Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to be left uncomfortable and confused after interviewing Rep. Matt Gaetz about allegations related to sex trafficking of a minor. CNN's Ryan Nobles reports.
#CNN #News
Fox News host Tucker Carlson appeared to be left uncomfortable and confused after interviewing Rep. Matt Gaetz about allegations related to sex trafficking of a minor. CNN's Ryan Nobles reports.
#CNN #News
U know you are in a big trouble when even Tucker doesn’t defend u
@Tyrone Shoelaces What? If you only watch Fox why are you here preaching? No one in the comment section asked for you to change their mind. And half of what you said has nothing to do with the allegations of Matt.
GOP – party of projection.
@Tyrone Shoelaces who TF is going to read this?
@Tyrone Shoelaces you are very boring

You remember Tucker when we went out to dinner together and we sniffed the seats at Chuck-E-Cheese.
(Pizza Gaetz)
Pizza Gaetz kek
O I think you mean Biden
Hillary and the Podestas surely remember. I’m sure
@Tastic i told you to attack matt geatz and tucker Carlson
Jim Jordan defending a sexual preditor? He would never do anything like that would he? Lol
@Red Barchetta
He would he prefers boys.
No I don’t think so he’s never tried to defend Biden right
Jim Jordan and Gratz are both predators
@Steven Sotomish
you mean trump and his daughter.
When Gym Jordan is the only one coming to your defense… you KNOW you’re in trouble…
@Joseph Cox

@Peoplelie Freethemen Oh my, .00000000000001 percent will read your post….do u feel cheated?
@Peoplelie Freethemen Did that feel good? I hope so. Seems like you have some issues.
Jordan is who you get yourself photographed with when you want to look very guilty.
Pizza Gaetz is real! Someone should let Qanon know.
@Trantor The Troll Who won the 2020 presidential election?
Well, Gym Jordan who is a known protector of young people being abused, said he believes Gaetz…
@alte knack how many pedals do you know?
@Trantor The Troll Why not, Trump said all sorts of lies and still whining.
The way he insists on saying the girl was a ‘woman’ doesn’t help his case LOL
statutory rape
It’s called gaslighting. It’s a way of positioning his innocence by portraying a young high school teen a “woman”
That’s The overlay… Next he’s going to say he didn’t know she was 17 years old or younger… He’ll say I thought she was a woman! How does Gates know about the details of this investigation.
@Ba Doai we are not going to click on that link
The party of “family values” can’t stop spreading love.
Instead they’re spreading herpes.
@Sam F There is no exceptions to what is universally right unstable genius. The dems claim to be the champions of social justice for all, that includes everybody. If you use a little logic, you will find conflict in their arguments. Also, are you proposing that if some one doesn’t claim something as wrong, they can freely do it even though it might be wrong?
@Luluhernandez Show me where every Democrat has claimed to be a champion of social justice for all. What you did is called a Straw man argument which is a logic fallacy.
Right on!
“can’t stop spreading love” Thats what Sniffer O’Biden says!
When tucker carlson won’t even have your back, it’s baaaad bro.
@Pixxie Snitt the sad part is even if you’re being sarcastic I can’t tell because of how many crazy qanon believers there are
@Shenita Gazaway that’s what I think
Tucker is righteous
@mmmclain1 Dems are up to some crappy stuff alright. Sending money to struggling families, rebuilding American infrastructure, supporting workers unions. The sick bastards are tearing the country apart
@Auntie Pha
Tell us about that rocket in Michelle Obamas Speedoes, bigboy..
“17 y/o woman” she’s a girl.
@Joshua Tree
They’re serpents, most people u see now are assorted demonic hybrids, humanity is being murdered off
I’m 36 and while it’s legal I couldn’t even date a girl in her 20s. What could we possibly have in common?
Globalist serpent puppeteers make their own global warming with HAARP technology
Did the devil turnukweeryet?
So sad
If she can’t buy you a beer in Mexico, she’s too young for you bro
if she can’t legally smoke a cigarrete then she’s also too young for you
@Thomy Fun old enough to smoke, old enough to poke.
That’s what my high school gym teacher used to say
Matt tried to pull off a ” if I go down you go down with me” and Tucker immediately reply: hell no!!

