Amid recent reports of being ‘rattled’ about the economy and reelection, new polls show Trump has a lower approval rating than all Presidents since 1938. Forecasting the upcoming election, Rev. Mark Thompson, host of ‘Make It Plain’ says though Trump has been able to ‘implement racism and race-baiting’ in his election strategy, he will be tested as ‘the economy has always determined’ the outcome of presidential elections.
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Trump's Reelection Crisis? Polling Lower Than Pres. Since 1938 | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC
Selling us out to the NRA is not sitting well with some folks either.
@Reverend Liberal Avenger I think you and James need to stop sharing a brain.
Instead of “draining the swamp,” con man 45 filled it.
@Reverend Liberal Avenger Yea you are cute. Talk in the third person like a comic book character but have no idea what you’re talking about. Like a three year old. So adorable.
@Chas Jones Well he is trying. I think an executive order on term limits would help, but you had to know that the swamp creatures wouldn’t leave willingly.
@Mahande Agree! But I wouldn’t count on him issuing such an order in the 1st place. Why would he when he recently joked about being president for life. I’m more worried about the doofus hanging on when, not if, he loses the 2020 election. They’d have to drag him out of the W.H. kicking and screaming, b/c he won’t go quietly, you can be certain of that!!!!
Behave like Trump in your daily life and see where that gets you.
@T.Kizer Söze you’re a poor person and will ALWAYS be poor. you’re also white as the driven snow,
@T.Kizer Söze forbes is fake news.
@T.Kizer Söze Where’s the proof he is? We DO know he lost billions more than any American has in the past decade.
@T.Kizer Söze delusional people don’t think they are delusional.
@T.Kizer Söze no it’s on you. you said he’s a billionaire and you can’t prove it.
Just impeach him already…..even if the Senate would never convict, it will force hidden evidence out into the open. And will be fun. And funny. IMPEACH NOW.
Running for re-election will be difficult with ongoing impeachment inquiries so get the timing right. Give out evidence slightly before his rallies so that he has no time to prepare a defense and he will be really rattled.
Maxine Waters has been saying that since his been elected…she has been very quiet now days…
@Magic Anoo she sure have ,and the Dem been quiet too.
@Edith Woods Not as quiet as the Republicans….,.
The problem with impeachment is that trump MIGHT be able to spin a lack of indictment (impeached in the house, but failed in the Senate) as “proof” he’s innocent, compound that with a divided Democrat party and it’s a very real possibility it leads to his reelection.
People just don’t follow the news enough. Don’t take this as pro-trump, I hope he is held accountable for his actions.
41% approval for Trump is too high, camon people, there are no reasons to approve anything Trump does
No to low – should be at 100% minus the DEMS …..
Alot of his supporters are seriously brainwashed and most likely love him because they share that same horrible quality….they are racists/bigots
..cant we all get along
His supporters are all braindead lowlife pieces of
@Richard Parker lol bs. They are smarter than stupid DEMS voters
The polls are always wrong. Its not 41% its 70% .
Emergency tax cuts, that’s a great solution. Increase the national debt even more!
Payroll taxes he wants to cut, BRILLIANT! Just what the Seniors need, reduced medicare payments and prescription benefits for a shorter life span.
@Alex S Ummmm guaranteed loans for education by the government with no credit requirements means that universities can charge whatever they want because no one cares. When you use someone else’s money to pay for something for someone else, you care nothing for the price or quality of a good or service. If the government or the American people fronting the loan had any skin in the game it would be a different story.
Where in history was big government good? Please tell me because apparently I missed it.
@Mahande that still doesn’t set tuition. And what do you mean no skin in the game? Do you think people assume the loans disappear without needing to be repaid? That’s a pretty dumb arguement. People know loans are basically their money.
And I already gave you an example… the Fair Housing Act of the mid 20th century. People weren’t buying that many houses after the Great Depression until the government stepped in and subsidized housing and gave loans. Instead of having to pay 20k for a home straight away, they could get a government loan and the housing market exploded. Many families were suddenly able to afford homes, and more new homes to meet the demand kick started a hobbled economy. The upper class had a 70% or higher tax rate at that time as well, so go figure. Our current Republican party wishes you’d forget about history.
