Pima County in Arizona has the second most cases of coronavirus statewide. Tucson is a part of that county and the mayor, Regina Romero joins Stephanie Ruhle to explain how her city is coping. Aired on 07/14/2020.
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Tucson, AZ Mayor: ‘It Is A Moral Obligation To Keep Families Safe’ | Stephanie Ruhle | MSNBC
We need an @real American President.
Vote for me, I’ll be president if enough people vote for me. #itsnegan2020
@it’s negan
Negan did get jobs for a lot of people i just dont agree with all the killing to get in line. At least you know your sister from ypur wife and dont have a creepy relationship with your daughter…#Negan2020 
@Beautiful Woman that’s right lol
Don’t get distracted. Only with voting Biden we have a chance to get rid of this orange nightmare!
@Carlos Stranger trump is failing fast. Google it cupcake.
Businesses will rebuild, life doesn’t have that opportunity.
@Paul Millbank Again, your party fully endorsed the killings of 52 million innocent American babies since 1970….. Where’s your sheer and complete outrage at yourself for backing a party that kills babies? But 70 something’s is completely unacceptable? Just how completely stupid do you have to be to even open your mouth??
@Paul Millbank Look it up, you’re backing the party of baby killers….. another 700,000 this year alone…. and you claim to “care”?
@Paul Millbank ” Lock downs can be avoided if anti-intellectuals ” Well, then tell that to all the irresponsible dumbocratic kids in the bars, beaches and looting America into the 3rd World Country you so obviously desire.
Freedom & Liberty Bot It’s kids it’s also Trumps base and they’ve accepted Trumps lie that this epidemic is a hoax. You can’t win this because all of the facts are against you.
@Freedom & Liberty Bot He doesn’t Trump does, hence the tax cuts to the 1%
There is scientific research that dead people do less shopping than the living.
@cham fefe Feb. 10, campaign rally in Manchester, N.H.:
“I spoke with President Xi, and they’re working very, very hard. And I think it’s all going to work out fine.”
Feb. 13, Fox News interview:
“I think they’ve handled it professionally and I think they’re extremely capable and I think President Xi is extremely capable and I hope that it’s going to be resolved.”
Feb. 18, remarks before Air Force One departure:
“I think President Xi is working very hard. As you know, I spoke with him recently. He’s working really hard. It’s a tough problem. I think he’s going to do — look, I’ve seen them build hospitals in a short period of time. I really believe he wants to get that done, and he wants to get it done fast. Yes, I think he’s doing it very professionally.”
@cham fefe Feb. 27, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“I spoke with President Xi. We had a great talk. He’s working very hard, I have to say. He’s working very, very hard. And if you can count on the reports coming out of China, that spread has gone down quite a bit. The infection seems to have gone down over the last two days. As opposed to getting larger, it’s actually gotten smaller.”
@cham fefe Feb. 29, Coronavirus Task Force press conference:
“China seems to be making tremendous progress. Their numbers are way down. … I think our relationship with China is very good. We just did a big trade deal. We’re starting on another trade deal with China — a very big one. And we’ve been working very closely. They’ve been talking to our people, we’ve been talking to their people, having to do with the virus.”
@Bud D. Epsen CCP Troll, no real person will type so many words
@A C CCP Troll, how much money or fentanyl you get from CCP to defame her?
It may be a moral obligation for her but it is not for Republican/trump mayors, governors, legislators, trump or Dan Patrick.
Donald Bingham – Dan Patrick is a dangerous oaf. I think he’s a nut.
According to Republican Governors, they have a moral, or should I say immoral, obligation to look out for Trump and his political interests and ambitions.
What’s happening in Florida, Arizona, and Texas is happening because their Governors were only looking out for the best interest of one individual, Donald Trump, instead of looking out for the best interests of the residents of their States…PLAIN And SIMPLE. DeSantis along with other republican governors, are of the belief that they work for Trump, and not the people of their States. The same people that pay their salaries, and provide them with free room & board.
And for that, they must be held accountable.
@Dusty Rains not gonna hide under the bed… gonna fight them in the streets if needed
@Paul Wilson Fight who? Most of you gonna die from friendly fire, lol.
@Paul Wilson Who or what grants you those rights?
@Paul Wilson Why do we have all kinds of laws designed to protect the health of the public? You know, like the ones that restaurants and food manufacturers have to comply with? Your blanket statement is moronic. How about the law that says you must drive on the right side of the road and stop at a red light? All of these and thousands of other government laws designed to protect the public. Fuckwit!
@Dusty Rains ya we will see… see ya in the civil war you communist… BYOW
99.9% of Doctors agree, that children who are alive, tend to be better educated than those who are dead.
Well spoken and the truth to boot.
@TheModelOmega Naughty.
@foxy brown It is because of Donald Trump that America has now reported 3.2 million cases and has tallied nearly 135,000
the death rate for healthy children is basically zero
Open the SCHOOLS or DEFUND THE TEACHERS! Stop this democratic fear mongering! Arizona: population 7.3 Million. 2339 supposed Cv19 deaths and 128,000 supposed “CASES”, So, Death rate per cases = 1.82% way below the 4.3% national average. 2339 dead in 7.3 mil = 0.032% of population dying from Cv19. These 3’s are no reason NOT to open schools or to shut down people from making a living! Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% avg death rate of the high risk people , just like we live with other deaths (cancer, heart disease, etc.). How many will die due to more LOCK DOWNS? This will be worse than these numbers . GET WOKE!
4.5% of Global population….26% of Global cases….24% of Global deaths.