“The person doesn’t exist” “but you had dinner with her and I”
I wish Ted Cruz & Ron Desantis would have gotten a honorable mention like Tucker Carlson did on the interview.
. Let’s not forget daddy Donny the captain, they can all go down with the ship as far as I’m concerned.
By saying hay guys you’ve all been where I’m at you understand
He was like do I know you?
Now we need A high school male wrestler to come forward about Hamster boy Jim Jordan. After that we go after Cruz. Let’s drain this poisonous swamp.
Cant wait for the gay bars to open back up again so you boys can get back to business…instead of being annoying internet trolls.
GOP stands for child sexual predator as Q accused others of.
@Mike K Lol. SHADDDUPPPP and go sit down somewhere tool.
Somebody once said “Be good to the people that you meet on the way up, because they are the same people you are going to meet on the way down”. Gaetz wasn’t listening and he made himself a lot of enemies. I hope he gets exactly what he deserves!
@Joseph Cox I’m not taking sides yet because no one truly knows anything until the facts come out. Ya’ll need to stop blaming someone who may turn out being innocent, it just makes you look stupid later. We have something in America called innocent until proven guilty. It’s sad that anyone can claim anything anymore and everyone hops on the bandwagon. The recent Justin Bieber situation is great proof of that.
My grandma used to say that. A lot.
@ShamefulRug go right ahead and stay neutral about a child predator. Totally your choice. I’m sure you’re also willing to give Epstein the benefit of the doubt, considering he’s dead and can’t defend himself. Besides, Matt was a pusher of Pizza Gate, so he gets no presumption of innocence here. But you don’t look stupid at all by assuming he’s innocent until proven otherwise.
@ShamefulRug nah sorry I’d rather be accidentally mean towards an innocent man than accidentally defend a sexual predator…
Support from Gym Jordan…that says it all
Gaetz: So….you remember Tucker, the woman you and I had dinner with, right. She’s at the center of all this. Tucker: No, I don’t remember that at all, who is she? Gaetz: She doesn’t exist! But you do remember her, right? That woman who we dined with that doesn’t exist.
You must remember Tucker,! ..we ordered pepperoni
2 things can be true. You can be a criminal & also be extorted
Sounds like someone had something on him. If they were asking 25mil they for sure have evidence. Also, I bet his homeboy the tax collector is gonna be offered a plea bargain yo throw him under the bus 
Tucker was asking gaetz how much for the girl? Smh. LOCK THEM UP!
@John Huffman Oh I cUght that too. He is just a voice of contradictions.
Gaetz: ‘Oh now I get it….You said TUCK-ER. I thought you instructed me to do something else!’
My my my, why do we always fail to believe that Karma eventually collects what she’s owed!
Oh, I don’t know, maybe the depressingly high number of kids who get abused and have their lives messed up forever, the fact that many people who commit crimes against children get way lighter sentences than people who have done the same thing to an adult (something I have never understood), the fact that a lot of crappy people have reasonably decent lives, the fact that a lot of people get away with all sorts of horrible stuff? But, right, other than all that, I can totally get behind this concept of karma…just sayin’
When you sell your soul, there’s always a debt to be collected. And you don’t get to choose what, when and where! True statement!
Everything about Gaetz screams $kumbag. He’s like the Patron Saint of $kumbags around the world, and he dresses like a stunt double for Saul Goodman on “Better Call Saul.”
Gaetz sounds like a guilty man running scared. Someone better not let him Epstein his way out of this.
I see Gaetz pulling a so-called Epstein but not Epstein himself.
If he was running scared he wouldn’t be doing interviews.
Anyone who says “17 year-old woman” is immediately suspect, in my opinion.
My 17 year old daughter is a woman. Know how I know? She is currently in AIT with the United States Army. If you are old enough to sign your life away for the rights and freedoms of your country, you are old enough to be honored with the title “woman”. BTW…if that pervert had touched my daughter, the FBI would not have been needed to expose him, I would have done it myself. She may qualify as a woman, but the law still says that she is a minor when it comes to that kind of thing.
I even call 50 yo a girl. But may be it’s official term. There
In USA an eighteen year old is called a woman
The open-mouthed look of wonderment on Carlson’s face is freaking priceless.
Isn’t that just how he normally looks though?
Tucker face:
A look of flustered bewilderment (eyes squinched, brows pitched, and mouth slightly agape) just before you’re about about to attack someone’s claim or assertion. The look Fox News pundit Tucker Carlson makes when one of his guests is speaking. – urban dictionary
@Ba Doai