Donald Trump’s strategy of defying Congress in the impeachment probe has stopped some witnesses from testifying, but not all. Ari Melber looks at the court precedents for fights between the president and Congress and why Trump’s stonewalling could actually be helping Democrats build their case. Aired on 11/11/19.
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Trump's Stonewalling Adds To Impeachment Evidence | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Pelosi to Trump : How much rope do you want ?
Trump: Yes
@Ken Bugbee you appear to be a typical victim of Don the Con and his State TV apologists, who for some reason I cannot fathom thinks it’s a good use of your time to “troll the libs”. Here is the evidence:
1) makes unfactual claims, i.e. lies
2) ad hominem attacks that are unworthy of the school yard in their stupidity
3) doubles down on both lies and insults when challenged.
Your posts are not worth any more of my time. I sincerely hope you realize you have been the victim of a con and can rebuild your life based on truth and common sense, not lies and hate.
@Linda Scott
I agree 100 %
@Linda Scott
They weren’t federal charges and they weren’t federal fines.
@Web Grep
We don’t give a crap about anything before he entered the race in 2015 , only since then .
The GOP is now following the Nixon model.
Have they learnt nothing?
Have they no shame?
You know what they say about insanity.
Meanwhile back at roger stones saferoom.
Now give him 10 more.
Now that’s enough rope to choke a horse. But give Donald 10 more feet of that rope. We will need it of course.
*TuLsi / Williamson 2020*
Robert Robertson Set your mind free. No deity is intervening for anyone. You read like an over exciting Hitler Youth cadet.
Every legal and policy precedent set by Republicans out of cruelty and spite will come back to work against them. Republican ressentiment has no foresight.
Like forcing people with agoraphobia to go out in public to work to get health care
Trump should just do the world a favor and resign, just do it
@Purple Flame Tarot
*IF you were NOT a BuTT HoLe, you would NOT have Spoken*
*of Trump’s I.Q.!!!!*
@Nicoletta Ciccone *Dear NicoLetta*
*I am Younger than Trump, Thin & Handsome!!!!*
@Ruthie Morris *How does GeTTing Arrested & Going to Prison*
*SaLvage Ones Life, you Ignorant So & So????*
Pardon my Language
BTW: the “J.” stands for Donald JUDAS Trump….
He finds out from his mother that it stands for ‘Jay’. Not comparing to Homer Simpson, he’d at least be thoughtful and humble, in most cases.
At least he’s bringing all his corrupt buddies with him
@Top Content Who’s that ?
@Top Content Might have been relevant a couple of weeks ago, I suggest you get new material
the only reason there’s no special prosecutor investigating this issue is because AG Barr refused to assign one upon congressional recommendation and request. that’s why its the house conducting the investigation instead of the DOJ that led both Clinton’s and Nixon’s impeachment inquiries. and yes, Schiff should subpoena Bolton, pompeo, barr, perry and giulliani. whether they think they’ll show up or not. EVERY no show is another obstruction of justice charge NOT ONLY against trump but also against those who defy the subpoenas.
Like killing more birds with one stone?
You disagree with me? I’ll just call you a racist and delete you.
Michael Cohen is dancing in his prison cell, sending love letters to Karma.
the only reason there’s no special prosecutor investigating this issue is because AG Barr refused to assign one upon congressional recommendation and request. that’s why its the house conducting the investigation instead of the DOJ that led both Clinton’s and Nixon’s impeachment inquiries. and yes, Schiff should subpoena Bolton, pompeo, barr, perry and giulliani. whether they think they’ll show up or not. EVERY no show is another obstruction of justice charge NOT ONLY against trump but also against those who defy the subpoenas.
@Jeremy Truitt Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate. Imbecile.
@snoop alert bHBHABHABHBAHBHBHABAHBAH….HAhahahahaha….Individual One… hbahbhabba yeah sure… also….Mueller – “He can be charged after he leaves office”… but YAwn SHammity won’t tell you what that report said… Now.. FAt FAce Nixon is adding to the already Numerous Obstruction charges…=/…enjoy the trials.. we will..=]
“Rope a Dope” – the dope being Trumpy……..
Now give him 10 more.
Now that’s enough rope to choke a horse. But give Donald 10 more feet of that rope. We will need it of course.
What is ropey dope?
@googlesucks you The Champ would have hated trump!
Beyond belief that these assclowns can simply ignore subpoenas as if they are meaningless. How about $25,000 for first no show, $50,000 for second no show etc? Incredible.

