Trump's defense lawyers open day 4 of the Senate impeachment trial against the former president.
Democratic managers wrapped up the second and final day of their arguments against Donald Trump, contending that the comments of loyal insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol at his behest and a lack of remorse from the then-president about the siege prove his guilt.
“We believe that we have shown you overwhelming evident in this case that would convince anyone using their common sense that this was indeed incitement,” lead manager Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., told the assembled senators. “Meaning that Donald Trump’s conduct encouraged violence, violence was foreseeable, and he acted willfully in the actions that encouraged violence.”
While not nearly as emotional as Wednesday’s presentation, which was dominated by fresh video and audio clips that harrowingly detailed the violent clashes and narrow escapes of the siege, Thursday’s arguments were more clinical and meant to hammer home Trump’s guilt.
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#Impeachment #Trump #SenateTrial
The House Managers made their case for conviction of Donald Trump Trump’s lawyers look dazed confused and frankly a little angry
tRump’s attorneys made it worse incriminating him further. Just terrible representation.
*Breaking news* damning new details about Tr**mp call with Mccarthy during riot as McCarthy urged Tr**mp to call off rioters, Tr**mp said I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are… There is more….
Well after this ugly little video I’m sure you’re wanting everybody to look at something anything to distract people from it.
Good, I hope Trump’s lawyers will win the case and give the Democrats something to think about!

Either way, Trump fades into obscurity and gets bankrupt.
I wonder. Who are the supporters of Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Ted Cruz of Texas and Mike Lee of Utah and the others senator of 41? They must be a very rich ones. Now there must be a very big gambling bet somewhere? Because in gambling or betting game no constitutional arguments, no democracy, no law and order, no morality, no shameful, right? It is only lose or win. You lose or I win? Let’s utilize all our pawn, let them fight. They are just little matters or dust. They will be happy to receiving them with only statute rewards or title or small money to live. Hahaha.

Impeach Biden
Your logic; It’s only okay when we do it.
When Trump supported Saudi Arabia when they bombed civilians? Completely normal.
When his cabinet locked up kids at the border and tolerated slave labour and abuse in Jails? Totally fine.
But when Joe Biden wants to raise the minimum wage, that’s NOT OKAY.
@Chinggis Khan joe biden just removed the limit on med prices. People are dying because they can no longer afford meds
We Americans need to fight back against the crooked politicians and get the crooked politicians out of office
Our government is going to be almost empty then.
I do also love how this channel has 1.8 millions subs yet gets less than 50K views