For being a numbers-focused president, Trump is notably quiet when it comes to the 100,000 person death toll from Covid-19. Aired on 5/28/2020.
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Trump’s Inability To Be Empathetic | Deadline | MSNBC
Donald J. Trump
Devolution by un-natural selection.
Dude could be a Test Tube Baby….he has the BABY down solid.
Devolution hahaha
@Big Smoke Guitar most Republican have a inbreed gene
And add lowest common denominator.
Donald Trump is too cold-hearted and too evil an individual to show empathy toward another human being.
@Randy Couch Just what we need is Trump cleaning up a mess and can’t even clean up the CoronaVirus 1000,000 dead -please don’t have him clean up anything Medical, No type of new Virus
@cattycorner lol you’re a comedian
@Crystal Giddens people dying is a joke to you ? Go back to reading Mein kempt !
@Buck Browning hey yank i thought o ly good old boys like yoj got flushed down the toilet ,I heatd it s written in your constiitution ,.Oh sorry you cant read !
@mako zero You are a fool.Simple as that !
Trump wouldn’t care if 100,000,000 Americans die. All he cares about is staying in office, so he can’t be prosecuted in the Southern District of New York.
Septembers Whisper

@Crystal Giddens Wow. So. Cuntifery is a thing, and your insensitivity is the primary symptom.
Septembers Whisper

You are sooooo stupid!!! Go back to paper ballots???? What do you think a mail-in ballot is, a brick???
@w41duvernay you mean win the re-election to stay out of jail
@Crystal Giddens thanks for describing fox news
100k Americans dead and Trump is more worried about his tweets
Trump is A Dam Murderer. Lets not kid ourselves
@El Cruzer55
The system is failing.
I didn’t support him in 2016 or in this campaign but given the recent shift in GOP rhetoric I say it’s time to draft Bernie put him in charge read the Constitution and start over.
RFI-Crypto Lab they are undercounted if anything.
RFI-Crypto Lab youre a fake
@Diogenes of Seattle
Historically, times of Societal upheaval like these now have brought Social Change.
I believe that’s one reason trump wants to keep the country at war with itself.
To keep us distracted so we don’t join together and turn on him. It would have been nice to live in a country where Bernie, if elected, could have affected change. As long as the US vs. THEM mentality continues, people will fight ideas, however proven, that have been branded “Socialist” by interested parties.
The USA has elected a refrigerator — size and cold
@steel celt No I don’t
@Crystal Giddens Your spamming has no effect. No vodka money for you today!
@Greg Bors She will drink her mouth wash then.
it makes no sense
His little bar fridges are no better either. I wonder how many ice-boxes its groped?
Narcissistic psychotic individuals don’t have that ability to be empathetic. They feel absolutely NOTHING. It upsets him that he can’t compete with Covid19. He only cares about himself and his interest.
@Eli Dicken still autistically crying “muh russia”?
We have to eradicate the anti Christ! God creates, the devil destroys!
@cattycorner Who has he served? Please tell me. No judgement, just curious
Is a born thing or or is it an environment thing or is it both or does it go back too a childhood thing or is it all the above??????? At any rate he still sucks at a human being and there’s NO manhood to be found and he can’t buy manhood

because one he can’t even get a payday loan to buy cup of coffee and there’s not enough money in circulation to buy his manhood..
@honeylocs74 I think that you have hit the nail on the head! The Narcissist-in-Chief is being upstaged by COVID-19! He can’t steal the thunder from the virus killing people. He wants to go back to his “rally’s” where he was front and centre.
Deeply disturbing and profoundly sad. My heart is saddened for you America.
Can’t even call him a high-functioning sociopath.
@Buck Browning
If he was so good why did they cheat and steal?
Trump lost the Pop. Vote by almost 3mil votes
TRUMP won the Electorial College Vote by about 70,000 votes in 3 states
TRUMP GAMED THE SYSTEM using Weapons grade AI software
and stolen data from 87mil AMERICAN’S Facebook accounts.
Trump spent $1mil/day on FACEBOOK bombard viewers that they should vote trump
Trump has spent his Presidency Tweeting, over 11,000x
How Trump Reshaped the Presidency in Over 11,000 Tweets
Mark Miller You look old enough to know better. Why don’t you?
John Keith what do you call all those millions of trump supporters…. gullible.
@Carol Sitzberger Blah blah blah! ..Move to china if you want a popular vote..I noticed sleepy creepy quid-pro-quo uncle pedo joe was released from his basement rubber room..BTW, is Madame Cyberhack your Golden Moo Moo still in the woods talking to trees?..What a glorious night & following day that was for “True Americans”..Still can’t get over that one can you?..In November you’re gonna find out what LANDSLIDE means..I’m sure that will ease your Constitutional Electoral College concerns..

