President Donald Trump held a rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma last week to kick off his 2020 campaign, but the overflowing crowd the President touted was nowhere to be seen. Chris Cillizza explains how the last five months of political turmoil have led to the lowest point of Trump’s presidency so far.
Trump campaign touts 1 million ticket requests for Tulsa rally
Tulsa official says 6,200 attended Trump rally as campaign tries to blame 'radical' protesters and media for lack of crowd
Supreme Court says federal law protects LGBTQ workers from discrimination
Supreme Court blocks Trump from ending DACA
Every GOP senator who attended a news conference today wore a mask
Top Republican will block Trump nominees until administration explains watchdog firings
Florida shows signs as next coronavirus epicenter as cases spike across the country
Trump risks potential backlash from evangelicals with 'tone-deaf' Bible photo-op
Mattis tears into Trump: 'We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership'
John Bolton just revealed Donald Trump's dirty little secret
CNN Poll: Trump losing ground to Biden amid chaotic week
About me:
I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil and Allison Gordon
Editor: Michelle Cho
Producer: Arielle Sacks
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Hey, Chris here – would you attend a political rally during the coronavirus pandemic?
But it’s ok to have a thug rally in wash? Hypocrite much?
@Faith Hope & Love 2 unpack Main Sheep Narrative 1. What are you smoking that you think Trump isn’t racist?! and 2. If you’re all about faith, hope and love, you might want to rethink the demanding-we-go-to-hell part. Plus, I don’t think you’re in charge of that department.
Fu*k NO
Blah, blah, blah. Typical Trump supporter. The jaw is flapping but nothing of use is coming out.
@Grey Fox – We were not rioting and we were keeping socially distant. A very small population did the rioting out of anger. I can only hope they came to their senses. But the rest of us follow the rules so we can stay healthy and keep others healthy.
The funniest part to me are the supporters that camped out days ahead of time to get in and see only a 1/3 of the arena filled.
Time well spent.
@Mark Rogers
Yeah. Nice emojis.
it was their camping holiday away from the trailer parks.
i’m surprised trump is still alive.
@Elizabeth notthe queen
has anyone told those folks the overflow was cancelled as some are still there waiting.
lets have Trump win again I want to see these trust fund soy boy losers scream at the sky again
I think that it’s sad that I’m a 46 year-old woman that was born and raised in America and I have never heard of Juneteenth until this year. In my opinion I should have learned about this day when I was in grade school.
@gmaneis …You are one of many who through the George Floyd video , see what waking up Black is … Jogging …Driving … Standing in Your Own Yard … Bird Watching …Or Sleeping in your bed …. Juneteenth is celebrated as the last day of Slavery … when people of Color can do those things and not fear for their lives or the lives of their loved one … then we can truly be free , America needs more people like you speaking out… stay safe and God Bless … take care
BLM just made it up for another excuse to destroy cities in their little tantrums.
@L Brize No-one listens to that crap anyway, it’s racist remember.
OriginalPiMan since Trump’s racism is blatant, it should be really easy to provide conclusive evidence. Got any you could share?
you people supporting cnn and commenting have no lives
It’s even more scary to know that a “president” this bad still got some 40% unwavering support.
Here is why
it is sad that so many americans are ignorant of what a democracy is!! Trump has never kept his oath of office- he has never protected the constitution !!! Trump has behaved like an autocrat and we have been marching towards a dictatorship for 3 years now! We need to save our democracy!! Wake up “Trumpers” – when YOU no longer bow down before him he will say “Off with their heads!
@Megadog Simple math, the terrorist groups of BLM and Antifa have pissed off 80 percent of the real Americans, and that means a whole lotta votes in Nov.
Don’t forget the racist group BLM is a pissant organization no more that a couple hundred thousand max. That’s nothing in the scheme of things.
@jcllings we went to war after 3,000 died on 9/11. You think Americans are going to look the other way after 122,000 Died because of trump’s malfeasance?
It’s depressing that there are that many stupid, racist jerks left.
Man the video of him leaving the helicopter is the most satisfying thing that happen in 2020 .
@sl97aq dream on
@Michael Whitted better exit your echo chamber or you’ll have a 2016 repeat
@Anthony Stromeyer We’ll see if it’s a dream or Trump’s Nightmare in four months and ten days.
I actually felt bad for him. He legitimately looked like his feelings were hurt.
@Mike Hall Your “favourite” president is also a demented idiot.
We heard this comment before,but those that don’t know their history they don’t know where they are going.
It’s over
Why did it take this long to reach his lowest point, that I don’t understand.
@Cuck Norris Oh I’m not dumb enough to live in a poverty-stricken, drug-ravaged shithole state like KY. McConnell is a crook who hasn’t done a damn thing for the people of his state in decades, yet they keep re-electing him. Or maybe he just keeps rigging the electoral process.
hias tards REFUSE to look at trutsh, facts etc…. ( or are just plain eivl, raist, sexist etccc)
here is why
Because it’s not the lowest point
@ROB112 Welcome to the hornet’s nest.
oh, I so doubt that headline. he can and will get lower.
He’s quite familiar with the sub-basement and cellars of Hell…
There is plenty of time for his presidency to go lower… it’s kinda what he does.
@It Was A Good Idea At The Time

