Former President Donald Trump absorbed a stunning defeat at the Supreme Court over his long-running campaign to hide his tax returns, which are now set to land before a Democratic-run House committee. Republican-appointed appeals court judges, meanwhile, appeared cool to his latest bid to slow the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case. #CNN #News
Trump’s rough day in court ends with a double defeat

Yes the first . Trump for prison 2022 let’s go Jack Smith

Thinking he will go to prison is as naive as the MAGA cult who thought Hillary was going to prison. People that powerful do not go to prison in this country.


delay after delay……. there’s no justice for these people
@mike steele There is a point where money , fame, connections , etc. are not enough to get you off the hook. Before, the GOP was kissing the ring and they were protecting him. They know now what that cost and they are ready to hide him under the rug with the rest of their dirt. He is vulnerable now and the axe WILL fall soon.
@miapdx And a few others need to be added to the list
There will be justice in 2023 (thank God) when Biden is found guilty of tax evasion.

they can make his tax records Public too. no one mentioned that lol.
@Aussie downunder what rock u been under? clintons tax returns been out in the public domain for years…
@Donna Brockbank force it… then we can jail shitlosie, shifty, shumer, mitch, Lindsay, Biden, mad max, Husayn Obama, Clinton…

@wamblue wtf are you babbling about?
@Dan Mcgriff its the LAW that was not followed. the taxes will point out crimes too. i’m a usa citizen so ANYTHING to do with its government IS my business paid for by my taxes. duh.
There isn’t enough time left for anything to happen with his taxes and nobody would make them public anyway. Hopefully something in them can be referred to DOJ by January for a criminal investigation.
So nice to return to Truth,Justice and the American way.
@S D a trump is a bottom burp in my house.
@S D hey SD. I’m someone who is old enough to have had two parents who endured and lived through WW2 in Europe. The things they told me about the Nazis and what they got up to would curdle your blood. I can assure you that Hitler was a RW nut case who rounded up all the socialists and communists and murdered them early on. Before the war started. You know “Antifa”? It stands for Antifascist. It’s why trump hates them. He is a fascist.
Btw my parents had a few things to say about the Americans that liberated their town, too. Actual whiteness to the history you claim to know, not RW Facebook/internet liars trying to rewrite the far right’s shameful past.
@S D ….since when?
@MK Self ….Finally! Trump and his MAGA base have taken pages right out of Hitler’s playbook! Those that forget the past are doomed to repeat it!
@S D ….right wing values?

We really need a daily “flow chart” showing the status of each investigation. There’s so much going on, it’s hard to keep track of. I think Trump continues with these futile legal maneuvers because he’s using other people’s money. It would be interesting if someone computed the overall cost to our legal system as a consequence of Trump’s malfeasance and efforts to avoid responsibility.
Does the I.R.S. claim Trump owes taxes and is refusing to pay ?
@Zelmo The Unruly & Baby Doll that’s not the point. Trump was the one that held his taxes up. The IRS can’t just give up your tax records without a court order. Try to get some education on the rule of law.
Kevin, DT thrives on chaos that he creates. He must feel overwhelmed by the number of legal actions he must deal with. He’s surrounded by ‘chaos’ he cannot control. A psychological crisis let alone a legal one. Interesting times…
@m b that *is* the point. Congress does not have the right to view a private citizen’s tax records. Citizen Trump is not in public office. There is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump from the IRS, or else we would have heard about it by now.
If you want a good breakdown of all those cases on TFG you should watch meidastouch on YouTube. They are lawyers who explain exactly what is going on. Very Educational
On this Thanksgiving, I will give special thanks for all the defeats and hardships that have been leveled upon Donald.
@Jeremy DeCaro Dude, wake up. There is no such thing as god. Go to a children’s hospital, cancer ward…if there were a god, he is an azzhole for letting children suffer like that. Stop being a child. Try believing it something that is real.
“His nuts roasting
on an open fire,
Jack Smith nipping
at his heels
Orange fraud,
being sued for his grift
And Trumps dressed up,
like seedy ho’s.
Agree with you Fuzzy. As the Judge said, Presidents are not kings, and besides Trump is no longer president anyway, even though he says he still is. LOL!
@Robert Franz and don’t we love all the versions of Musk on Twit. He should have left all the parodies on the platform. I’d have paid a fluck ton of birdseed to get a bluebird for that content.
Does the I.R.S. claim Trump owes taxes and is refusing to pay ?
Longest IRS audit ever! It was an audit like no one has ever seen.
That’s a really good one

or how about Trumpty Dumpty… we’re going to get so many audits.. so many wonderful audits.. we are going to get tired of audits… or grab them by the audits

