Trump’s Rhetoric Of ‘Hate, Division’ Excludes ‘Decent People’ From His Campaign | MSNBC

On the Trump campaign strategy, Fmr. Natl. Deputy Director of African American Outreach for Obama 2008 Alaina Beverly says, “His rhetoric of hate and division leaves no room for voters to see themselves as decent people.” Aired on 07/07/2020.
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Trump’s Rhetoric Of ‘Hate, Division’ Excludes 'Decent People' From His Campaign | MSNBC

Trump’s Rhetoric Of ‘Hate, Division’ Excludes 'Decent People' From His Campaign | MSNBC


    1. _”Every time you call another person tone deaf or a racist, it is simply the racism in your own mind.”_

  1. The establishment has become such a labyrinth of paid agendas that they can no longer lead America in a sane direction.

  2. “I have great SAT scores. I sat a lot because of my bone spurs so my SAT scores are the best. Very bigley”

    1. Buthead@Dave Schultz but, but, but what about Biden?……what about Obama?…..what about Hillary?………..but…

    2. I woke up drunk and took SAT….anyone else realize they wanted to be tested on their daily intelligence level?

  3. anti-racism is not achieved by white-a-sizing other races; rather it is
    more akin to Star Trek’s IDIC “Infinite Diversity in Infinite
    Combinations” recognizing their cultural identities and individual
    personalities–if we were all the same-how boring it would be!!

    1. Brian Poelman: I’m sorry. I’m original episodes. When Kirk fought another renegade captain in
      “Coms and Yangs”, reading a garbled “we the people” to a parallel society…. that was the best.

    2. @John Watt great episode also liked the one where the aliens were 1/2 black and 1/2 white but on opposite sides ” Let That Be Your Last Battlefield” episode

    3. @Brian Poelman: Please, it’s fun to talk about Star Trek, but being black or white, or one side or the other, is getting too close to me, being born left-handed in a right-handed world, a very cruel right-handed world. Lefties unite!

  4. That’s the great thing about a barrel with a rotten apple… the good ones can always bail out!

    1. That’s not how the saying goes for a reason. One bad apple rots the whole government.

  5. What ‘Decent People’ would want or need to be part of the trumps campaign? Another ‘looking for a problem to talk about journalist.’ Pffft…

    1. his girlfriend looks like some inept plastic surgeon tried to make a chubby version of Melania and failed badly.


    2. @Desperado5501 and the only thing dumber than Trump is a Trump supporter! Thanks for proving this!

  6. tRump went to Dallas to hold a “discussion” on law enforcement & race relations. Great, except he didn’t invite the top 3 law enforcement officials. The Sheriff, the Chief of Police & the District Attorney. The fact that they were black more than qualified them for the race relations portions of the “discussion”. So, the black mayor also did not attend. Why were they not invited? Obviously, it’s because they were Black. Racists will defend this. It can’t be defended. Doing so makes one a racist.

    Even the UK is laughing at us.

    Sub-title: “The White House defends exclusion of the county’s three top law enforcement officials, all black, ahead of a $10M campaign dinner at the home of billionaire Kelcy Warren.”

    1. @Mox Avenger – Wow …. really? You mean that a conference of “law enforcement” should not include the top 3 law enforcement officials of the land? Is that what you are saying? Really? How stupid can you be to come back with a racist statement like that? My God, are all of you racist trumpists that stupid? Even the EU was laughing at us for him not inviting the 3 top law enforcement officials in Dallas to a law enforcement meeting. Go away you little troll.

  7. “If they want to be the party of the poor, they have to keep you poor.” That’s it. They are not concerned about the plight of black Americans living in poverty, crime, and subpar education. In fact, it is the reason why they promote policies at the local level that are designed to keep far too many black folks in dire straits. It is why they support rioting and looting in predominantly black areas. “Racism is ginned up by people who want power and who benefit by keeping Black Americans ignorant, marginalized and dependent.” The last thing BLM, The Fake News Medias, Jackson, Sharpton, Barak and the Democrat Party want are self reliant, independent, black Americans. The democrats own the education system, the media, Hollywood, Big Tech and administrative government. If there is systematic racism or oppression, it’s at the feet of democrats. Lifelong democrat politicians who never did anything to improve the lives of their constituents, only to pander with the race card every time election season rolls around should be a wake up call for all to see the true hypocrisy that exists within the democrat party.

    1. Lol Donald Trump being the Hop ocracy of the Pathological lying Republican political party. Black America only needs the Republican party to do one thing Take Their political knee Off of our neck. Google, Barry Goldwater operation Dixie 1960, Richard Nixon Southern strategies 1965. 60 years,1960-2020. Of Republican political stereotyping manipulation Racially dividing black-and-white America for Republican Political corporate gain. Not about a Black victims card About black history. Google, When white supremacist over Through a government Wilmington North Carolina 1898. Black America has been made poor because of racism Black America received Voting rights in 1964 civil rights 1965. Black America is not what it is Because of what was done for us where who we are in spite of what was done to us. Black America as a race of people Have done OK for 50 years of freedom why every other minority had a 425 year Head Start Lol.

  8. Bringing in decent people at this point would only leave more work to do on the scheduled night of the Long Knives.

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