1. Stop lying !! No place for campaigning !when there is no excuses then he brings Obama !?lol

    1. Pedophile democrats always turn directly to violence, when they are losing.
      Which they are. Right *_now._*
      Schumer is an early warning sign.

  2. If trump didn’t lie what would he possibly have to say? Isn’t trump the definition of a pathological liar?

    1. @The Memo …that’s what someone with narcissistic personality disorder does. ALL the time and for even the smallest of things !

    1. Obama has been living rent free in Trumptards empty head for 12 yrs… Trump never got a love letter from Obama, lol.

    2. Obama is going to prison. Remember it’s our turn to investigate.

      Nobody is above the law. Not even ex presidents. Biden is the start

    1. @Jo Ann G. Weatherbee And, don’t take for granted that like-minded people will be enough, or that your vote doesn’t count. Even if you’ve NEVER voted, register now and vote. EVERYBODY VOTE! (And please, blast this all over YouTube!🙏)

  3. The best thing trump could do to help would be for him to take about 6 months off playing golf.

  4. Once again Trump* proves himself to be a habitual pathological lair..
    How can anyone trust anything this man says?
    Vote the virus out in 2020~!

  5. Obama,Obama,Obama who hasn’t been President for almost now 4yrs and this dude can’t stop blaming Obama!!

  6. Who is running the government for the last three years? Shameful dishonest President of America.

  7. stop being so nice, its not a false claim its a blatant lie, his Admin cut CDC funding and destroyed the chain of command that controlled pandemic response.

    1. Drop it Smollett. We know all your fake accounts. You’re not funny anymore.

  8. Increased desperation of the lunatic is a good sign. Push him harder. IMplosion is the goal Americans.

    1. Libtard inbreeding Democratic cultists: Trump is starting ww3, Mueller Time Will remove him, stormy Daniels, avennetti 2020, north Korea will nuke us, iminaminaminapeachment and Bloomberg has the best chance of beating Trump

  9. Stop lying you cut budgets for WHO AND CDC. You have been in charge for 4 years sorry it is all on you. GET OVER IT!!! DEAL WITH IT!!!

  10. Wish Obama could have pulled a Putin and changed the rules so he could be been Prez forever.

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