Trump’s Twitter rant includes retweet of Covid-19 conspiracy theory

President Donald Trump sent out a series of tweets that included a retweet of a coronavirus conspiracy theory as the White House considers scaling back the daily coronavirus briefings and meetings with the task force.

#Trump #CNN #News


    1. Stephen Kershaw what is masculinity? Pansy? Nope he’s just another straight white mother fucking male who never had to pay consequences.

    2. @Lady Blue Isn’t your shift over yet? I’d cover for you but I’m not stupid enough to come up with the crap you post.

    1. Vamos ManUtd sorry to hear your mental health hasn’t improved after 4 years of being exposed to reality.

    2. jet1guy nah, definitely not jewish, he doesn’t have morals or values. He’s also ugly as hell. Jews are beautiful.

    3. @Asher Greenfield Anyone who supports Trump is far too dumb to get your comment — but it’s absolutely accurate. Any jester who wasn’t the smartest person in the room had a very short career.

    1. Physician
      A physician, medical practitioner, medical doctor, or simply doctor, is a professional who practises medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restoring health through the study, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments

    1. @JoeTheStreetz
      Many people around the world are working on vaccines. They are not distracted by either Trump or Gates.

    2. Thing is, he has nothing to lose. They already impeached him and tried to bust him for collusion, and no dice.

      So of course he’s gonna feel unstoppable and that he can do whatevs.


  1. This is what happens when you have an unqualified, incompetent narcissist in what used to be the most powerful position in the world. It gets compounded when all of his “team” have to be sensitive to his extremely fragile ego and need for self-aggrandizement and hero worship!

    1. That is because we have a government that fight like kids because your either republican or Democrat instead of working for the country. Will only get worse when trump gets re-elected because we all know they will try to impeach him again

  2. I’m telling you now they will be sending a “Terminator” back for this guy but nobody’s gonna stop it this time….

    1. Sir Bob Sprout is commenting a conspiracy theory. Mr Sprout said “they will be sending a Terminator back for [President Trump] but nobody’s gonna stop it this time…”
      It has been reported that they will be sending a Terminator, but there is no evidence supporting this claim. Not to mention, if a Terminator ever was sent, John Conner would of course save the day by killing this Terminator.

    2. Somkit , you are onto something I think. Perhaps they sent Trump from the future to kick the crap out of Hillary Clinton in 2016. Thus saving the world. Or maybe the future sent Vladimir Putin back from the future. Only they sent him back too far and made him wait patiently all those years until he could do what he was sent for. This of course being to buy some Facebook ads and steal an American election.

    1. While he can fire those under his Administration but Certainly NOT News Reporters – So either he pleases them or he gets FIRED by the News

    1. RavenPoe no don’t do that we won’t be able to witness his absolute brilliance, he’s the worlds most powerful idiot.

  3. i’m surprized that trump isn’t saying it was deep fake images of him talking about injecting nasty stuff into one’s body. stay tuned….

    1. Stop talking about the China virus and start talking about the Russia Russia Russia fiasco that is crumbling like the turd it was. The Treason that was committed is far more important in the long run to the USA than this China virus! Who do you think will go to jail first?

  4. The difference between trump and a small child is that the child learns from the first burn and doesn’t do it again…

  5. Everybody needs to register and VOTE. The GOP will try to limit people from voting. They are evil, that way.

    1. Wisconsin GOP forced voters to go to drastically limited polling places in the middle of a pandemic. “Your vote or your life.”

  6. He just never learns to shut up 🤐 when you don’t have a clue what your talking about. Such an idiot. Cannot stop blaming others for his failures and his lying 🤥 is just to much.

  7. “Deep down in the brain of every narcissist is the tightly locked box that contains the secret that must be hidden from the self: ‘I am nothing.’

    No amount of public shaming due to foolish or corrupt behavior compares with the pain of the narcissist finding out their own personal truth.

    Narcissism presents as grandiosity, but is actually a feeble cover-up for the lowest of low self-esteem.

    Hence the bragging, denial, projecting, deflecting, thin skin, name-calling and pathological lying.”

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