After a wild and volatile State of the Union from Trump, Robert Costa shares his latest reporting on the divisions on Capitol Hill. Aired on 02/4/20.
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Trump's Wild State Of The Union Underscores Capitol Hill's Deep Divisions | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Keep in mind, Limbaugh is the same cretin who has been fighting against affordable health care for the American people.
Once again,Trump ruins everything he touches. The Presidential Medal of Freedom holds no meaning anymore now that Traitor Trump says he’s going to give one to Limbaugh.
If Trump is going to give a reprehensible cretin like Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom, then he might as well give one to his dear departed friend Epstein, posthumously.
@D C lmao… what way sir….LMAO….the only hate coming out is from main stream media like this and ignorant fools like you
@Kelli Barnhouse kinda sounds like your the ignorant one lmao….when ever the left doesn’t agree with something…it’s RACIST….please….rush was no racist….and you are a ignorant fool
@ChannelSurfer 2020 and yet you are unable to see the Dems for what they are
Rush limbaugh just might need Obamacare, now that he has been diagnosed with Lung Cancer.
D C Limbaugh is insane just like trump.
Wasted paper any ways lol.
Yes Brian Smart, Nasty Nancy just destroyed government documents. Just another day for the Ku Klux Klan Democrat party.
@Gregory M I wouldn’t torture myself like that!
Loved it when Nancy ripped that sheet up! Oops. LOL
“I will sign a drug price bill the second you send it to me.” – t’rump
Meanwhile, HR 3 is a bi-partisan drug prices bill, passed by the House and dying on Mitch’s desk.
SHE snubbed HIM first. She is supposed to announce him in the beginning and she did not. She had it coming. Especially after trying to impeach and remove him. I loved seeing her so upset she was chomping her dentures.
Carl Hearn I look forward to hearing your excuses three months from now when it’s still dying on mitch’s desk.
After you ripped it up I would have handed it to Trump
No, Nancy Pelosi has more class than that, but I did hope she would have ripped it up into smaller pieces and dumped it on his head.
@Old Lady2020 that’s class ?
@Tee Hee Yes! Unlike trump refusing to shake her hand or his degrading tweets. At least Nancy waited until he ended his speech.She could have tore them up one by one as he spoke.
It’s wrong she ripped it up. She could have saved it for toilet paper later.
Clutchbrook Just because it’s illegal doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Please tell me you don’t honestly think people are paid equally?!
@Paul D Thanks to obama and he says your welcome, don’t any republicans remember Bush Jr.?
@Marisa Mary people are normally paid for what they accomplish .
@Marisa Mary the policy you’re looking for wasn’t a policy at all . It was cancelling 78 Presidential Orders and Regulations that “Genius Barry” put in place , without Congressional approval . THAT WAS ABUSE OF POWER !
Thomas Fletcher I wasn’t referring to any policy at all… I was making generalizations and I’m pretty sure I didn’t mention anything about an Obama-era policy.
I do believe people should be paid for what they accomplish, but people should be able to make a living wage without a college degree.
When I was in nursing school I worked full-time as a CNA. I worked with individuals who had severe mental illness and it was extremely challenging and I wasn’t exactly sitting around all day. I didn’t have a degree yet, however did have a CNA license with additional training in mental health and was state certified. I couldn’t make ends meet even living frugally.
I wanted more for myself and I was lucky to have parents that taught me the value of education, even if they couldn’t help me pay for it. That was 8 years ago and I now have a master’s in nursing, but I’ll never forget that struggle. Heck, I still struggle because I’m saddled with student loans with ridiculous interest rates. It’s gotten so much worse since then and I see people work 2-3 jobs, yet still struggle to make ends meet. I just think that’s absolutely wrong.
Nancy- “Tear It Up, Tear It Up, Tear It Up…”.
What she should of done with Obamacare. MAGA 2020
@Ash Roskell. You need professional help. Go get it. I’m not joking or being mean.
@shkspr78 s and you need your meds for your TDF! Trump Derangement Followers! LMFAO at your stupidity!
I thought after she was going to do that she was going to start pounding her fist on the desk jumping up and down plus crying. She is so unprofessional this is why we need term limits to get trash like that out of the house and senate
Old Lady2020 really? This is what you came up with, someone’s makeup?
Trump is preparing for dividing the nation. A new Civil war.
And the Dems will be gone and no one will care
Obama was great for law and order.
If you can get trump supporters to listen, won’t happen they think this a big joke.
As a European, looking in, puzzled for years now, this really gets more and more disgusting every day … what a perverted spectacle.

