Citizen Donald Trump is attempting to block the Treasury Department from handing his tax returns over to Congress, accusing them of looking for something embarrassing. The DOJ has ruled his tax returns can go to the House Committee on Ways and Means. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on the update in the case. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).
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#MSNBC #Trump #Taxes
Accountability is not a Witchhunt!
It is to the corrupt
AUDITS fall into the same category… if you`re not hiding anything, LET IT GO
The REAL witch hunt will begin when Donnie goes looking for wife number 4.
So Trump is worried they might find something embarrasing

or is it more like, “something incriminating” 

@Peter Schancel You’re right
@Mike Felix A lot of the time I go to peoples channels to see when they started or What if any content they have. My channel has lots of interesting free entertainment I have found on You Tube,,Lots of movies, SNL and stuff that interests me. Keep smart my friend
That’s a cute understatement.
Trump incarnates EMBARRASSMENT . Place him along the “nuttiest” fourth world dictators, only one with a missing brain. America, you have lost you greatness once again.
@Sandeep Mirchandani You would think he would recognize the lunacy by looking in the mirror. I wonder if he can look at himself in one, unless it’s a fake one with President Jackson in it.
If Trump did his taxes legally, what’s he afraid of?
He’s afraid we’ll find out he’s not as rich as he pretends to be.
He’s already said he didn’t do them legally: he said “nobody” does.
That’s just the point he never does anything legally.
[Devil’s advocate:] Trump’s tax returns might even have been fully in compliance, but would expose activity which voters would find disgusting.
He owes many millions to the oligarchs.
Trump and the GOP is scared of their own can of worms !!!!
@RockGoddess she actually said that WOW
@The media is not your Friend exactly. He didn’t hide his birth certificate, unlike Trump who is obviously hiding something with his tax returns. Otherwise he just would have shown them a long time ago, like every other president who had no problem doing it. Trump is a grifter, period.
@Jerry Beloin Candice Owen is nothing but a sell-out to her own people who will do anything for 15 minutes of fame. Or money. She is an absolute joke. Her latest? Trying to make a big thing out of the latest Disney Cinderella story with Gonzo from The Muppets. Once again trying to stay relevant. What an absolute joke of a human being she is.
@Frank Temple Trump is to dumb to be scared
Don’t think they’re that scared, it’ll just get tied up in the legal system for as long as he’s alive.
The slipperiest fish continues his quest.
C .R. E. E. P. S.
@One World Slipperiest and snake like much like an eel.
The slipperiest fish seems to still be in control of “the American depts. of justice ” and
of the corrupt enablers in Congress that keep the tinpot dictator’s lies swirling.
@MIKE VON BACH And also “depts of JUSTICE??¿??!” that take yrs. to cover for Trump over the wishes of many Americans who want to know
exactly why this crazy individual
is so endearing to the power brokers in govt.
Do you ever hear him late at night clawing at your bedroom window and whispering Satantic incantations, and then you sit up and see red, glowing eyes right outside, staring piercingly into your very soul, and you have a strong feeling that if you hadn’t stopped him with your Dementiacrat equity he would have stolen it away? That’s one way the Republicans can gitcha, you know.
Hope they got their money up front! Trump doesn’t like paying lawyers.
Or subcontractors, for that matter. Why anyone will work for him now is beyond me.
Paying, full stop.
I’ve never wanted to see a nightmare come true so bad.
@Joe Mama obviously your’s was…
@Joe Mama Awe, did sombody pick on your golden idol?
Are you crying?
Just look at the Oval Office if you wanna see a nightmare, bumbling puppet that he is.
His attorneys are doing a reality show to entertain Trump as long as he forks the bills. No problem.
Pro Bono you mean
But dt doesn’t foot the bills. He’s a deadbeat grifter.
The Dump? Pay LAWYERS?? Hahahaahahhaahshaashshhhaaaaaa! Best laugh I had all day!
@Josie Fox — they are starting to be fined for filing frivolous cases, made to pay the court costs and attorney fees associated with those cases and it’s about time, the bar association needs to continue disbarment of his attorneys also

