Rachel Maddow shares video of Donald Trump judicial nominee Steven Menashi struggling to answer (or avoid answering) questions before the Senate Judiciary Committee at his unusually expedited confirmation hearing.
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Trump's Latest 'Doozie' Judge Nominee Struggles At Confirmation | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
He looks like the Penguin from Batman Returns.
Madcow is FINALLY getting sued for spewing Russian Conspiracy lies! Ha ha!

What happened to Russia collusion Rachel
So basically we are all the same person I guess…? haha I was going with a lame Penguin extra, but same mindspace in the universe about this guy.
That’s an insult to the Penguin.
Unhinged is a word that springs to mind.
TRUMPTY DUMBTY nominated him, so he should fit right in the Nut House.
I know Rachel maddow is nuts
Too much bad fish!
Ethnonationalism = hitler’s ultimate goal, the aryan race.
Simple as that.
Nazi or Hitler references are the product of an intellectually lazy mind.
@Dave Schultz …. “Hitler references…lazy mind?” …Not when the application is applicable.
Flush america, its stinking up the world Again.
3LD He represents over 40% of you. That demands a major clean out.
@carmine redd putin troll with empty account tying to get Americans to fight, dirt bag
@docfloc jup, but i dont want them to come back to europe, so … they should stay where they are and just let this show run.
I for an example LOVE the trump show, better then any TV show i ever watched so far, excluding cartoons.
I speak The truth posting only shows your ignorance to the world.
Contact Elected Representatives of Either Party and DEMAN IMPEACHMENT NOW For Trump and Barr and A Vote of EXPULSION for Mitch McConnell.
Job opening…White house…NO CONSCIENCE REQUIRED.
Conscience objectors welcome.
Annamaria Iannacito : Graduates need not apply

Oh no, we don’t need another Democrat EVER AGAIN!
Peggy Micsky Dumb B
@Peggy Micsky your IQ is so low that you didnt get the comment meaning
John Lovitz cannot be a Judge. Im not ethnohappy about his non homogenus looks.
“Senator, I’m trying to be transparent, like my wife, Morgan Fairchild, asked me to be”!!!
Amazing what rises to the surface of the bog when your president has a rudderless moral compass
Wow!!! He was one evasive little Nazi. Where in the world does Trump find these people?!?!
David J He drags them from the stinking dredges of the swamp
The Handsome Supreme Lord Emperor Donald J Trump
@Kristina Winter am not
Amazon books.
@The Handsome Supreme Lord Emperor Donald J Trump speaking of lies .. https://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/
Lindsey Grahams back bone showed up today
Nah, he just didn’t have a dog in this race.
@Cool Hand Mark Tee hee…………Trump’s crushing defeat of the padded suit hag in 2016 just ruined your life eh? LOL
Briefly – but it was still fun to watch the wannabe judge flounder when he realized that it was a GOP Trump ally that was tag-teaming with the Democrats. God, the look on his face was priceless!
@RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING HAHAHAHA. It’s funny because it’s destroying America!!! But that’s all you Trumpanzees wanted from the beginning. Turn the USA into someplace where you Nazis can call home! Make America great again, by killing all NAZIS!!!
Young, Right wing, racist kook & Trump sycophant.
Sounds like Trump’s recipe for hiring the “Best” judges. Competence not required.
Lumis Sappier is lumis a name or a Disease
@doppler ….Said and Seconded, ‘I speak the truth’ Is A Putin/Trump Warehouse FARMED Troll.
3LD trump doesn’t want competence, his only requirement is that they are willing to become another lap dog. And by the way, ispeakthetruth, you should probably just put your tail between your legs and slink off. Almost everyone on the internet is your intellectual superior, you should realize that you’re embarrassing yourself.
I can’t stress enough how dangerous Trump ‘s nominees are. These guys are nothing but political hacks. Some of these people have absolutely no knowledge of law and have never tried a case. Yet Trump appoints them to LIFETIME appointments on the FEDERAL Judiciary. What a complete joke of a presidency.
Just so everyone knows… you can impeach federal judges, even Supreme Court Judges. It’s been done several times in the past. Just so we’re all aware.
You have no idea at all of what you pretend to know. Obama DIDN’T appoint political hacks? LOL
@RUSSIAN SALAD DRESSING he appointed actual judges with experience trying cases in court. Do you understand the difference? Of course you don’t you’re a Trump supporter
@Garry Miller what happened to Russia collusion
Just imagine if you will, that you went in for a sit down interview for a job, and during the interview, you refused to answer any questions, because that’s basically what this yahoo just did.
Do you believe that you would get that job?
David J
If you’re picked by trump or any of his goons, you can rightfully assume that his sycophant majority will carry you through. Or so they think.
Remember that guy who wanted to be federal judge but never once even presented a case in court and couldnt answer, what seemed to be, a garden-variety lawyer question? “Anything goes in trump’s five-finger-discount era!”. And they actually believe that, its why they keep trying to get into positions they not only do not deserve to be in, they are 100% unqualified for – regardless of their ideology.
These kooks think they hit the jackpot by just licking the saliva off of trump’s orange orifice. And then a hearing like this happens.
The only thing that confuses me is the “why?”. Why do Kennedy or Graham shoot these clowns down? Graham is the chief sycophant for trump. His head is still spinning 2 years after his astounding U-turn. Are these perhaps decoy nominees they sacrifice to maintain the appearance that they’re doing their job of vetting trump’s guys, while the real nominees with the “proper ideology” get passed through like on a conveyor belt?
Yes, I actually do remember the Trump judicial nominee who had never presented a case in court. I watched part of his confirmation hearing, and it was just as pathetic as this one.
This is what happens when you troll the pages of the Daily Stormer for picks for the bench.
That would be really funny if it were not true. This guy was probably near the top of the Daily Stormer recommended list, right below David Duke and Jarrod Taylor.
If you are getting push back from the Trump sycophant clown brigade, it is pretty obvious you’re not fit.
I wonder about the quality of the bar association and it’s rules & standards..
It sends these freaks out into the world.
@Jan fromOz Bar associations, Each state has its own, admit pretty much anyone who has a law degree and passes the test. They all have ethical standards but it is pretty rare that anything short of a felony conviction results in the bar refusing admission.
Another odd looking character from the swamp!
Where does SpankyPants tRump find these human waste’s & pieces of garbage! At the bottom of the dumpster at KFC?
@Michael Clagett Because your Democrats many bloopers aren’t publicized on PMSBS is the reason you don’t see the Idiocracy of their ignorance but it’s plain as day they have nothing intelligent to offer except vote for me I have no balls and I’m promising you nothing.
@KMAG 2020 keep making America great RACISM RECESSION RUSSIANS!!!
He finds them by listening to idiots! That’s why they come and go like a revolving door! Keeping the Swamp drained!
Maybe at white supremacist get
@Ken Shaw yeah. They’re full of
Trumpet puppets.
If he’s part of the “best people” that trump spoke of, I wish all you Americans my condolences for the direction your country is headed.
Fk ’em.
The world will continue while they catch up to a level of normalcy once again.
Rob Ramsey He is one of Trump’s monsters drudged from the bowels of the swamp
Cannot believe its 2019 and this country would even CONSIDER a candidate this sleezy. How disgusting.
Country? Are you under the impression that Trump and crew represent our *country?*
Trump represents the Confederate states of Nazis that hate America!!!
Dude looks like Uncle Fester applying for a bank loan.
He needs to disqualify himself and avoid any further embarrassment. You can almost see the slime oozing out of him