Presidential historian Allan Lichtman predicted the election and impeachment of Donald Trump. He helps break down the testimony of Marie Yovanovitch at the public hearing in the impeachment inquiry into the U.S. president and says his tweets were a "colossal mistake."
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This is opinion not news.
This is an opinion on how someone think what Trump might be thinking. A common theme for news these days is to amp it up and exaggerate to generate more clicks.
@Virginia Addis no info here
dammed democrat
Click for cash, it’s madness its destroying the backbone of our greatness.
@Cody bayan Sands
More opinions…
Is this guy still living in his mom’s basement?
@J Aitken how do you know he isn’t at work, or works the night shift. Come on turn from evil.
@J Aitken I live in yo momas basement
Long time they sleep in same bed!

@Moe Lester

Telling the truth isn’t hard… unless you’re hiding something
Exactly. What’s the flip flopping Trump got to hide, anyway? He and his sycophants can’t seem to keep their stories straight…
@James Biggar what you talking about ?
I followed this closely and nothing has changed that I’ve noticed since day one .
Drump doesn’t know how to tell the truth, everything out of his mouth is a lie. Unfortunately he’s managed to infect other republicans at the same time, so it seems that very few of them are now able to tell the truth about anything either.
This is the dumbest narrative ever.
I think the biggest mistake is his wig, and Epstein didn’t kill himself
You don’t think the royal family had anything to do with Epstein? All Trump hey, how many of his parties did he go to again? 1 or 2.
Impeachment is a dirty word and corruption, nepotism, adultery, racism, bigotry… they are all fine.
was a private citizen when he fouled around, were is he racist, were the corruption, you must be talking about your own partie “liberal” i get it now ………….
Your thinking of leftists. You guys are definitely the Kings and Queens of projecting.
Wow…THREE replies and every one has spelling errors…Hahahaha
Stephen Pike …trump loves the poorly educated.
@Ed S Then he must really love you.
What about firing jess Allen from the social
They teach these journalists activism now not news and it’s sad to see.
No the truth the truth if you cant stand the heat get out of hell…comic relief…
@Virginia Addis ?
How did so many Trumpers get on a Canadian YouTube video? Today was another devastating day for their Dear Leader.
@Richard C na, you pig.
@Richard C you can’t answer me but can ya. You just can’t answer simple questions I guess.
Reagan Hutchins
@Richard C haha I win
PS I liked that
@Goodstuff Garage I don’t know.
Hey I think they are jealous of Trump.
mr. trump should hire an exterminator to get rid of the vermin thats in the house
As a real dictator would?
@Jim666 thats what you want puten
With a comment like that “He should hire an exterminator to rid of the Vermin in the House” that’s more what a Dictator would do, so your answer is his Putin, but that’s what he wants to Be better than Putin, just Like Putin.
Listen carefully to the interview: all claims and no facts from this so called historian. No evidence whatsoever, pure propaganda. actually believe that???!!!!

This historian has predicted every presidential winner since 1984. Maybe you can do some research before you comment.
Cody bayan Sands
17 minutes ago
No evidence whatsoever, pure
The donald’s extremely poor judgement .. continues. WHOM in their right mind would attack AMBASSADOR Yankovitch WHILE she was actually giving testimony. GEEZ
I disagree
I would
@gabriel Mtz XD
Opinions don’t count as facts.
ME, me, me, me the orange Dear Leader or else you’re not a Trumper.
Melania will probably divorce trump after he gets removed from office or looses his re-election campaign ha!
The Tweet wasn’t a colossal mistake. The American public on the other hand made a colossal mistake letting this Clown Prince become their leader. This tweet is no less stupid than any other he has done. Yes he tried to intimidate with it but hell that fat tub of lard only intimidates his wife.
So how do you explain a document leaked from the Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General contains claims against Burisma owner Nikolai Zlochevsky, as well as Hunter Biden and his partners – who allegedly received $16.5 million.