U.S. President Donald Trump has tweeted that he will be leaving the hospital, Dr. Chris Labos and Dr. Abdu Sharkawy react to the news.
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To the Early Squad reading this: *Sending Virtual hugs to everyone who needs it. Always stay safe, read my name
Would anyone be surprised if he didn’t have Covid at all? Just another chapter in his reality show.
The dear doctors clearly don’t know how precautionary treatment can speed up recovery dramatically – they will benefit in their clinical practice if they learn something.
And your qualifications are WHAT?????
@G Guest he’s an expert in self-diagnosing rectal issues
Hmmm, your 5 minutes of Google searching must be equivalent to 6-12 years of medical school and specialization in epidemiology.
Lmao…yet you listen to the news…lmao…best looking old dead guy…. ever
He has a serious virus but he feels better than he did 20 years ago?????
Is there any intelligence to this statement at all??
Sure there is…he works non-stop to build up America…and now he got a three day rest…so of course he feels better than he has for a long time.
Steroids mask symptoms of disease
He’s fine.
he doesn’t have the virus, he is just after sympathy because he is loosing badly, so NO SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL FROM HERE
Yay…can’t wait for your meltdown…epic
There are some cases in Ontario of patients going to the hospital and being sent home to Quarantine
Then they die.
Maybe if they had flashed some cash they would have kept them or ran more testing
Trudeau can take some leadership pointers from President Trump!
You can go there if not happy in Canada.
@B17 J Five years ago Canada was a great nation! Today it is a banana Republic
That is a problem! Either you are hyper partisan or the dumbest person on the internet!
@Peter MachacekI vote dumbest person on the internet
After he insulted military men and women who died in fight for democracy including over 130 Canadian fallen soldiers fighting side by side with ungrateful Americans, I thought he can’t go any lower. But a dictator will always go lower than we are prepared for !
Well those military men and women LOVE HIM…lmao…step away from the news…it’s making you sound stupid
Rebecca P . Go back to school finish your 6th grade
In the meantime, Trudeau is STILL not out of the woods. And it’s been like 6 months
And he didn’t even have Covid! Lol
But gimmie that $14,000.00 CERB money.
Be scared. OBEY. Vote Liberal for the free cheques my greatest grandkids will have to pay off.