Semper verum Unfortunately yes I have. Our problem now is over diversity because you foreign f@cks love my country as much as I do- otherwise why are you watching American media about American politics? Shackled to your neighbor like property perhaps? #YOUJUSTJEALOUS
@howman everton i just said i had big expectations from him as first black president so i was disappointed . nobel prize have became political reward for some time they got it right once in a while, he did get it before most of his military actions but it is not that important anyways. my opinion may be irelative to you but i have my opinion and it is possible to change if i hear facts witch would make me change. all u did is try to put me down saying im ridicules and confirmationbias. i said im from serbia i opposed my opinion to so called europian and Nancy Pelosi is funny behaving woman . what i do with my time is my problem on the other hand u just spend 10 minutes on the internet just like me to inform me about your opinion so i see some hypocrisy in your comment.
not any worse than Brexit, I fear.
Lost Britain too. Rejected again.
Baby Trump just want to be King, wants no one to checkmate him, poor child!
Let me explain something to you in ENGLISH. HE IS KING – PRESIDENT TRUMP. I vote, what is your excuse?
The man was a TV game show host and just comes in and shames career politicians and wins. What is your excuse?
Yet you whine
The difference between taking Trump seriously and literally is Yuge!
limbaugh, dying of lung cancer? God justice. , now he will get a taste of health care expenses he has been denying the people who cannot afford it.
God didn’t make him smoke cigars for 30 yrs , you moron .
By paying for it? You leeches think it’s free.
Was this the SOTU or world wrestling, there were giveaways, a ring lady placing medals bizarre
He’s made the presidency a Joke
@Bernadette Smith I completely agree with you Trump and his enablers have debased the office of the President, our constitution and our democracy.
Brian “I was on a helicopter under fire in Iraq” Williams? That Brian Williams?
Brilliant 100% spot on
Good for her to tear up his speech after all the lies
yup, that’s why she was standing and clapping half the time…..good thinking!…LOL!!!
Ok list one lie.
Was it a lie when the little girl got a scholarship and no Democrat applauded? Was it a lie when he showed respect to a military family and no Democrat applauded? Was it a lie when a 100 year old vet was recognized and no Democrat applauded? Was it a lie when he talked about unprecedented economic growth and no Democrat applauded? Ignorance must be bliss for Democrats.
Trump 2020
What an embarrassment to give medal of freedom to a radio talk show moderator
@James Dunn partisan ? You’re joking aren’t you ? Turn on ABC , NBC , CBS , MSNBC , CNN and tell me you’re joking .
Yeh, he gives the Medal of Freedom to one of his propagandists who incites hatred and violence against his fellow citizens purely for partisan reasons. Trump’s cult is really no different than ISIS.
@Grace Sophie yes it’s called private charities.
Every filthy rich person has one.
After Business expenses, that are ” TAX Right Off” about 10 percent of the proceeds actually go to charities.
This is how they all get out of paying taxes, and make money off of their charities in kickbacks by the selected hacks that run the charity.
Only difference with Political hacks in Congress is s that it’s donor money towards a political Campaign.
Outside of the spectrum of Politics.
It’s what we call a ponsey scheme.
It’s a federal crime.
Why not start asking those like Ellen, Oprah, and the Jay Z’s of the world for their TAX records?
@Tessmage Tessera David Dukes is next year!
I see Trump winning and no Democrat being able to do anything but lose, then cry, and throw emotional tantrum. 2016 all over again and crying – like children.
dream on fuqhead.
Bernie wilol win. If ANYTHING, this makes us work so much harder for him! DUDE LEBOWSKI!
Is this America or Russia? Americans, why don’t you choose to save the world from tyranny, hatred, divisive politics and lead the world to fight climate change disasters. Somehow Nov. 2020 seems very far away. The world might not be able to take another 4 years of this lunacy.
When is Election Day this year so we throw the clown show out of office
Lol I hope all democrats don’t know when the election is!!!!! Lol. It’s in December 19 same as every 4 years.
dream on ……….hahahahahahah
Don’t worry , when the majority changes she’ll have to pass the gavel .
@roy burress child…
Pence is in love. Can’t say the same for “Nancy”
Bryan Wilson pence is a trump puppet.
Yes it’s disgusting watching his face fawning all over the president he really does love him his wife should be jealous maybe shouldn’t be alone in the same room with trump, mommy.
GREAT JOBS Nancy and well done.
Putin is smiling his puppet is performing perfectly…
Next Blue Wave November 2020…
Youre stupid