CNN's Brian Stelter introduces a little-known network that pushes far-right commentary and the occasional conspiracy theory. That network is One America News, a favorite of President Trump.
#Stelter #CNN #News
CNN's Brian Stelter introduces a little-known network that pushes far-right commentary and the occasional conspiracy theory. That network is One America News, a favorite of President Trump.
#Stelter #CNN #News
Everyone has heard of it
@Pierre Delecto hahahahaha..
@septillion2501 instead he’s buried in your psyche.
@TheAronDark LOL CNN and comedy Central?!?! R u kidding me dude?!?
U guys don’t know what’s going on
Know thy enemies!
If _Faux Nooze_ is not radical enough and _Alex Jones_ is too crazy, _OAN_ is the way to go for freaks. You will love it. 24/7 funny BS.
“Tell Enough Lies and no one can pick out the Truth” …Me
Thats taken from Josef Goebbels but a nice updated and more realistic statement.
@Mueller Time I said I have WELL WATER brainiac…Unfortunately, no plastic mat for your head.
@Variant Ways let me guess…. You drink bottled water and store bought beer and juices from concentrate? Enjoy lib. Drink your disinfectants
@Mueller Time Shut up already..go fight about chlorine (and bottle water), with someone else.
Mueller Time Lmao
. Humiliating.. yet they let him stay
A toddler likes to be flattered. Tell him good job even when he sinking into a pit.
CNN, say goodbye to your great and beloved friend, Barry. Martha’s Vineyard can breath easy again.-Andrew Pollack’s tweet is correct. Poor Barry is now agonizing over the possibility of the rope sliding up, and ripping his ears out of his neck. He should be more concerned with his full double depends slipping off, onto the trap door, before the event!
@Adrian Jackson oh, will you say the same for CNN?
Mr A go to school there the real news unlike ur conspiracy propaganda fox new and oan they will soon be shut down another fact nobody like trump
@Adrian Jackson go watch anything besides mainstream, you will get a sense of the truth.
“It amazes me when I read the things that I read”–Donald Trump.
Yeah, it amazes us too, buddy.
@Why Me there’s good deals and corrupt deals.
whoa, sick libtard burn
@Hazel McCloy Source of Dennis the Menace? Yeah I think so actually…
@Mister Sinister They done door dashed that to your house.
1:31 Cringe alert
Hot chicks make you cringe?
CNN, say goodbye to your great and beloved friend, Barry. Martha’s Vineyard can breath easy again.-Andrew Pollack’s tweet is correct. Poor Barry is now agonizing over the possibility of the rope sliding up, and ripping his ears out of his neck. He should be more concerned with his full double depends slipping off, onto the trap door, before the event!
Low IQ Leftist
All Trolls…… cold “chick” trolls, “hot chick” trolls, and any other lying for a living trolls.
Example, I don’t like Laura Ingram or Hanity any better and both are ugly self-righteous lying scum repeating and making excuses for, saying opposite of what they said last, both hateful and lack of empathy and humanity ……
OHHHHHHH. racist like leader Scump. That happens to be a more than skin deep. You should know that “Cold Chick” shallow is as shallow does.
Your head is also funny
Trash News like The Enquirer!!!
CNN never learns…
CNN, say goodbye to your great and beloved friend, Barry. Martha’s Vineyard can breath easy again.-Andrew Pollack’s tweet is correct. Poor Barry is now agonizing over the possibility of the rope sliding up, and ripping his ears out of his neck. He should be more concerned with his full double depends slipping off, onto the trap door, before the event!
Where’s the Flynn story libs?

What story – Trump is fake news. Like Trump fake university. How many dead from covid-19 – more than 11?
You mean the story about Barr protecting his good buddy, Trump? Again? That Flynn story?
I’ve watched oan I watch all the channels I can, this channel is all over the place
You dont need to be a journalist to start or operate a “news” organization, CNN proves that night after night.
You obviously like your “facts” thoroughly massaged and manipulated to fit your confirmation biases, so you wouldn’t know what real journalism is if it kicked you in the nuts.
@Inde nmc and neither would you, you complete npc…
@Inde nmc You are wasting your time, my friend. Trump supporters are too stupid to understand what you’re saying.
@Inde nmc it’s just a fact, CNN adopted the Foxnews business model in order to stay competitive but you think that CNN is trust worthy and only Fox is propaganda,
CNN and MSNBC are the same garbage and they need to be stopped.
@G Appleton You sound like a reasonable person.
Hea just going to be more our of touch than He already is, this Fool.must go!
So they’re simply the exact opposite of CNN?
Mueller Time is Hannity and Tucker fact based?!
@Tristan I’m not sure it’s fair to call out Hannity and Tucker specifically, but tout CNN as a whole to be fact based. Most MSM outlets are “fact based”, they just lean left or right in their story selection and the bias with which they interpret the facts.
@Tristan Sorry, your calling out of Hannity and Tucker was in response to Mueller Time bringing up Nick Sandman, didn’t see that til now.
Jacob Hicks I agree but it is fair to call them out cause they are hateful and straight up State progaganda TV
@Tristan I can respect calling out hateful state propaganda TV.
As opposed to Ted Turner who was well known as a “ news guy”
Underrated comment.
Ted Turner is a rich pos like Donald J. Trump but politically 180 degrees apposed. Funny Trumpy was a democrat years ago then flip flopped.
“It amazes me when I read the things that I read.”. Come on buddy, we all know you don’t read.

I thought OAN was for the mentally ill!
No only folks with closed thinking.
I taught CNN was for the CCP lol
yeah just like cnn. two sides of the same shitty coin…
Go to OAN’s youtube page if you’d like to see the full Stelter interview with OAN’s Alex Salvi UNEDITED.
This is from the book of KGB. Muddy up with lies so much so that no one care what is the truth anymore. Watch the New York time You tube segment on KGB misinformation. Putin send all his networks to us with a President.
Pot: Hello Kettle?
Kettle: Yes?
Pot: Your black.