At a campaign stop in Marietta, Georgia, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel attempted to persuade Republicans to vote in the Georgia Senate runoff elections, even as voters expressed ambivalence about expanding "money and work when it's already decided." #CNN #News
‘Trust us, we’re fighting’: Ronna McDaniel faces tough crowd at campaign stop

I’d love the irony if Trump caused the Republicans lose the House, Senate and White House. I’m sure the Republicans would love it.
@Phantom Mensa Brilliant!
@Donnie TRUMP Define Socialism. I bet you can’t. And it’s clear you don’t understand what defunding the police really means. You saw three words, and looked no further. Keep on drinking that Cool-Aid. Hopefully, you won’t get poisoned by it.
@Trump Rules *_Trump voters should boycott the Jan5th run-off election in Georgia!! Remember, low voter turnout always favors the Republicans!_*
@I.C. DeadVoters I see you say Baa, Baa like the sheep you are.
@charlie golden lol okay bud they actually lost ground in the senate. They gained numbers in the house but still don’t have majority.
When we’re done with these traitors the prisons will be full. Maybe Siberia?
No. Send them to Alabama.
@Patrick Liew He traded Puerto Rico, population 3.2 million for Greenland population 56,000. More room for the FEMA concentration camps
Unfortunately he and his goon squad are pardoned. He BOUGHT his corruption in plain sight and then got away with it… But his legacy is now disgrace!
Putin built a mock White House in Siberia for donald the con and his family to occupy.
History will not remember “president” Trump kindly at all – he will be a cautionary tale for future generations about how hate, bigotry and divisiveness can and will tear a nation apart.
@David Dieudonné a lot of foreign countries are mad because he cut their free ride off.
We don’t need to provide welfare to other countries.
I don’t think Jan. 21, 2021…will remember Trump favorably !!!
@Mr Archangel after they get a load of jo and the ho they will
@Sam Kirks replaced with jo and the ho?
@M H they’ll remember the Trump-Cult drinking the Kool-Aid
Stay home trump supporters, He said its rigged. This is hilarious.
@Bear Bear the vast majority absolutely despise the guy.
@Bear Bear Where ?? You are not giving any details like all the others !! And the lawsuits !
@Bear Bear Why are you on here when you obviously get your “news” from extremist conspiracy sites? The Majority rejects your drivel.
@Trump Rules prove it or shove it.
@Bear Bear yeah sure…and I’m a brain surgeon…now open wide and say AAAAAAHHH….
The vote is done. Not even Hillary (who won the popular vote by millions) claimed fraud.
@Seko Seko 4 Dude nobody is falling for this anymore..
This is how lying hurts you in the long run.If it’s rigged stay home Trumpsters!

Didn’t she start a whole conspiracy that Russia colluded with trump to win? Or was the last four years all a dream?
@Janna Banana Trump is done and gone and finished ànd delusional and a horrible human. Move forward with a smile

Oh lord! So the Republican Party is imploding on itself???!!! Lol!!! Who cares???
Perhaps we will see a third party show up, the Trump party. That would kill any chances for the Republicans to ever hold power again.
@Melissa lol not anymore
A song about the MAGA and Q Trump cult.
Bunch of weirdos.
“March of the Mindless” – Casper
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From Australia
I do. It’s better for the country. And I’m not even living on the same continent.
If all those people who voted for Joe, do that again in January, then it’s a win win for the Democrats.
@David Dieudonné OMG…………
The problem is that there are a lot of Republicans who didn’t support DT, but still voted Republican on the down ballot.
@David Dieudonné lol was thinking the same thing
@David Dieudonné David GOD given so true.
Trying to con people over a long period of time will eventually and inevitably blow up in the faces of the perpetrators. Bye bye, Fat Donny!
Donald Trump supporter Fredric Eshelman, from North Carolina give $2.5m to help expose and prosecute claims of fraud in the presidential election wants his money back. He give the money to True The Vote, after ignoring him for a while, True the vote offered him $1m if he would drop his plan to sue the group. He is seeking the return of the full $2.5m
Never understood how these dumb-asses Republicans managed to pull off the trump victory in the first place, these folks are stupid !
@Mustang ! He went golfing again.
I dunno, would you go golfing while also claiming an election was stolen?
@Lance Ash There will be some.
But there will be a collapse of support. A variety of reasons and conditions.
Trump always humiliates and shames those around him.
He will blame them for his loss.
The ghosts of covid will haunt them.
I predict they will be burning their red MAGA hats in public ceremonies to repudiate Trump.
Trying to con people over a long period of time will eventually and inevitably blow up in the faces of the perpetrators. Bye bye, Fat Donny!
I agree with you up to perpetrators, period
The link that @Seko Seko 4 posted shows you how to convert a PDF to Word doc using Google Drive.
We live in Georgia and NOO it was not rigged we all voted Trumpty Dumpty out