@jeff mcgowan Only the bestliest and bigliest candy bars that he imports from China.
@jeff mcgowan your in a cult. Can you name one thing that the orange liar did for us as POTUS? No lies, no deflection, no name calling. I bet you can’t
@jeff mcgowan you ARE crying. You’re a triggered snowflake.
Yeah gonna be great watching him with all his counter suets. He’s already won over 70 cases against him these are going the same direction
I guess we can expect a double/twice as long rant from him tonight.
Yes like that old country song I’ve got better things to do!
From who, please don’t tell me it’s drumph


Yeah, I won’t listen to him whining. It’s so nauseating. How the hell can his supporters enjoy listening to that garbage
@Debbie Flaherty , news media makes it pretty darned hard for us to avoid listening to him
This is a “legal snowballing” for DJT….the various investigations are finally producing results, such as release of tax returns. These results have a cumulative effect, e.g., the tax returns support efforts in other investigations so it seems very likely indictments/charges will accelerate from here.

@Jeff V This is your brain on CNN
@Rider 38 then why are you watching the video
You know you’re funding them by watching and engaging with their content right
@Rider 38
Thanks for your continued support.
Be sure to like, comment and subscribe for more great content, anti-American sore-loser.
Gotta admire that
Trump University Pride,
Go Traitors !
MAGA Dum Loudly
Veterans Against Traitor TrumPutin

@James Enger Dave Chapelle explained perfectly why we like Trump.
You go ahead and continue simping for establishment politicians. You’re are true patriot…
Lindsay: I was just doing my job as a Senator.
Georgie SoS: He asked me look hard and see how many ballots you can throw out.
He was only doing his job as a Trump lackey.
I plead the 5th, I mean I drank a 5th, or was that a fifth I drank before I called Georgia to check on the election status and to see if they found my Vote there mixed up with the other ballots. I think my 5th was taken out of content and my closet at the same time I was pleading for my wife to give me the 5th back after a long day. No matter what I say about it, I was just doing my job in some capacity. You should know me by now.!
@KURT RHONEY more like took on 5 dudes raw in a bath house in the Tenderloin District.
Let the real investigations begin in a little over a month when the Republicans take control of the House (thank God) and expose the democrats for the corrupt liars they are. Bye bye Adam Schiff. Bye bye Swalwell. Bye bye Omar. Bye bye Mayorkas. Impeach and arrest Joe Biden.
“That was the longest largest group of auditors to witness a audit, period.”
They are slow on the abacus! Xixi could run rings around them!
@Skreety04 Whenever he doesn’t like anyone he throws them in prison, or gives them a soft exile. Easily the most powerful individual on the planet though right now ya.
Let’s conduct an investigation into the totally-real not-a-lie IRS audit. (Sarcasm).
@John Freedman but figure in internal tensions and Xie’s hold on power is under strain.
CNN is delusional as usual. Congress can get Trump’s tax records, but they will no longer have a Dem-majority committee to investigate him. Also, the NY case against the Trump Organization’s CFO leaves Trump in the clear.
*I think that there used to be a saying “Don’t mess with Democracy!”*
In this country still has no democracy the Democrats are extreme left socialist assholes
“Look how many ballots you can throw out.”
Its never a bad day when he is still free to do whatever he pleases while the rest of us would be locked up forever.
“President’s are not King’s, and the plaintiff is not President”
– Judge Tanya Chutkan
you mean joe cant just forgive student loans???why would he say that just befor the elections???
This is all fake news as usual, dummy. The committees to investigate Trump are all going to be disbanded once the Dems are out of the majority power. So what’s the point of these pyric wins? CNN is still fake news.
@Rodney Boehner Wrong again but I guess you hear that a lot. Democrats control the Senate who have equal access to Presidential Tax returns as that of the House Committee.
@Nic Lewis The Dems have the barest majority in the Senate, and I guess you didn’t hear, but they had problems even passing Biden’s signature legislation due to 2 defections from Dems, Joe Manchin and Kristin Sinema. I’d worry more about DeSantis at this point because he’ll clobber Biden in 2024. If don’t remember, Biden doesn’t campaign. He sits in the basement and does nothing.
How does he lose all these cases but nothing ever happens to him?
It’s getting there.
uh because its all bogus. so gullible. believe all the stupid news out there and learn nothing,know nothing be nothing. its called being dumbed down.
What he keeps losing is efforts to stall progress and drag his feet kicking and screaming, its how he conducted business for decades, sue and countersue until the opposition runs out of money or gives up, frivolous lawsuits abound for people who operate like him its what they do. But he’s running out of ways of stall and lawyers willing to work unpaid (he hasn’t paid most of his lawyers and likely never will). It is coming.
Unless he ends up in jail, all of this is just theater.
Justice is blind… well, someone tell Justice to open its freaking eyes already!
I could Only Wish any normal person would be allowed all of these exceptions to criminal charges and NOT be IN JAIL!!