Trump’s Kenosha Trip A ‘Mistake,’ Says Congresswoman | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Reps. Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., and Mikie Sherrill, D-NJ, join Morning Joe to discuss the president's planned trip to Kenosha, Wisconsin and if the military would play a role in resolving a disputed election. Aired on 8/31/2020.
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Trump's Kenosha Trip A 'Mistake,' Says Congresswoman | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Pretty Woman So tell adam schiff so he will fake another impeachment.
      Since Trump killed all those covid idiots that voted for democrats, why are you so afraid he is investigating? shouldn’t schiff be doing that and impeaching him for it?
      If this is the WORST president, I hope he is even WORSE in the next four years. I know I’m not tired of winning yet.

    2. @Mainely Did they set fire to any buildings or attack anyone with bricks? Sounds like a PEACEFUL protest to me.
      Why wouldn’t they be great patriots, they were peacefully exercising their RIGHTS.
      Can’t get more patriotic than that.

    3. @Enrique Castillo Can you tell us what country Trump has blitzkreiged like adolf biden obama?
      Can you tell us what muslin SS troops Trump has hired, like adolf biden obama?
      I will give you this, both Trump and Hitler WROTE their books, unlike obama.
      I guess pointing out that the rapes have stopped when Trump was elected, unlike under adolf biden obama when it was institutionalized.

  1. I can’t speak for the rest of you, but personally I am sick of hearing Trump’s name!🤦🏽‍♀️ I guarantee you once he’s out of Office, President Biden will never mention his name ! NEVER ! BIDEN 2020 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

    1. @efonefiddy yes this is true and I believe that those who loot/steal should be punished by the law but you missed my point. Every one in this country in the year 2020 still doesn’t have equal rights. Whether you believe this or not but it’s a true statement. It might be written in the constitution but there are ppl in this country who are still living the dreams of the confederacy that some day the south will rise again! It’s not happening! Those ppl need to wake from dreamland to reality. It’s time that this country starts to give everyone equal rights. How about this country fix its flaws before going abroad trying to so called fix other countries who are treating their ppl unjustly. 😡

    2. @efonefiddy hmm this is why there is still grievances because ppl don’t think that it’s something important to bring about change! #SMH

    3. I can believe that. biden can’t even remember his wifes name. In 4 more years when Trump leaves office I would be shocked if biden even remembers his own name.

    1. @Some Person after all said and done.. we find out the FBI bake laws..17 misconduct charges..FBI lied to the courts..the FBI lawyer pleaded guilty to forged doc.. deep in to that collusion scam

    2. @Some Person then the dems say..look at all the bad guys that went to jail ..for lying to the lying FBI..what a scam

    3. @Some Person.. look how they played to the people when the took down roger stone.. they had the police..FBI ..CIA..TEXAS RANGER..SWATT..CHOPPERS IN THE AIR..DOGS..AND CNN..TO GET A OLD MAN OUT OF DBED TO RAID HIS HOME.. OVER THE LIES THAT THE FBI TOLD.. lol

    4. @Jeff McGowan yawn. So you’re saying Michael Cohen didn’t commit any crimes, especially not the ones Trump signed the checks for? Jeez snowflake, 6 replies in 15 minutes means you know you’re full of BS. But please once again tell me the exact law that mentions “collusion” when Muller clearly said *conspiracy* in his report. And don’t meltdown harder than Chernobyl this time ok?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Every child in school should be required to play a sport. In sports, you learn a critical life lesson: sometimes you lose.

    1. Jake McCoy, next best thing to playing and winning, is playing and losing! Biden should tell him that once he wins!

    1. @Robert Slackware If crazy is your thing you go hard because it’s giving me a good laugh. I don’t think you realize that
      if I was Biden I would pay you to say the things you do. You must know it’s all rubbish and are just trying to make trump
      supporters look bad.

    2. @ZQAN ??? if biden is president you can’t afford to pay for anything, he will take it all in taxes. That is if you are lucky enough to not be run down and killed by him or his thug base.

    3. @ZQAN Since you seem to understand stupidity think. Maybe you can explain why idiots get upset if Trump offers to pay for someones lawyer, when if he doesn’t, then obama makes US pay for the lawyer.

    4. @Robert Slackware Where do you get this from, trump just gave the uber-rich trillions in tax cuts and in his own industry.
      It didn’t create jobs, they just put the money in their pockets. It has made the countries debt skyrocket and I promise
      you Robert if Biden wins no thugs will come after you. I have only seen the silly right-wing loons playing pretend militia
      and I am not excusing the protestors who do not protest peacefully their dangerous idiots.

  3. “We’ll see what happens” should be what she hears when she calls for an ambulance after contracting covid.

    1. @Robert Slackware Democrats cause chaos, most people call this anarchy. Now the theyre trying to cause more chaos. In a way the window breakers are ameteurs. True anarchy is totally different…what are you an anarchy snob? When somebody says “Confederate flag” I think of the Confederate flag they made that didnt look like the us flag when the wind wasn’t blowing. The true Confederate flag got a lot of soldiers killed on the battlefield…unintentionally, at this point who cares go play on a windmill.

    2. @Debra de Roos Well that explains biden hiding in his basement. More 1984 speak.
      Cowards confront danger head on, and heros sell secrets to china and hide in the basement.

