Trump’s tendency to blame everyone but himself

Donald Trump made a characteristically Donald Trump comment about the midterm elections. On today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza breaks down what the results mean for the former president's political future.


    1. @M Hall I’m still quite busy registering Democratic voters in swing States. I registered over 90,000 democratic swing state voters since the insurrection of 2021. You just keep crying like you’ve been doing on social media hahaha. Enjoy the show. Will be wild.

    2. @Shlep Messing u have a one year old politically illiterate troll account with no subscribers and no content. Keep crying! ❄️🌎❄️🤣👌❄️

    1. When someone causes trouble,then it become a way of life as a controvert and he forms a twisted form of logic which defies normal reasoning.

    2. And his MAGA cult will never accept responsibility for how they through their gullibility have torn the country apart!

  1. Take the blame?
    I’m pretty sure he blames the toilet for his poor bowel movements while he sits there and cranks out the first 60 tweets of the day. 🤪🤨

  2. “Trump will never take the blame for anything. This election isn’t any different” so let’s otherwise “Convince It Forward” and Laus DEO

  3. Remember the movie, “Remember The Titans”?

    I want, wait, i demand each of you remember each and every Republican, including our two Democrat Senators, who voted for or sided with Trump on most of his legislation, especially those who refused to vote for Trump to be impeached!

    Remember them, as the tide against Trump is finally starting to turn against Trump within the Republican Party and many of those elected-Republicans will attempt to act as if they were against Trump from the start!

    Don’t let them lie to you and hold them accountable!

    1. These Republicans have always went the way of the tide and the way that benefits them the most including Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz.

    1. @La Fond yeah just happy that it’s a win win now for independents and repubs. The whiny dems can’t b***** anymore. They’re bragging about the election results so they can’t whine about unfair election and voter suppression of the repubs win the house and/or senate and if the dems won the house and/or senate they can’t complain if the economy keeps going to 💩 because that’s what they wanted. Thank god the whiny hypocritical dems have to now shut the 🤬 up. Happy day. Thanks for the feedback.

    2. @La Fond thanks for the feedback. Not a repub so don’t care about trump, but still hilarious how obsessed the dems are with him. So pathetic. But so funny to watch. Thanks again and have a good one.

  4. Happy Veterans Day to may brothers/sisters-in-arms, who like I, filled that gap, stood on that line and protected America’s democracy and the right of its citizen to express their free opinions and thought, even those of Trump supporters, who are programmed what to say and think!

    1. That’s right, there are a few squids that are bidenturds that have CNN piped into their brains. Must have been cooped out at sea too long.

  5. DJT is the kind of person who lives in an alternate universe with an alternate reality. What’s really sad, is that people adore this polarized, controversial and complex person who doesn’t even have a Moral Compass…

    1. @M Hall P.S. Savior is generally used to refer to a person who rescues someone from danger. Now Saviour, well my only Saviour is not of this world. 🙏

    2. @M Hall You think I have thin skin? Try me… Although let me remind you I have rules you must adhere to. 1. Respect. 2. No use of offensive language. 3. Have a valid rebuttal if you disagree with my comment. Think you can handle that? I wouldn’t even try to guess. Have a wonderful weekend. 😊

    3. @Unfiltered 👈. Oh I can handle you. I’m on CNN YouTube for entertainment purposes only, we will catch up later. I fly for a living and I flew to Ontario liberal California today for a couple day layover. Chillier than I expected.
      Have a good weekend too, going to the Santa Monica Pier tomorrow for the day and maybe Knots Berry Farm Sunday . Later

    4. @M Hall Sounds like a wonderful life. I lived in Fort Ord, California for three years and Spent a lot of time in Carmel Beach, drove the Big Sur, and went to Fisherman’s Warf for suds on Sunday’s. Don’t know if they are still there. Enjoy your weekend and take care, stay safe. Blessings 😊

  6. His wife’s fault? And he says “not her best decision.” Off the top of my head I can identify a much worse decision. Prenup be damned.

  7. “if my candidates win I deserve all the credit. If they lose, I deserve none of the blame”. Trump talks and acts like a child. And those who continue to support him are no better.

  8. It’s one of the biggest tells of someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Usually they’re very careful to hide their traits but this is one red flag that almost always comes out.

  9. “I think if we win I should get all the credit, if we lose I should not be blamed at all”..

    Translates to:

    “If I win the presidential election I deserve all the credit, if I lose the election was stolen”

  10. He’s definitely a heroic-like character. Like the “Likable Loser”, maybe. I’m the guy who was most encouraged at the time by Plaid Shirt Guy’s appearance at the Trump Rally i remember, 1917; I appreciated his as-shared anonymity as known ahead of time. As a “Give him a chance guy”, back in 2016 and by the characterless performance as President at the Boy Scout’s Jamboree, I knew then and suspected before that he was a hopeless Loser who would damage the country. And then it got real, like always, surprising us. At the same time, the Other.

  11. The Former Guy is like that leftover food in the Tupperware container in the back of your fridge. You keep it around and keep it around, despite knowing you should throw it out. Eventually, you remove the lid, smell it, and try not to puke your guts up.

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