That’s unfortunately fact no matter that foxy news murkdog and their genie genius creation call it fake
Some would call those numbers “winning”…. others call it a drama.
These #’s are A JOKE! No one tests like America U MORON! Stop this democratic fear mongering! Arizona: population 7.3 Million. 2339 supposed Cv19 deaths and 128,000 supposed “CASES”, So, Death rate per cases = 1.82% way below the 4.3% national average. 2339 dead in 7.3 mil = 0.032% of population dying from Cv19. These 3’s are no reason NOT to open schools or to shut down people from making a living! Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% avg death rate of the high risk people , just like we live with other deaths (cancer, heart disease, etc.). How many will die due to more LOCK DOWNS? This will be worse than these numbers . GET WOKE!
@Pam Deshane I thought trumpet is an idiotic being but you’re imbicilic
Trump being the agent of chaos and destruction that he is, has never solved a problem in his life, and the reason why is because Trump IS the problem. And he’s not about to fix himself.
@Dusty Rains
Why dont you go to canada or mexico as the united states is not run that way it is a democratic republic (supposedly) that’s why dump got in so much trouble when he said he’d shut Minneapolis down you cant do that. Everyone says dump didn’t do this dump did that, idiots want to shut the nation down for the flu
@bruce k Stormy daniels and hush money?
@bruce k Have you ever read anything, followed the news, or just your gut? Why even ask for other people to do your research. Just get out of your moms basement and do something.
@bruce k o@
Perfectly said…!
over people
Our Gov. Doug Ducey is a Always Trumper and owner of Stone Cold Creamery stores. I’m sure ice cream stores are an essential business! Goodbye Ducey!
November 3!
Oh this will go away after the election no matter who wins! There will not be a Vaccine, look at history! Hey Mayor, Stop this democratic fear mongering! Arizona: population 7.3 Million. 2339 supposed Cv19 deaths and 128,000 supposed “CASES”, So, Death rate per cases = 1.82% way below the 4.3% national average. 2339 dead in 7.3 mil = 0.032% of population dying from Cv19. These 3’s are no reason NOT to open schools or to shut down people from making a living! Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% avg death rate of the high risk people , just like we live with other deaths (cancer, heart disease, etc.). How many will die due to more LOCK DOWNS? This will be worse than these numbers . GET WOKE!
morals? oh that’s right, TRUMP HAS NONE!
Trump stated on live TV that the virus is 99% harmless, are decision being made in the states based on that statement?
There are only a few Republican Governors left still listening to Trump. Gov Ducey of Arizona, Gov DeSantis of Florida, and a few in the Midwest. Abbot has jumped on the mask train because the virus is out of control, and Republican Governors in the New England states have long since left Trump behind.
Democrat Governors (and most Mayors since Mayors in big cities tend to be Democrat) are listening to science. Here in California, openings are based on the positivity rate across 7 days. We hit 8% on Saturday (meaning 8% of all tests are coming back positive) so we’re shutting down again. WHO says that number should be at 5%. Florida is at 20%. Arizona is at 26%. Oklahoma is at 34%.
The Memorial Day surge. Had the Arizona governor and the governors of other states like Texas and Florida exhibited just a little more discipline, we might have gotten on top of the COVID-19 virus. But in their haste (and prodded by President Donald Trump) to re-open businesses without a solid plan to cope with the coronavirus, the surge happened. Now it is out of control. There is an old saying that what you sow, you reap.
LMAO, Where was the pleas to stop gathering in the 1000’s to “peaceful protest”? Stop this democratic fear mongering! Arizona: population 7.3 Million. 2339 supposed Cv19 deaths and 128,000 supposed “CASES”, So, Death rate per cases = 1.82% way below the 4.3% national average. 2339 dead in 7.3 mil = 0.032% of population dying from Cv19. These 3’s are no reason NOT to open schools or to shut down people from making a living! Face it we need to live with a approx 0.02% avg death rate of the high risk people , just like we live with other deaths (cancer, heart disease, etc.). How many will die due to more LOCK DOWNS? This will be worse than these numbers . GET WOKE!
I have an idea.
Let’s do a test school in a republican neighborhood with no masks, no remote learning, and no social distancing. See how well that goes.
@Ro G ya so does the yearly flu… it comes back year after year… tens of millions have died from influenza
@Ro G you are right its not going away… so why run from it went all will likely get it?
@Paul Wilson Well, if this were still May, I’d say that a nation-wide shut down that EVERYONE followed for 4-6 weeks would have starved the virus into submission. But now, it’s so widespread that I’m not sure if even that would stop it. Slow it maybe, but we wasted months arguing about masks of all things. And now we’re screwed.
But if you’re saying we should just let it wash over us and deal with the 300,000 dead people….not sure if I agree with that.
@Paul Wilson This ain’t the flu, numb nut. Why don’t you say “we lose a lot of people to cancer and people shooting themselves in the faces while playing with guns?” It would be just as relevant as your flu nonsense.
@Ro G ro… by the time it got to the US it was already spread around the world… virus transmission is a fact of life
There’s no such thing as small government and tax reductions for the rich what’s needed now by society is leadership, acknowledging sciences, maintaining social funding, universal healthcare and vision, none trumpet the genius has
Yes, that sounds like the Anti-Programm of the GOP and tRump…
It’s useless to tell that to Trump. That man has zero morals.
make it simple so Ducey can understand, boycott his ice cream stores until he gets the picture
“Moral obligation.” And that’s where you lost Donald.
Here we go with another “W” style meltdown.Nothing like being homeless in the middle of a pandemic while Washington squabbles over OUR money, is there?