  4. The fact that this is even a question disturbing on so many levels… Definitely voting trump out even if I get sick and later die from Covid19.

    1. Like you say, the thought that he could actually win should not even be a concern. This is not a president. This is a con man, a legendary liar. A sexual pervert. A fraud. Impotent in every facet of his personal and professional life. I’d love for Biden to just win straight out, but even if he doesn’t, the minute the results are final, trump would be served the papers for a 2nd impeachment. But with dems in charge, regardless of who wins the presidency, there is no possible way he can avoid impeachment. So why these morons are celebrating, we are all laughing under our breath.

  5. Why is it that everytime I see the Press Secretary I see a creature of lies on two feet and I feel like throwing up.

    1. @john riva Oh you mean you re talking about yourself. I don`t do drugs that `s only for stupid people. Alcohol? Oh well I only do Veuve Cliquot Poinsardin Magnum or Krug.

    2. @hommedterre1 and yet your the one who lies that the Pres Sec lies. Without giving even ONE example like this…
      “Benghazi was just students upset over a video”, or “If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”
      Can you even afford the medical savings biden will give you?

    3. ​@Robert Slackware I dont have to give you proof. All you have to do is look at her press briefings. Unless you`ve been irretrievably brainwashed.

    4. @hommedterre1 I do watch them. plenty of loaded based on lies questions, not the answers. That you don’t like the answer does not make it a lie.

    1. @James Champaco well Trump can’t control Democrat-run cities. And when he does, the Democrats complain. For example, he sent federal agents to Portland, to stop riots and the Democrats were big mad.

    2. @James Champaco well biden has already shown how he will handle riots. He let flint burn TWICE, baltimore, st louis.
      His eco policy is poison the planet and blame big oil for his incompetence. It’s not enough to waste a trillion on “green” jobs, he has to also create new toxic sights from the good land. (abc toxic waste site battery).
      Everywhere they LISTEN to Trump it is PEACEFUL.
      DC rioters once again LIED and armed thug shot dead as he deserved.

    1. You must have gone to a gooberment skool run by democrats.
      Not one state in the Confederacy wanted Lincoln to come. Of course democrats then would stand up for themselves, I didn’t see your coward governor or mayor taking up arms to stop Trump.
      The PEOPLE wanted him there. Lined up for miles, biden, couldn’t get 30 people to show and all of them were the rioters, or fake news.
      Trump didn’t go to he home of a racist bigot, biden did. Trump visited with the VICTIMS.

    1. @Justin Credible Of course it is acceptable. They wouldn’t disperse as ordered to. Are you saying only violent thugs have the right to speak? Trump has every right to say what he wants. He doesn’t force you to listen like your violent thugs do.

    2. @Justin Credible biden just endorsed cold blooded murder, saying antifa has every right to murder Trump supporters.
      Where is your fake outrage and yelling about fanning the flames?

  6. I remember her saying she would never lie to the American people.
    She’s such a liar. Just another trumper

    1. @Ray Lovelace Now i’m confused. You say it is a delusional system, but are upset Trump isn’t fooled by it?

    2. @Robert Slackware Soyou want to o the Brit route and call it “The War of Roses,” or maybe “The recent misunderstanding between the states?”
      You get brothers killing brothers, you’ve got a Civil War.

    3. @Ray Lovelace Sorry, the war of the roses was a civil war as well.
      A civil war is one or more factions fighting over control of the government. The red and white roses were fighting for control of England. Confederacy was NOT fighting to control the blue bellies, just to stop their unconstitutional invasion.

      So since the brothas are killing each other in chicago, they are in a civil war?
      It actually is close to a civil war since they are fighting to control the drug and prostitution in the city.

    4. In order to be part of Trump’s group you have to be a willing liar. That’s quite obvious. They prostitute themselves for their wannabe king. Court jesters.

    5. @Debra de Roos So adam schiff and pelosi are Trumpsters?
      Maybe you just don’t understand what a lie is.

    1. Slow and steady wins democracy. Our Day Will Come, for all of Americans, even the dark and twisted minds of Trump on the 3rd November 2020
      Biden-Harris 2020

  7. “He’ll see what happens” He takes no responsibility”. The person that holds the office of President.

    1. biden says day care is to expensive, as president he will DOUBLE or triple the cost by forcing the workers to be paid more, join unions, and adding even MORE regulations.
      Care to tell me even ONE union company that makes something, or does something cheaper than a non union one?
      He said if you like your oil leases Pennsylvania, you can keep your oil leases. What fool would fall for that BS twice? Well besides YOU.

  8. Reporter: ” What are your plans to end the pandemic?”
    trump: ” Lets see what happens”
    Me: WTF!

    1. Colette, I was going to make a rude comment. Instead, I’ll just say I hope you are wearing a mask and I hope you and your family stay safe.

    2. @Fairy GodTrucker There is so much truth out there but most are unwilling to make the effort. You stay safe too.

    3. A lie. You gotta lie, its all you got. Steal, loot and riot. Win or lose in Nov. Mr. Trump ends the rioting. Tell your children good-bye.

    4. @Henry Wayne biden will EXPAND the rioting, he will force our SAFE cities to stand down and allow it. If you dare defend yourself you are the violent murderer, while BLM murdering you is ok.

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