Btw, the Fair Housing Act gave way to Freddie Mac and other home loan companies, which are still IN USE today. So much for government being bad.
@Mahande and since you think big government is bad, then you agree ICE should be disbanded? It’s arresting US citizens now.
@Mahande I said fair housing act but after looking it up, it’s the federal housing act of 1949 I’m talking about, which created several divisions of government oversight (aka big government) to oversee the housing market. And it worked and is still in use today.
Fair housing act deals with discrimination.
If he is polling this low impeachment should be welcomed by the majority of the country. Enough already. Deliver trumputin’s medicine on a silver platter, impeachment.
Impeach Donald Trump Now!
The House should be able to easily impeach because it’s mostly Dems. Though I believe there’s enough feckless Dems to prevent that. But even if the house impeaches the Senate is Republican majority and just will not vote to ratify it.
Yesss glad to hear im not alone on this…Now
Lol soyfags. TRUMP 2020
@GuildBankLooter Oh 2020…Is that the year he goes to prison?
How is his approval rating even above 20 percent?
Must be a form of Stockholm Syndrome…
@Joe Wilson those judges will have rippling effects for years and years. I’m really tired of arguing what the founders intended when what they intended was each generation to modify society to fit that generation.
It’s a reflection of US society and its people where it told the world how ‘morally right it is’, but in reality, is really morally corrupt behind closed doors.
The world is getting a front row seat to exactly how Trump ran all his businesses right into the ground.
@Anthony Egidio OK so then what are we going to do with the 10 million uneducated illegal aliens entering the Country?
@Saltponds239 You advocate giving the coal industry subsidies? It’s killing the environment, and green energy is creating more jobs. It’s bad business practice.
If not re-elected he will be indicted and likely end up behind bars……so the motherfxxxer is desperate…& will do crazy things
thats what I am worried about… cornered animal. what will he do now?
That MF will refuse to leave and threaten to push the codes.
Quite Right!, and truthfully, I am Scared! We could find troops in the street if trump looses in 2020.
Yes……the motherfxxxer is crazy/…….wants to b a dictator…..president for life….buy Greenland & renamed it Trumpland…..and he has his blind base who can see no wrong in his action…..he is now preparing to say the coming election is rigged… that if he loses he can point to it….turtle head is helping him in the Senate by refusing elections securities….God save America !
lou poh I don’t think they will ever be able to pin him down and get him in prison.
Trump will start a war to save his soap opera of a presidency.
If he tries to start a war, I hope the military will start a coup n shove a bayonet up his orange @$$!
No war but wouldn’t be surprised if there are a couple mass casualty event he doesn’t win.
Trump has prevented war, several times in fact.
@Jimmy Jazz What’s an unlawful order? If he declares war, it’s legal. I am very scared.
I don’t think that the Joint Chiefs have any power over him. There is nothing that will stop him from people getting killed.
@lombardo141 I am very scared.
It’s time to cancel the celebrity-in-chief show in 2020. It’s time to have a president who is strong-minded, sophisticated, intelligent, trustworthy, non-racist, non-partisan and just plain presidential.
MAGA TRUMP 2020, get use to it
You mean Presidential like Obama? Backroom deals; cash sent to terrorist countries; open borders; bad trade deals; spying on political opponents, foreign leaders, reporters and members of Congress and billions sent to foreign countries?
@Thomas Mullenix The Republicans are jumping ship now like the rats that they are. Trump is going down in flames and disgrace.
If you were anything but a sad little Russian troll that knows nothing but life under oppressive rule you would have said anything by now.
I hope you’re proud of the few extra kopeks you get for your part in overthrowing a foreign government cuz everyone knows Russia is a shithole country where the only way to live is to be drunk to make it.
Thornback, oops! I, mean!
PLEASE get that Mango Mussolini out of our White House! He’s horrible…and a danger to national security!
@Saltponds239 Huh? That doesn’t make sense…
@Denver I can’t help it if you can’t comprehend a simple statement – that is on you.
Can the good people of the Philippines get you to call POTUS MAXIMUS *DURIAN DONALD* ?
Mangos are smooth on the outside, sweet on the inside.
@Karen Yung Sure
@Karen Yung hahaha…that’s so funny! I know durian!