Foul Leftist Sewage
@Buck Browning Your data and your families data has been sold and used against you.
But your desire and ignorance to understand is so limited
The man doesn’t care about anyone or anything but himself. Fact
@Wesley Gordon i believe in murdering the unborn. Could have saved the world from people like you if we would have gotten there in time.
@Crystal Giddens Not sure what you are talking about? Your opinion matters. What’s going on?
What ya know, Trump was born in rich life, money, gold , always on the highest place , so his opinion is very …narrow, doing and say as he wishes, never listen to anyone.
@ILLAngel101 I am as well! Totally identify with you. Sorry your parents were. It seems to be the norm nowadays to be incredibly selfish. My heart goes out to you!
A True Leader would Show Empathy for the Loss of Life, Feel the Sorrow?. No Humanity in Trump.
Why would feel empathy for humans? He’s reptile under that human skin.
Trumpet is not s leader of any shape or form.
He is the ” Wanna be Emperor”
If the entire population of the earth died, he would be ok with that, as long as he survived.
no that is ture actor
trump has a black hole instead of a heart…
@Ty Thomas Boxing Training You sure proved that true.
@Ty Thomas Boxing Training How many samples of disinfectants have you self-injected ?
I didn’t know he had a heart!
Eric Salles wow, people still think Russia is a thing?
No empathy, no guilt, no remorse, inability to accept blame, distorted view of self = psychopath
Marcus Aurelius The people who brought the virus into Canada were Americans, so yeah, some people shouldn’t be allowed to travel
@Maria G. – considering everyone with a piece of paper is “American” thanks to autistic White Liberal cuckolds with their open borders policies and love of anchor babies you might have a point

Also, Canada has flooded with Chinese, but I guess you’re just another autistic White Liberal cuckold
@Marcus Aurelius
People are born psychopaths people are made sociopaths. I’m leaning toward sociopath.
@Pheno stick to your crippling drug habits.
If we don’t vote him out we are all doomed.
@cattycorner lol you failed history, I see
Vote for who?
@Kimchicracker Anyone but TRump !!!
Done with moderates I hope all of them lose, they deserve it
If you do vote him out of power you will be doomed far quicker !!
Of my 56years in this life that’s the worst president I’ve ever seen so cold hearted.
Rob the Russian Kennedy
Teddy Russian in Seattle
tRumpet troll Killer

And he’s bringing out *all* the shameless braindead pitchfork carrying cockroaches – just look at this thread!
Then you are too blind about the bad Presidents before you if you believe that !!!
The only plan trump has is to golf again.
He also wants a big convention with 50,000.
There’s something even weirder about a Trump plan. Since they can’t happen soon enough it always seems like the day it should have happened.
Yea cause he gets his next instructions from the real elites inside the country clubs. Trust me I work at one. I see and hear it all. #countryclubemployee #eattherich #shadowelites
And when he is going to Mara Largo to do an eightball of uncut cocaine and tweet deranged things at 3am…
Trump is basically President Borat now.
100,000 Americans die
*Trump* : “Great success”
Anyone Else wonder why our Stable Genius of a President Rocks back and forth when someone else is speaking ? He is like a Child who Has No Attention Span and Needs Ridelin
tr*mp probably doesn’t want to honor the dead because he’s mad at them for ruining his chances of re-election.
Wow I should have thought of that, good thinking
That’s the truth
You’re right. That his thought pattern for sure!
Yes, because his opposition is totally transparent and honest. We are still waiting for our 90k a month no show.
Ronald Armstrong LOLOLOL
Trump hasn’t called George’s family, my money’s on that he never will
red angel you are one of the ill-used, ill-informed sheep preyed upon by the Left and its media. You think he is racist. That could not be further from the truth, but it is a lie the Left use to their advantage to keep us divided so they can maintain their rapidly shrinking power. They are corrupt.
The ship has sailed on decency for this president, sorry.