Trump’s ex-Chief of Staff reacts to report about informant tipping off FBI

Former President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney, reacts to the Wall Street Journal report that an informant tipped off investigators about more material at Mar-a-Lago before the FBI searched the former president's residence. #CNN #News


    1. @jonathan Batturs just stop. It is painful that you claim to be gifted and yet know nothing about the first amendment. Gifted doesn’t mean you have common sense. Clearly.

    2. You hear how his talking about Trump and taking the 5th ,his said. IT not one’s twice or three times Trump blasting people about taking the 5th. SAD PEOPLE

  1. Is Mick, “get used to it” Mulvaney referring to the DOJ when Bill Barr was in charge? It seems like the GOP had no problem with him.

    1. “From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17

      “Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39.

    2. Re: this “Search Warrant/Raid”… The FBI should have just used the “Mick Mulvaney line” in response to Trump … …”WE DO IT ALL THE TIME, GET USE TO IT”… 🤣🤣

  2. If you are going to put liars like Mulvaney on air, you need to stop them and push back every time they lie. Don’t just let them build a big case based on unfounded assertions!

    1. I think she did a great job with this. Listen to what he was saying with his prepared remarks compared to the last few minutes of the interview. She let him blabber his party line for a couple of sentences, she didn’t blink, came right back, asked the proper questions, by the early middle of the interview he’s conceding her points, by the end he’s agreeing with her totally, dropping the party line, stammering and agreeing with all of her points. She’s much smarter and well more prepare compared to him. She ate him up…

    2. @PUAlum He sounds pretty pro Trump propaganda to me ! American journalists are far too polite, in England he’d have much more pushback on his acceptance of right wing behaviour having cause.

    1. @Michael Albert Being innocent until proven guilty has nothing to do with a Democrat or Republican it is the basis of US law. Until proven in court it is just an accusation. That does not mean an investigation is not warranted or that if an investigation is performed it will not uncover a crime or verify that what appears to be a crime is not. It has nothing to do with the fact that I “may not like it” and just because a news outlet reports something does not make it true or false it is just a report of what is happening at this point in time.

  3. At 3:18 when Mulvaney asked why this wasn’t handled by a subpoena, he knows exactly why. That would say that you need to turn over something we think is ours, not yours. But that is not the situation. A search warrant says you have stolen gov’t property that you have no right to. And we think it is a threat to national security that might be stolen, sold or destroyed unless we take possession of it. We don’t believe you ever had a right to it. If we did, we would have just asked for it with a subpoena. You may ask, why wasn’t it removed earlier if it was so important and a threat to Nat’l security. Because we had to do due diligence and basically prove it exists, it is what it is, i.e gov’t property, that you have it and it is important enough for us to seize it, not hope it is returned voluntarily. All of that take time and effort. And it must convince a federal judge. The bar is high.

    1. AND Trump has a long history of failing to comply with subpoenas, and it seems he failed to comply with one here too. The search warrant was the last, final step that was only made necessary because Trump failed to comply with his obligations to return the documents.

  4. Having worked with Confidential, Secret and Top Secret documents myself, I can tell you with certainty, that if it were you or I that were caught with these documents in our possession, it’s off to jail awaiting trial. No questions. No arguing. No bail. It’s a SERIOUS breach of national security.

  5. In case no one has noticed, the search warrant is sealed. But the former president can at any time release the warrant and what was found anytime he wants. People are clamoring for it but he hasn’t delivered. Why? Maybe it validates the very reason for the search in the first place?

  6. They didn’t “invade” his home. The FBI executed a search warrant, which means they had evidence of a possible crime. Big difference.

    1. They keep moving the goal post! First: he didn’t have anything. Then: If he does have it, it’s not really confidential. Then: Even if it is confidential he’s had it this long and he hasn’t done anything with it…

  7. Why exactly are we trusting anything coming from Mulvaney? smh I love how this guy calls himself reasonable now. I wouldn’t trust him on anything at all.
    He’s asking the DOJ to break with the traditional way of handling this, which is exactly what the right wing would love to see happen.

  8. It is not just about the threat to destroy documents. It is about the national security of classified documents in an unsecure place

  9. He speaks with a forked tongue. How can he call the fbi wrong when he doesn’t have all the facts?

  10. “Just about documents.” Right. Just about Top Secret, Classified documents that could cause irreparable harm to our intelligence. Good one, Mick.

    1. Secret classified documents that “may” be being used to blackmail another County. To idk say…invest in golf tournaments at a certain person’s golf courses maybe?

  11. “If this is only about documents, then the FBI has a lot to answer for.” Mulvaney obviously, like his former boss, has no regard for classified documents. Don’t forget, Trump and the Republican Congress increased the prison time of at least one year to five years for mishandling classified documents. Lock him up! Lock him up!

    1. @Penny Wagner you not to smart and you must love trump! Personal records or memo, records deemed unclassified is ok. Not nuclear weapons documents! Not a list of undercover agents, etc… please grow up!

  12. The way he keeps repeating _”if it’s just about documents”_ before everything he says makes me wonder if he already knows it’s _not_ just about documents. He’s trying to do everything to not take blame now but leave room to be the hero when the FBI follows through.

  13. Why, why, why, the DOJ tried to work with him through his lawyers to get these documents back, but I’m pretty sure they know a stall tactic when they see it, they were tipped off that he had more documents and lied about them, whether they were copied or not, it’s not his property and the feds had every right to get this material back, regardless if he was there or not!

  14. “Just documents”?!? classified documents in unauthorized hands and insecure property is “just documents”???

  15. It’s interviews like this that give people like him legitimacy when they don’t deserve any. Giving a platform to dishonesty is not balance or equity.

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