We pray for GA! And we love our African American
brothers and sisters that won this election!! Without Philly,Atlanta,Milwaukee,d-town..we would not be here!! I’m sending all my love and grace to all of you!! THANK YOU!! You saved America
! Nas-one love !!!
Same here. They can feel free to boycott though. They should really do that. That’ll show us.
@IsmaiL NYC 600 What cancer you talking about, The Trumpers?
@SadLinusIsJudgingYou Trump started a trade WAR that America is Losing.
Lmfao! Perfect Venn diagram of irony, stupidity, and hilarity.
Add republicans to the Venn diagram and it still looks like a circle.
Fighting to steal their supporters money.
A song about the MAGA and Q Trump cult.
Bunch of weirdos.
“March of the Mindless” – Casper
A share/follow/sub would be amazing
From Australia
If republicans lose the Senate we won’t see much of Mitch McConnell. And that would be a wonderful thing(:
A beautiful beautiful thing!!!
A song about the MAGA and Q Trump cult.
Bunch of weirdos.
“March of the Mindless” – Casper
A share/follow/sub would be amazing
From Australia
Unless the Democrats win the Senate in Georgia, we will never get a second stimulus that actually helps us. Never. It’s the only chance to get around McConnell

That’s right Republicans stay home
A song about the MAGA and Q Trump cult.
Bunch of weirdos.
“March of the Mindless” – Casper
A share/follow/sub would be amazing
From Australia
So…Trump says it’s rigged and they believe him and now they won’t vote. Wow. Talk about the mother of all backfires.
IF the election was rigged the PA who won seats get the hell out of the WH ? not metion that REP gov that won by most mail ballots are frauds 2016 look it up . REP are zombies need more brainsssss
@Dawn LeForce the total kicker is 3 mil for recount but can’t help the American ppl with a stimulus..
@rita cline, Nice reverse psychology there. (Don’t worry, they don’t know what that means) I think you’re right! Trump supporters aren’t smart enough to vote in protest! If they were smart, they’d write in Trump’s name on the ballot to show us who’s boss! Man, I hope they don’t figure this out. If they do, we libtards are screwed!
@Rick Smith io
Yes ! The Republicans should not vote in the upcoming rigged Senate Election, because Freedom and the Constitution.
Republicans fraud the 2020 election
@David Gray : Well, when Comey changed his findings from ” gross negligence ” to ” extremely careless ” ? We all should have seen how the Washington game is played, no matter what party.
@Jake Roberts that’s right man don’t vote! Let’s boycott this election it’s rigged Trump said so! And Trump would never lie to us!

@Jake Roberts the Deep state owns everything except master Trump.The judges Fox news reporters the Governor and secretary of state.They are all Deep state Stay home don’t vote like your life depends on it! Yahoo!

Who would have thought … Lying catches up with you lol
Don’t bother to vote, Republicans. The Pres said it’s rigged.
Lmao wow !!!¡
@kerry nicholls

@Tror Macmillan shush I’ve already said to much.
@kerry nicholls You dont need to worry about your life after your comments ; you need to worry about being involuntarily committed!

Or just write Trumps name across your ballot in protest to rigged elections
“It’s all rigged. Just stay home. No point voting.” Donald J Trump
We all voted DT out, thousands who didn’t vote 2016 thinking Hillary was gonna made sure to vote this time
@Seko Seko 4 cut and paste, type your own opinions.
OMG Too funny lmao
A song about the MAGA and Q Trump cult.
Bunch of weirdos.
“March of the Mindless” – Casper
A share/follow/sub would be amazing
From Australia
…ahhh, that’s drumpf…
Just another thing he’s running away from
2016 Trump Supporters: “Hillary lost, get over it!”
2020 America: “Trump lost, get over it!”
@Jeff 2016 saw rational thought and reality
2017 same thing
2018 same thing but now trump is pretty much open about his racism.
2019 same thing but the economy is failing
2020 he completely just craps the bed.
@Jeff You can’t be that stupid Jesus Christ.
Now-They-Have The-‘Frankfurt’-SERVERS It-Won’t-Be-Long To ‘Suicide’-WEEKEND … But of-Course [CNN] Will-Blame-Them-[All] On-HILLARY’s MSPG-[13]!!!??? >(*U^)< (Joke)
Hillary told Biden not to concede if he lost, Trump is taking her advice. Gore got 37 days shouldn’t Trump
Jeff ,hey Jeff come up with real evidence or STFU. America is tired of trump’s non stop lying.