Qassem Suleimani's death could dramatically increase tensions between the U.S. and Iran, which were already heightened by the New Year's attacks on the American Embassy compound. Aired on 01/02/20.
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Trump's Pentagon: U.S. Killed Iran's Military Leader Qassem Soleimani | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Honestly y’all can just come take him they already planning to impeach they might just hand him over…it’s all for the US sacrifice one to save many
@Magitrix Alyxra We helped get rid of an elected president of Iran back in the 50 & installed a dictator…the Shah. We created the Ayatollahs. We also sold weapons to them back in the 80s violating a congressional weapons embargo which created the Iran/Contra scandal. Those chickens are coming home to roost. We had an Iran nuclear deal that the Iranians were adhering to according to our western allies. Trump unilaterally pulled out because Obama’s name was on it. So it wasn’t perfect…..what did Trump give us in return? Obamacare was not perfect but 20 million people would not die due to a pre-existing condition. Trump has tried everything to disable it with NOTHING to replace it. Going into Iraq was going to be a slam dunk…it’s been 19 years & we are still dying there. We had no justification for invading Iraq & killing hundreds of thousands. The Iranians & Iraqis can use your same argument. Read more, talk less.
If only you knew how impeachment works.
You would literally prefer Trump to have been killed that a terrorist who has killed thousands of innocents? You are sick!
@Paul Boutilier Pretty sure someone who kills innocent civilians on purpose is a terrorist. How does it feel to have no moral compass, Paul?
“Foreign Policy Disaster ”
Season 4 begins again
@House of Shuffles No it would be letting the man who planned the attack to walk away scott-free.
Obama spied on Allies and American journalists. Obama JAILED whistleblowers. Obama killed Muslim Americans without due process. Obama used the IRS against the American taxpayers. Obama used taxpayer dollars to interfere in the Israeli elections. Obama lied about Benghazi and left our people behind to be murdered and blatantly lied about it. Obama assassinated Khadafy, collapsed Libya leading to the worst migrant crisis in history. Shall I go on?
House of Shuffles Far more death and destruction is going to result from the assassination. Also, Trump violated the Constitution by not informing Congress about it so they could hold a vote.
@Bleeding Eye Watcher You realize this was a military operation and not a deceleration of war right?
Everyone: _Happy New Year’s!_
America: *So Anyways I Started Blasting.*
This is the first comment I see. What a time to be alive! Crackin a cold one to you bud!!
So be :
As always, america starts the new year by blastinf
@looes74 looes74 ‘merica is the bestesthing that has been done in ever in the area of history and I will fight
for her and potentially
I guess die for her…but metaphorical deth…knothe real deel
@looes74 looes74 blastnf is my favorite airline…a 99% crash rate…suicide airlines
What would the reaction be if Iran killed a high ranking US military figure with a drone strike ?
@Sara Rastikhah I think it’s time to take your meds.
@Kazakh Stallion you are disgusting, and mentally ill.
Sara Rastikhah leave the US.
He was a murderer. You want to defend him. Ok.
Sounds like the 12 year olds talking about how they spent last night with my mother on Xbox and the Trump administration have the same IQ.
What a twist.
Nice execution, you’re doing terrific.
When I was 12 on xbox, I didn’t axt like that. I know this comment is a joke, whoooosh me.
@Saiko hsoooohw/r
his iq is actually quite hi…i believe around 150ish
This is not what everybody had in mind when starting 2020 off with a boom.
That terrorist general can rest in pepperoni
@Blip200 Lay off the CNN kid
Happy new year
As a European, can you guys stop invading the Middle East so we get an end to these refugee waves, many thanks.
Well the only thing americans are good at is destroying
@Nevyn of OZ 1973 clearly you don’t understand the Constitution.
@Roman Darius there is no one in the history of mankind more violent than the white man. Everything must be based on greed and weaponizing. Youre welcome sob
@Roman Darius foh
Trump kept his promise to the Saudi’s after all.
