This past Friday, the president started talking about bathrooms at a roundtable discussion – and everyone was left to wonder if once again, a government agency was being directed to do Trump's personal…business. Aired on 12/09/19.
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Trump's Personal Business Becomes Our Business…Whether We Like It Or Not | All In | MSNBC
They are “seriously looking at sinks”. How does one look seriously at sinks?
They have to see which sink is the wettest, from the standpoint of water.
Correction, they are very strongly looking at them, trump loves his extreme adjectives
well……..he does not have the vocabulary of a potus
@Si Sloan Yeah…..and then ya Plug ’em!
I wonder if he’s speaking in code of some kind, to “those out there listening”… Ijs the babbling…. just may not be a babble….
Water dripping. Flushing too many times??? What is wrong with this man???? and his cabinet????
@john smith No, He is lowering it for now.. in the longterm you are Not wrong
He’s trying to get some free bathroom fixtures for his failing rat and rodent infested motels. You turn the fawcet on and the wutter comes out real slow when you don’t pay the bill orange one.
He floats like waste in the toilet!
Maybe he only has sink and toilet issues in his run-down hotels, maybe blocked with bed bugs, or maybe they are overcome with the rising cesspool he keeps adding to.
We are so doomed
tRump has declared a National Emergency against faulty sinks & faucets & excessive toilet flushing all awhile tRump is a walking & babbling National Security Threat of the 1st Order.
Water concerns huh…. Has he repaired Flint, Michigan’s problem?
The boy is straight up insane.
Trump’s toilets are the wettest, from the standpoint of water.
Don’t worry about showers and toilets rump is on it!
@Stephen Cold Bear his turds are the biggest, probably the biggest anybody has ever seen! It takes 10, 15 flushes just to get rid of it!
Dehydration is a problem, it affects the mind ,you talk is circles, you repeat simple phrases, you speak incoherentley and causes one to hunger for cheeseburgers.
Trump probably thought of this “problem” while taking a dump.
primaryrage you mean taking a “trump”.
The giant orange puss-bag,takes a massive dump,every time he opens his fetid,sewer like mouth.
And with his rump on fire!
Flushing the toilet 10 to 15 times is what’s required to flush the Orange Floater, the insecure, dimwitted, wannabe dictator just continues to circle the bowl.
*LOL!* The complete absurdity of that is, it’s not the delusional, imbecilic, “10, 15 times”, it’s the fact you cannot flush a toilet with NO water in it! Trump does not even know how a toilet works! :-p How about this: “It’s called rain, and no one knows what to do with it.” WOW! If you ever want to waste some time, don’t just listen, transcribe one of his ramblings, _then read it!_ EDIT Well, _attempt_ to read it! *LOL!*
Please, 3LD, That’s WAY too much imagery to cope with.
Jeez, every last member of the Trump Administration is a criminal! I bet even the interns are stealing stuff.
Emily Moss oops! Ok I admit.
People in Flint don’t even have clean drinking water, meanwhile this clown is whining about water pressure.
It took a lotta years of neglect to get to this point. Dems and reps are responsible for this. Don’t worry your little cute one liner comment sheep brain. Trump will drain the swamp. It’s ok now.
John Lyons the swamp is clogged with orange turds
Officials still buying trump merch to please the King. What can go wrong?
And: trump still sounds like a babbling, deranged lunatic.
So much for draining the swamp, the GOP got punked, Trump turned out to be the swamp monster, a mentally challenged swamp monster at that.
Why do people still want him for President? He can barely put together a coherent statement.
Neither can his supporters bar the ones’ who are getting richer and fatter.
Rump is a toilet expert. Thank god he is in office.
Don’t worry about the toilet emergency rump is on it!
Is anything about him coherent? I mean, that skin and friggin’ hair!
@Make Racists Afraid Again the failed education system is the Democrats fault along with taking God out, that’s why we have mass shooters everywhere no one is learning morals.
I’d be more worried about the quality of the water.
Standing ovation!
or the lack of it !
Will someone, anyone, please lock him out of the White House, today would be fine before he flushes the USA down the toilet 16 times
“you have many states where they have so much water that it comes down, it’s called rain, they don’t know what to do with it.” Says the stable genius with the great and unmatched wisdom.
it’s actually fun to see the old righteous, holier than thou, corrupt republicans try to explain away their crazy leader and make it seem normal.
In new houses the water hardly comes out.
He’s gone mad like King George.
And you wonder why the whole world laughs at this dotard .
This should be on Comedy Central if he wasn’t such a dotard!