Trump’s Lawyers: In Prison, Under Investigation And Haunting Impeachment Probe | MSNBC

As federal investigators probe Rudy Giuliani, new questions about the legal risks of Giuliani working for Trump for free. Ari Melber also examines the numerous ties between Trump’s lawyers and a Ukrainian oligarch who’s been funding some of the efforts to dig up dirt on Trump’s opponents. Aired on 11/04/19.
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Trump's Lawyers: In Prison, Under Investigation And Haunting Impeachment Probe | MSNBC


  1. 🙈🙊🙉 everything that President Trump does is “perfect”. Now he saying, “leave it up to the lawyers! “. The lawyers are in jail? What a shocker!

    1. @Linda Loves Trump
      Epstein n donalduck have private soirée at magalago. Don’t you know? He died shortly after Barr visited him.

    1. I cant help but point out that the Russians “interfering” (as everyone seems to call it) in our elections exposed Hillary Clinton’s massive deceit. I guess we are all just sheep and would rather gripe about the process instead of appreciate the results.

  2. All the Ukraine nonsense is an excuse to lift Russian sanctions.. come on America..this is perfectly clear. It is framed in another conspiracy to entertain the foxholers.

    1. @Alessa Anderson no… Chronic Dro is just baked. Same brain dead amotivational sludge that represents the rest of trump’s base.

  3. they hire lawyers to brake the law? I dont get it… lawyers defending criminals for braking the law. nothing but criminals in the white house. sick. and people still supporting them crooks.

    1. The lawyer know the law therefore they” know” how to brake it ! But they weren’t counting on tRump stupidity he conned them also lol

    1. This is not news. This is entirely 1 sided. This network made fools out of you. Manipulated and brainwashed you for 3 years while we sat back and laughed. And what do you do? You come right back to them. Like an abused wife in a troubled relationship. This, like many other BS stories, will fall flat. A few months after, the writers will create another fabrication and you will come back for more. There are very specific laws and treaties in place that made the conversation legal. Operation Mockingbird.

    1. Todd R The man’s not even been convicted yet, and the democrats sure as heck ain’t the party of law and order. They are the party that supports ILLEGAL immigration

    2. Andy C
      The democrats on these comments are pathetic, calling names and hate speeching. I’d actually consider what they have to say if they weren’t so rude. Btw, Trump hasn’t broken any laws legally.

  4. When Trump said he was going to create so many new jobs, I didn’t know he meant for lawyers, judges, and prison guards!!!

  5. Our country justice system stinks! The supreme court are PUPPETS to Trump! Why is Trump still the President and not in Jail !!??

    1. “It is a criminal rat’s nest that they’re running there” [John Flannery, former federal prosecutor], and it really doesn’t matter what the party is. The USA has a SHAM DEMOCRACY you all need to fix.

    2. @NDFOOTBALL Sorry brother…you’ve been lied to. There’s no legislation sitting on Nancy’s desk to be signed. That’s not even how it works if there was. They’d have to introduce the legislation into committee and debate it. Vote on it, and if it passes the committee then it goes to the house floor for a similar process.
      Reading the propaganda you wrote I could quickly guess where you get the majority of your information on this kind of stuff.
      I suggest this to you, and I mean it in the nicest possible way. Look up all the stuff you wrote and confirm if it’s true or not. Look for facts to support it. Dates, names, times, Senate File numbers, Bill Sponsors, voting records, press releases, statistics….stuff like that. Look on several sites and try to remain open minded. If a site only offers opinions and doesn’t have any facts then get off of it.

    1. @Mimsy Borogove The Democrats haven’t done anything. No wonder people are leaving the state. Stop being stupid and leave your MSNBC bubble for once

    2. @Mimsy Borogove Lol you don’t even live in America you chinese bot. Also I loved how all the Democratic cult members got mad when kanye said he was a Trump supporter

  6. Eventually, everyone who has broken the law to serve the insatiable appetites of Faker 45 will either turn state’s evidence or serve time in prison.

    1. This club is fairly small…the donors are the big club, Trump playing Paulie having his dogs running messages for him is the small club that really needs to be eliminated

  7. There’s that paved road to Russia with our national security , tax dollars , etc. I still think Putin is with Trump in our Oval Office!

    1. Trump has ulterior motives. it is so obvious. i said a long time ago Putin has the goods on cheeto face. that’s why he never goes against him and is always criticizing our allies. trump is scared shitless of being impeached. he knows whats waiting for him in the real world…JAIL TIME!

    2. mik213 ig mik I know ! But senate won’t remove him . He will be impeached but probably not removed because they are taking party over country !!

    1. Exactly.. Amerians are smart. We can add. Just does not add up. Truly exhausting. Enough already! Right?? 🤨✌

  8. Rudy has been under federal surveillance since February 2019, and not for late library books. His day is coming, bigly.

  9. Giuliani got in over his head. I remember Mikey Cohen saying something about how working for Trump doesn’t end well.

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