Simpson’s predicted trump starting WW3 here we go
You do know by going war with Iran the entire region will be disturbed the region has 3 nuclear power countries China Pakistan india its not gonna be a good situation for the world
dragon slayer4324 I had no idea
I’m groening or groaning or droning on and on about nothing not letting anyone else get a word in edgewise til I start frothing at the mouth and falling over backwardSimpsons’Rule
As shikamaru would say “what a drag”

Vic P yes we’re gonna have the 3rd great ninja war
95 percent of ppl on these comments dont get what ur saying, but as a naruto fan, I do!!!
Seriously there quoting trump saying “I like peace” while he’s tipsy at a new years party
It was the most Presidential response they could get…
Tim yeah a foreign general who attacked a us embassy my guy
Trump doesn’t drink alcohol. Never had a drink of alcohol his whole life.
He hates alcohol and i even have proof write in in google does donald trump drink alcohol go on images and tap the first image and it will say why donald trump doesnt like alcohol
Trump doesnt drink stupid
2019 : Ok Boomer
2020 : Ok Private
2020 is OK Kaboom Zooom Kaboom Zoooooooooooooooooom KaBooom Hit and Run until IRAN Gives up nukes and Terror!
after the war we will be give birth to the 2nd boomer gen
@Brobdingnagian Loaph 2nd Boomer Gen! excellent! more realist less idealist on trip to la la la land.
Trump phones Qassem Suleimani…
TRUMP: “Knock, knock.”
SULEIMANI: “Who’s there?”
TRUMP: “You’ll see…” (hangs up).
2019: Okay Boomer
2020: Okay Boom
@dragon slayer4324
He’s getting the majority of his pay from Putin!!! They are robbing the rest of us!!! That’s why we want him GONE!!!
You actually made a not funny situation, sound funny
@Davi M. Kim Do you think going to war with Iran would start WW3
Trump “I want peace” shots Iran’s general and 7 other people
@preto shohmoofc guy Yes sir
@zbagz01 This guy isn’t your “Benghazi Hillary”. to attack an Embassy is to start a war with that Nation. *God are you people stupid.*
@preto shohmoofc guy well said
If he keeps up the good work I’ll get the rest of them. Then maybe the world will be safer
Military interview: Have you ever been a user of illegal drugs?
Me: I’m on everything
Military interviewer: So was I during my first battle. You’ll be perfect for the frontline.
WHEN the draft comes Cut off the first two knuckles on your off hand. if you cant pull a trigger with either hand you cannot serve.
“America First.”
“Let’s attack Iran.”
@Parlez64 The DoD released a similar statement.
I didn’t realize Soleimani was in Iran. BTW, why was he in Iraq as terrorists were attacking our embassy?
@Parlez64 wow, TDS is strong with you!
Trump will win 2020
USA Bombing List – The Democracy World Tour:
Japan: 1945
Korea: 1950
Guatemala: 1954
Indonesia: 1958
Kuba: 1959
Vietnam: 1961
Kongo: 1964
Laos: 1964
Cambodia: 1969
Iran: 1980
El Salvador: 1981
Nicaragua: 1981
Libya: 1986
Panama: 1989
Irak: 1991
Sudan: 1998
Serbia: 1999
Afghanistan: 2001
Irak: 2003
Syria: 2014
Iran: 2020?
Babylon must go.
You also missed all the many gunboat diplomacy activities that teddy Roosevelt initiated for Dole and United Fruit conglomerates.
@Nevyn of OZ 1973 because japan provoked the bombings
@Lonnie Simpson 9-11
Called Kim Jong Un ‘rocket man’ maybe he’ll deliver his Christmas present at the same time as Iran’s new years present

Boom there goes Washington
Reportedly stole the plans from Russia to build a hypersonic missile. BOOM WH..
You sickos would like that? You want NK to bomb Washington? I would never say that about any President, no matter how much I disagreed with them. If you hate this country so much, why are you here?
Me: “I think I’m going to join the military when I graduate high school”
Me: *sees that there might be a potential war*
Me: “I think I’ll just go to college”
RIP VINE don’t just the military loser
@Jane Wright During WW2 underaged teenagers lied about their age to join the military. Imagine todays SJW’s doing that.
@Jane Wright definendless! Wars are meanto be multi-generational…the beauty of the hundred years war is that you didn’t have to bore your grandkids withe stories about it, because they were fighting in it! 22 years of peacetime in 243 years of existence is way more than plinky…(southern for plenty)