When Trump opens his mouth, there is either a cheeseburger going in or a lie coming out. That is it.
Besides Big Macs and a ton of Diet Cokes, he also loves McDonald’s “Fish Delight”
He opens wide for Putin too.
Choked on a cheeseburger……. one can only dream
For the love of God… Do something Republicans! Time to grow a pair and do the right thing!!!
@Michael Painter I’ll just let you know as someone with a masters in engineering over 10 years experience in robotics and AI, yang is correct in that AI (systems of many kinds of weak AI or a general AI) and cheap automation is a major problem to capitalism. People don’t forget the middle and lower classes were screwed for 70 years after the industrial revolution because they weren’t alive then. I give a true general AI smarter than a typical human 50-100 years and humanoid androids capable of out performing humans 30-60. That’s on the conservative side, many experts think it’s sooner. What happens then when it’s all proprietary and in the hands of like 5 people? There will be no more jobs, ever. Humans will be obsolete as a creative or labor force. “Oh, but it won’t come to that because there won’t be sales!!” Is bogus because you could just 3-D print and auto assemble the yachts, estates, and fancy cars without humans. “Oh but we can rise up if that happens!!!” Is also bunk because that will work out about as well as the opening in terminator. Militaries are already being automated, within 100 years at this rate they will be fully autonomous because humans simply are inferior. If we don’t crack down now, that dystopian future becomes real, yet it’s so far off, no one cares. Our kids are basically fkd, this will be worse than any climate crisis (and incidentally machines don’t need a functional biological biome to live in)
@Michael Painter thanks, I appreciate it. I do indulge in school yard antics with some of the biggest trolls though, it’s a guilty pleasure. However, I do give poes the benefit of the doubt and try to inject reason wherever I can cram it in.
@burtosis okay. An individual making $8/hr, 40hrs/wk. =$320/wk×4=$1280/mn. -100/mn taxes= $1180 +$100/mn snap=$1290/mn.
8×40×4-100=1180+1000-7 (sales tax on food)=$2173. $2173 or $1290.
@burtosis well that was quick forgot I saved a book mark for it. Little long but a really good read and well worth the time.
I would LOVE to see some Republicans finally having the courage to step up and express their disagreement, as there is obviouslly a lot of it.
Yes theyre all puppets of Trump
The Mooch has stepped up
Vote vote vote vote vote him out . Get him out . Get him out here . Send him back , to Trump tower . Times ticking down . YOUR FIRED !!.
Da Choppah and McDonald’s has the best food because it’s so popular
@Da Choppah weed be talking ” fire Trump “
The Jews do not support Trump they support the Democratic party . And he’s trying fear tactics again saying Democrats are against Israel . So not true .
David Lee
@G. Anthony Benjamin wow it’s hard to tell who’s telling the truth .
Trump has been a fruitcake from day one. What other job would continue to employ a person like that ?
Can’t answer that, but Putin might! Or maybe the KKK would like him as their commander in chief??
metaldogsg Racist Joe Biden is leading the Democrats and once did the eulogy for a KKK Grand Dragon….
If I have to choose between a recession and the erosion of democracy and mounting corruption that another four years of Trump represents, I’ll go for a recession.
Christian white supremacy has run its course,time almost at hand Esau day has finally come to the world.
@Saltponds239 Most of that “longest span of economic growth in history” occurred under Obama. Trump’s contribution is to put it in jeopardy with his stupid trade wars.
Andrew Mitchell, he’s causing the recession as well, with running the country into bankruptcy with huge tax cuts to the top one percent WITH NO TRICKLE DOWN, while he has tarriffed the economic recovery started by President Obama into a stressed downward spiral!
Magic YOU ARE NOT, Anoo/putin-trumpturd troll, BS!
Saltponds239putin-trumpturd troll!
I pray that the USA voting population do not become complacent and think Trump wil lose the next presidential election….please go out and vote to make sure he is ousted……..he is the biggest danger to the free world than Russia or China x
It would be hilarious (in a depressing way) if the Dems rig the primary to push Biden and then Trump wins again.
It’s up to us to remove the crazy lunatic from OUR White House


Because the republicans are Turing a blind eye