Trump’s latest tariffs won’t have a serious impact, it’s all about politics according to this expert

Carleton's Ian Lee breaks down U.S. President Trump's latest round of tariffs and how it could impact the Canadian aluminum industry.

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Trump's latest tariffs won't have a serious impact, it's all about politics according to this expert


  1. he literally just made americans pay more for aluminum, America’s aluminum industry doesn’t have enough supply to meet the demand.

    1. The states signed a trade deal with Australia for the minerals needed to make it themselves,…. Maybe Trudeau should have spent more time using deplomacy and less time insulting the person he was negotiating with

  2. Time to divorse ourselves from america. Slap tariffs on everything we export to murica. Pull out of the trade deal, america is no longer an ally of america.

    1. You are aware that 80% of our economy depends on the states right? And to be able to walk away you need other countries to trade with? And Trudeau isn’t looked upon as a reliable negotiator? You know that right?

  3. I am surprised he did not say ” I signed a proclamation more important than the emancipation proclamation that Lincoln signed in 1860 “

    1. Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation in 1863, not 1860, and it was pointless as slavery was going to be abolished wether or not the civil war happened.

  4. i drink my beer from big glass bottles… i’d be happy to switch to big aluminum cans if it helps (Labatts please start making 10.1% beer cans 😉

  5. Says “Conservative TV” new. Nothing to see here. All part of the plan. All is well……riiiight.

    We have a trade deal that the “Child in Chief’ doesn’t like. BoooHooo.

  6. He’s just determined to destroy all bridges and alliances with every Nation. What a moron🤦🏼‍♂️🕳🦠

    1. @donkiyboy The high deficit racked up during COVID in Canada correlates with America’s 34% GDP reduction, which was larger than the great depression and over four times larger than the 2008 crisis GDP loss. COVID is a destructive force. Trudeau did great against that.

  7. Trump is definitely using this as a smoke screen he’s so predictable…..nothing is going to help him at this point he’s done way too much damage and majority of Americans want him out…

  8. Next up: Miracle cure kills 10th patient after beginning human trials, “purely coincidence” according to this ancient astronaut theorist.

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