brennan. to name a few that need to be made example of. Put them on a pike like Schifty said.
We in the military have the right to mow down all you maggot deranged lying Democrats period.
What a mob of stupid idiots. All of your previous allies now do not trust the US and are laughing at you. If you do not take to the streets to protest you will deserve all that you get. Putin has got Trump by the balls and you cannot see what is the point of finishing this as you are just ignorant sheep. Bye USA
Mass protest would be a good start.
Educational leaflet drops on MAGA rally queues.
You corrupt deranged lying Democrats might get a crowd of 10people if your lucky.