Trump’s Willingness To Subvert Democracy In His Grasp For Power | Deadline | MSNBC

Heavy military presence and a fence surrounds the White House today after Donald Trump used law enforcement to clear peaceful protestors so he could stage a photo op. Aired on 6/2/2020.
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Trump’s Willingness To Subvert Democracy In His Grasp For Power | Deadline | MSNBC

Trump’s Willingness To Subvert Democracy In His Grasp For Power | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. Support your Troops & Athletes
      President Trump will win the rioters have seen to that then his sons will take over where he left off.

    2. It is getting closer to when you see the real patriot men that are surrounding President Trump! Make America Great Again and Drain the Swamp and plug it so they can never come back again.

    3. @ShariaFreeUK ..A TRUE Scot would NEVER SUPPORT a Nazi Racist like Trump….You’re probably a twisted SKIN HEAD hooked on Crack….You can’t even put together a simple sentence without MANGLING the English Language…so GFY Laddie! 🙂

    1. Stand up Americans! For your Democracy. You are losing your rights as America sinks into a dictatorship.

  1. Hold all of the Republicans accountable for keeping this piece of trash in the White House.

    1. What an abomination 😱Donald Trump is… but his Republican cheering band will keep playing until the Titanic sinks.🤔

    1. @Leo Trump has multi CPA firms doing his taxes every year. So what do you think is in his returns? CPA firms are there to make sure all the tax codes are followed and the last tax return shown on the Rachel Maddow’ show had Trump paying like over $30 million in taxes that year.

    2. @Florian Neumann So the audits by the IRS over the years could not find what you think he is guilty of? So he must be smarter than anyone else in this country to accomplish that. Or, every corporation is doing the same thing! You are so brainless!

    3. @Scott Boyd You might as well start kissing the democratic party goodbye now! Trump is exposing their satanic agenda as we speak! Wake up!

    1. Exactly it is the establishment and the biggoted Americans behind him. He doesn’t empower biggots. They empower him. A very WISE observation. These people are coming down. May God bring them down.

    2. The military is not only around him but are ready to back him up when he calls them. So how powerless is he? You have a weak mind that makes you powerless Tainted Life.

    1. Wheres the real Klan members now??? Cmon…big boys your blacks are waiting for you in masked in plain daylight waiting for you. Where are you now? Backed down in your bunkers . .hiding like you’ve done your whole lives. Wheres your white sheets now????????

    2. That’s their m.o. because they KNOW they’ll receive all kinds of what THEY view as “troll” comments from those of us with common sense!

    1. @Daniel Lawson You are so deceived! Wake up. Watch something that tells you facts where you can make an intelligent decision to what to believe. Hint: It is not the msm! Try the X22 report on You Tube.

    1. @Tracy Evans Funny but also true – I’ve always thought of him as the embodiment of the Bootes void…………..

    1. JFK went on TV to address the nation about the Bay of Pigs disaster. He took full responsibility. He was the President he said, and signed the order. The next day, his approval rating went up. Apprarently, the audience in the 1960’s liked a person with guts, decency, and the course to take the blame.

    2. @bruce robbins Well, luckily the Dems got rid of him. LBJ was all about the black folk, he even got them to vote Dem for 200 years 😉

    3. @FreeDOMofspeechNZ I’m not sure we were “lucky to get rid of JFK”. He was going to introduce these civil rights bills had he lived. Whether he had the power to have them passed is another story.

      Johnson was much more powerful in Congress, esp., the Senate. “The Johnson Treatment”. If someone got in his way, he knew how to move them the way he wanted them to go. We were lucky to get a lot of Northern Republicans, as the Dixiecrats were solidly against integration and civil rights for blacks.

    4. FreeDOMofspeechNZ LBJ got black folk to vote Dem for 200 years? Are we supposed to take you seriously, or just a stupid troll from New Zealand. Hard to believe you’re a product of that education system.

    5. It’s a spiritual war and they are shape shifting losing their power of deception over the masses

  2. What was the point of this? No prayer, no scripture, no moment of silence or anything related to christianity..its simply disgusting and shameful!

    1. cogicminister2 that would have been too hypocritical even for him (may have thought he would be struck by lightning or something)!!. Plus he couldn’t pray if his life depended on it.

  3. As a Latino I just want to put out there that we are here in this moment for our black brothers and sisters. We love y’all and this is a barrier that we will pass together.

    1. Why should he, the MSM has already written what he has not said to blast across the air waves. Look at Trumps call to Ukraine…

    1. Real men stand for what is right and want justice. Cowards lay low and make comments from their mom’s basements thinking they are somebody, all the while not even understanding or knowing what is going on.

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