Trump world is panicked as the feds close in on Rudy Giuliani. Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen predicting Giuliani will flip on Trump. At the same time, the legal troubles Trump is facing in Georgia and in Washington D.C. are also heating up. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber discusses the latest updates in the legal storm Trump faces in this special digital report. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).
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Wow that’s very surprising development!
Rudy is not a federal employee…therefore by claiming he was working for the State Department in Ukraine and attempting to gain a thing of value under the guise of that character makes him criminally liable under 18 USC SS 912: Impersonating a federal agent, official, or employee.
@Refund Replay Asked to represent, or did Trump ask Ukraine officials to talk to him?
That does not make him a representative of the state Dept, nor does it make him a US Government Employee.
See the devil is in the detail.
If it was just Trump asking a foreign Gov to talk to Rudi, then Rudi is in trouble.
@Peter T hold up, hold up…
@Refund Replay

@Peter T “So you replied without knowing what you were talking about?
Ghouliani, according to HuffPo, WAS ASKED by State Department to talk to Ukraine.
@Shannon Hale I know you can fit more than 2 fingers…
Giuliani is probably adding to his exposure by speaking out so much at this point in the case.
As you can see above, I will try to answer some of the questions you all post on our segments on YouTube. You can reply to this comment, and we may answer your question in the future!
@Damen Rabbitt He doesn’t have a Hunter Biden Hard-drive.
@Damen Rabbitt – pretty sure that would constitute *receiving stolen goods*. Not exactly a great look for a lawyer.
Isn’t persecution of political rivals straight out of the communist handbook? Bob Avakian isn’t the best person to be taking advice from, I mean if he was he wouldn’t be facing the human rights tribunal like Fauci Gates WHO CDC are for genocide……you guys aren’t the news anymore, make no mistake about that
Circular firing squad
Unbelievable how slow the wheels of justice turn, they better pick it up before the primaries.
@J Austin then they are totally blind and deaf and idiots – even if they think for one minute they can save themselves and the USA
@Bat Boy they weren’t around after the 2008 crash and too big to fail.
Just like Russia and the 2 sham impeachments worked out
@CJ K more like pretend it’s a sham based on the GOP senators who ignored the evidence.
Although Dems do deserve some scorn for not demanding McCarthy testify under oath.
And anyone can Google INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY and find out that lots of them are foreign bot accounts pretending to be Trump supporting Americans. I find it suspicious that the Republican party is okay with assistance from a hostile authoritarian Nation that helps spam their propaganda.
So while the Russian investigations didn’t live up to Rachel Maddie’s hype, there was lots in that investigation that the public needed to know.
@J Austin Oh, but if Trump gets charged with who knows how many crimes, Congressional prostitutes are going to have to make some hard decisions. This whole saga may turn into a major motion picture–life imitating art!
Breaking news: IQ-45 is digging a new bunker
Is that a crap sludge cesspool made bunker?
bcz its about the only thing that would suit this thing called trump..
We all know what Hitler did in his bunker.
@Paul Brower His arrogance and ego will not let him do that. He’s gotten away with this stuff for decades. He may get a surprise this time. He doesn’t control the courts now
@David Americans should be so lucky – you need to get out and vote in record numbers. They’re already laying the groundwork to steal the 2024 election
Breaking News: When is the last time MSNBC reported on anything besides Trump? Russia: failed. 2 impeachments: failed. And you guys still believe these propagandists?
I watch and learn form you and all the shows here on MSNBC Thanks!
Agree with you Sam. Ari does a great job in asking questions of his guests to get to the truth.
No wonder our country is f*cked…
Let’s see how long it takes for the cult to turn on Rudy…
@Brent Nuckolls QULT much, twerp..?
@Marci Robins How good do you think Ghouliani is at combat
Not long, surely.
I personally believe the first to turn on Rudy will be FOX, it’s coming ,as they will want to protect Traitorous Trump
Rudy has so much to spill on Donald — they go way back to when he was Mr. SDNY and word on the street was he wasn’t too nosy about Donnie’s doings with the mob because he had his eye on being Mr. Mayor NYC, and knowing a publicity-hound playboy billionaire might come in handy.
Someone has to get all the dirt down before Rudy’s brain is permanently pickled.
Stone and coke jr need to be locked up too
Coke jr.

In time.
Get your popcorn ready people!

I’m already fat from mine. I could be a celebrity on “my 600 pound life” soon
As usual, excellent report, Ari!
Michael Cohen did “some time” but he didn’t do “hard time.” He hardly had a chance to get used to the food.
White privilege strikes again

@kenth jones But he did time unlike the current 45 orange stain.
Covid got him out of jail early but he had to wear an angle bracelet and could leave his residence for some time.
Cohen is just trying to sell books. Yeah, he’s totally credible.
Make an example out of him. Future generations will get another one of his type sooner or later. At least this will discourage a few.
There should never be even the possibility of a “secret” pardon. No “blanket” pardon. No “preemptive” pardon. That all smells of corruption to me.
Welcome to amarica. Home of corruption
If he has a pocket pardon and uses one he will likely need to waive his right to claim the 5th
They’ll twist Rudy’s arm until he sings like a bird
Would a crow be more fitting?
That dreaded knock knock will soon be coming at Mar Largo.
Fingers crossed!
Cant wait
Nothing is scarier to a Republican than the truth about themselves.
&Alota Dems 2!….
Right wing corporate democrats, too.
I’ve heard that before. Now let’s see some action on any matter!
Barr, And Luis Dejoy also.
Cadet bonespurs is really shaking so hard that he finally will get real bone spurs.
Maybe he’ll have a few deferments for asthma too like Joey boy!
The light is on and the cockroaches are running to find a hiding place .