But he never pays up
If this was an poor or middle class person they would be in jail.
Money does talk when you can afford many lawyers
True. One thing the rich can do is to keep their criminality in the civil jurisdiction. What this means is, they are allowed to calculate their criminality as a business risk.
Insiders in this country don’t go to jail. This is all a show, true elites and insiders don’t go to jail in America. Only their flunkies do. It’s hilarious that the media still keeps beating this horse. He’s never going to jail ever.
Sounds like good old American Corruption to me. What a govt. !! –still holding back evidence of Trump’s wrongdoing after all the flagrant lying, as about the election being stolen, and after dozens of his cronies having witnessed his madness while in the White House. If anyone even believes the USA is a democracy anymore, it’s time
for such a person to doubt and
just ponder what could be going on behind well-guarded walls .
Oh Ari, don’t we know by now that Donald is hiding something. He would do anything to stop it or waste time until no one cares.
What can be worse than we allready know? Or is he afraid of Putin or the crown prince, some mafia or some bank If certain facts are about to be disclosed?
@Okkie Trooy confirmation, facts. No room for denial. That’s what is worse, right now he can say it’s a witch hunt, it’s fake news. But evidence changes everything.
How many times did he say he would give them up?!
He says alot of things, but must of it is lies.
Find something embarrassing? Like maybe he’s not a billionaire or not paying his fair share?
@J Paul I remember that…she had the 1040 and not the actual return with all of the supporting documents – that was make clear…you would not know these things if you only file 1040-EZ.
@J Paul Remind me of the tax loopholes the Trump Administration attempted to removed. You seem to have what I call “selective memory”. It flourishes among the lesser learned. Hopefully you, as this small topic, been enlightened. You are more than welcomed.
@J Paul So what are you trying to say? That Trump pays every penny he owes on his taxes.
@Larry Ames Larry, I will match wits and degrees with you any time. Why is it so necessary for leftists to believe they are more intelligent than everyone else? Why not address the issue versus insulting my intelligence? Again, if Trump evaded taxes it would have been leaked long before he got elected.
(D) Senator Harry Reid who lied about Romney “not paying his taxes for 10 years” in 2012, when asked why he said that knowing it was not true, answered, “We won, didn’t we.” There it is. The democrat’s the end justifies the means.
@J Paul obviously wits and degrees are not necessary in this instance. It only takes one with common sense, left or right, to know that trump is a crook, who’s avoided paying taxes for many years. Common sense tells anyone that this is why he’s so adamant that they don’t get his taxes.
There’s nothing criminal about owing millions to Russian oligarchs or pretending to be rich. But it sure is embarrassing when the world finds out
If it is true, he was severely compromised and shouldn’t have been eligible for the Presidency. We can’t have a POTUS making policy decisions that could dramatically effect his bottom line and financial reputation, particularly when his bottom line is significantly tied to foreign entities and hostile governments. If you ask me, this is why he didn’t release his taxes; and I suspect he undervalued assets to pay less taxes, and overvalued them to secure loans – all of which is illegal.
@D SP that may be true but imagine all the damage Dump can do to the US if he drags this all the way to the Supreme Court… it could be years before we see his tax returns
It actually can be extremely illegal to pretend to be rich. Overvaluing your net worth on financial documents (such as loan applications), even just once, constitutes multiple felonies.
Aside from the money laundering…
The Russian oligarchs will soon want their money back. And guys like that REALLY want their money back.
lived a nightmare in the twilight zone for 4 years! HIS TURN!!!
Baron will be gluing in his dentures while watching his grandkids play on their gilded swing set next to the Melania Trump memorial swan fountains before we see those taxes.
That’s the most vividly-imagined and well-described hallucination I’ve ever heard from a Bidenfly. Must be off your anti-TDS meds.
Enough of the stall, let’s get this show on the road. His delays are absurd. The courts need to EXPEDITE decisions and get this done.
@Sky426 Cok You are fool.
@Sky426 Cok r u a troll or a tool, not that it matters.
It’s never going to happen, that’s the sad reality.
@jonescrusher1 you are probably correct unfortunately
You’re talking about Biden during the campaign: right?
God Blessed the USA when Trump lost this election
And where was god when he won?
@Steve Wildman Testing us. He’s not done yet.
@Steve Wildman That was Cold and you hit the nail on the head and Tell the truth and shame the devil.
@Steve Wildman maybe sitting it out
He’s projecting by saying all that want to see is something to embarrass him. If he has nothing left to embarass, then nothing left to hide.
Too late. Trump does nothing but embarrass himself, every day
What is it he says about the Arizona audit, “If they aren’t hiding something why don’t the just give us what we want?” What you hiding Donnie?
For a guy who has nothing to hide, he sure fights like his life depends on it.
I beginning to think he has much to hide
Ya think?
Trump stinks of guilt. It is a shame he can do so much to put off Justice. Pulling down a high profile tax cheat is in the public interest as a warning to other powerful tax cheaters.
he is the first domino of the family org