@William H Yes, his OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP lead to HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF LIVES being sent to heaven.
@Dr Elephant Trump’s doing an excellent job of digging his own grace by sending hundreds of thousands of Americans into one.
MAGA = Making America’s Graves Accumulate

To be sure. He LOST bigly in 2018.
@Damn Yankee He lost in 2018.
The fact that some Maga waited 9 days in “line”, only to learn that they could have walked
In 4 minuet’s before and had their choice of 14 000 empty seats, is SERIOUSLY FUNNY.
@soylentdean Welcome to the hornet’s nest, in which saying something stupid WILL get you punished.
@Nigo Maramag Punished? Most fun I’ve had in days.
@soylentdean Yep. Fun for us to destroy your botched thinking.
@carl jeffery givings here’s a weird note. Why is their always just 2 black people behind trump. Usually with a sign thst days “Blacks for Trump” I wonder if their being paid how much or getting some kind of comp.
Stay vigilant. Never underestimate the stupidity of stupid people.
The only think Joe Biden has done in 43 years of politics is fill his bank account
@Richard Gray No, I read Elle Elle as meaning all stupid people sinking in confident ignorance, lack of control and leadership. That points in one direction only
After watching this video I agree people that Watch CNN are idiots
@Marc after dark night times the right time Explain.
The Republicans are on top of it, thanks
Name meanings in Britain:
Trump…. Means to “Fart”
“Pence”… Is “small change”
@Disconnected Roamer You can’t assume _everyone_ in the UK is in love with Trump.
biden means child molestor
Trump as in ‘the last trump’…armageddon…
@Disconnected Roamer Not the ones I’ve seen interviewed on news broadcasts…
You shouldn’t say “Lowest point now” , but lowest so far.
He can go lower.
@Jock Young
Yeah… no. I and many, MANY others are counting on his VP, half the votes will be for whoever she is.
And trump can? If people go for Biden’s, it will be because of his VP. Voting for trump is just suicide.
@wild cat
If you google dumb president, trump’s face is first thing that will pop up:/
imagine listening to a soy boy
When the president tells his aides he doesn’t want to hear any bad or negative news then he’s shocked and bitched-slapped with reality. Go figure
must be talking about obama lol
And I hope it continues to Tumble all the way till November
Let’s get him out everybody.
CNN gives you false hope. November will see a Trump landslide.
The only thing Joe Biden has done in 43 years of politics is fill his bank account
@Uncle Ed Compared to who, Crooked Donald? Oh, he just robbed all the people he did business with. And now he and his Klan are looting the Treasury.
@Rod You sound like you’re just another traitor like Benedict Donald and the other RepubliCONS. Why do you hate America so much? We know why tRump does.
Got a forklift…mot sure he can walk on his own.
He’s got nothing so like the poor loser he is he claims everyone is cheating while he cheats… Trump was impeached for trying to rig the election… he has been working on his re-election for three years and this is the outcome. Some genius.
The only thing Joe Biden has done in 43 years of politics is fill his bank account
@Uncle Ed Either you’ve been spamming or are a bot.
@soylentdean I mean, he _did_ commit a crime.
@Nigo Maramag What crime was that?
@soylentdean Oh, sorry. It was an *allegation*
He *allegedly* coerced the president of Ukraine to investigate *allegations* about Joe Biden’s son in exchange for aid that should have already been given in the first place – aka blackmailing a foreign leader, which is 100% illegal.
6200 people showed up in June 2020 at a tRump rally. Ha ha ha Ha Ha

tRump doubled down on saying that he wants to slow down Corona Virus testing.
**Americans are in trouble!!**
How many showed up at Biden’s rally? Just curious.
Ordinary Mo only hitler and trump have rally’s
Rob Ralph And liberals have riots and looting.
Asking for a friend wasn’t it when he was elected it was the low point
I love that the empty seats were blue. So symbolic of the democrats.
Joe Biden has 20 seats at his rally

. “Common man, where is everyone” 

wayne edward , Joe Biden does not need to campaign . He is already won the election in November 2020.
@Thomas N only way biden will win if the election is stolen
@andrew mroz If you mean “stolen” meaning he’ll get way more votes than Trump, they looks like it’ll be “stolen.” Only in Trump’s fantasies does he never lose. In real life, he loses all the time, six, count em six bankruptcies, a failed university. His whole life has been a series of failure. But in his own mind (and yours apparently) all he ever does is win.