What happens when normal folks ignore sopenas??
nunya business why does nothing happen??? They just ignore the subpoena & go to lunch or back to the golf course???
@Sanctum Sanctorum None of these types need the money. They just like the power.
Put the fines in JOEY BIDEN’S pocket. He has lived off the tax payers for more than 40 years, he deserves a bonus for all the years of “service” and “sacrifice ” .
What a great idea, what say all you RUSSIAN BOTS?
Charge them the same ($250,000) fine Trump sought to impose on poor legal asylum seekers after he mislabeled them illegal aliens and kidnapped their children for Ivanka’s Chinese escort business. .
Trump and his supporters keep saying this is all a “COO”

that is how they spell coup.
Helen Lindsay lmaoooooo
Yea and they also spell Konstitooshun like this.
Lol, of course they do
Even pigeons got more credibility.
Not true, the “p” in coup is silent!
Trump should be glad he’s being impeached! Why? Because, before there was such a thing as impeachment, corrupt rulers were executed as their method of removal from office!
ok where? When?
@Juju Rellama Marie-Antoinette, queen consort of King Louis XVI of France ~ Marie – Antoinette had asked Austria for help with putting down French Revolutionaries and to help Her and King Louis XVI stay in power. They were guillotined in 1793. (similarities are startling aren’t they ) @Juju Rellama ~ Better think twice before you use Faux News / Am Conservative talk radio tactics!
@Old Heathen *Your Last 5 words at End, made No sense!!!*
@Robert Robertson Yes, they did – you just didn’t get the reference!
Maga , my amigos getting arrested.
ultraaa combo

I like that.
Lmao genius!
One idea a year and that was it

NATIVE LATINOS Fook TRUMP unfortunately u are not white and a member of the kkk party
@DOE John Then let’s put more white powder on our faces and join the KKK and the Nazi Party perhaps we will be forgiven.

you know what’s really stupid? asking a court for permission to obey a subpoena. “let’s see, should I obey the criminal’s command that don’t testify or should I follow the law and obey a legally issued subpoena? uummm, I think i’ll stonewall and ask a court to decide this issue 6 or 7 months from now.” I’ve never heard of such thing. this stonewalling tactic, itself, is illegal and sets a VERY dangerous precedent. (wow, I just has an extreme occurrence of deja vu as I wrote this!)
you re not the president,
If the republicans lie and cover for crimes against America they can be arrested for crimes after the fact people
@You =’s *a 4-word 8th grader!!!*
Last time I looked, We The People owned and had a right to elect representative to run the government. Our laws also allow crooks to be removed by the Congress in Impeachment Trials.
They should’ve used the sergeant of arms when the GOP stormed the Congregational investigation office
Democrats should have brought the hammer of the law down on them since the beginning.
They will be removed if they disrupt the hearings today.
Yes, the sargent needs to get them or we will send the Nazi Hunde.
Having the authority to send the sergeant-at-arms to arrest someone, and the sergeant-at-arms acting on his own initiative to just go about arresting members of congress are not the same thing.
Send the Sergeant of Arms and drag them out of their lairs. Cowards the lot of them.
If he’s not guilty then why should he care
let the Law prevail… oh wait!
Congress says, “Give dumb donni a little more rope in order to Rope the Dope”.
At least the past presidents owned up to their mistakes. This other thing won’t.