CNN's Kaitlin Collins reports the Department of Homeland Security had to clarify details of the European travel ban that President Donald Trump announced in his national address on the coronavirus response.
#Coronavirus #Trump #CNN #News
CNN's Kaitlin Collins reports the Department of Homeland Security had to clarify details of the European travel ban that President Donald Trump announced in his national address on the coronavirus response.
#Coronavirus #Trump #CNN #News
BREAKING NEWS : Coronavirus spreads on waves of brain activity. USA is safe!
That’s a huge relief for many Americans.
Nothing to fear !
He did the right thing. Trump 2020!
Just like he ban other countries before. He ban those who he shouldn’t and now all Europe but England lol thats funny
The Chinese Flu is less dangerous than H1N1 and President Trump is doing more, faster than Hussein Obama.
I was wondering why the 405 freeway was so empty today.
Ah yes, the 405. Such fond memories commuting to Century City. As an ex-pat now gleefully out of Trumpistan, I walk everywhere. Don’t have a car and won’t have a car.
The Chinese Flu is less dangerous than H1N1 and President Trump is doing more, faster than Hussein Obama.
@tredigi “But, but, . . . Obama . . . .” You laughable clown, you are completely FULL OF CRAP. Keep watching Hannity and stay stupid you uninformed Trumpturd.
@tredigi You stupid uninformed shithead. F off, fool.
CNN it’s on you then for everything that has ever been misreported. Now I remember why I don’t watch CNN.
I haven’t watched mainstream media for a long time now, and also remember why…I love comments though, addicting to see what other people think since at work most people won’t mention it or think it isn’t a big deal at all.
Nice try Russian agent boris
Oh really? Trump and his entire administration have scoffed at the coronavirus from the start. Rush Limbaugh said it was nothing but the flu! Now that it’s showing serious political consequences Trump is changing his tune. Horrible administration.
@Annette Pora … you got your wish…the government takeover of all aspects of your life.
Instead of focusing on this thing killing people cnn politicizes it again
Felton1331 what’s he getting? So far he’s beat the democrats into voting for two senile weirdos
@Daniel Faust You’re a fucking idiot. You’re in a cult, kid. Your guy’s a fucking moron. I’m not a troll. I see things as they really are. I think that’s a realist.
Daniel Faust I support trump and you look very Mexican. Go back to your country
Okay now lets shut down our schools and workplaces for two-three weeks and have mandatory testing in all states..
@Charles Agnello Please explain how im apart of the problem and how you’re apart of the solution instead of generalizing..otherwise your comment is irrelevant.
@Michaela Marie I understand where you’re coming from and it wont be easy on lots of people but there’s not many options. Hopefully it doesn’t ever get to that point and things get back to normal godspeed
@Leon Weikel do you believe it’s you duty to spread unproven information. You part of the problem. Period.
No spring break this year, just spring cleaning, spring cleaning and more spring cleaning.
@Joe Paleface Dude as you know Mexico also has the virus so the heat wont actually go away cause they have cases already that people have the virus also this virus is deadly and people are taking it seriously.
He did the right thing. Trump 2020!
Just like he ban other countries before. He ban those who he shouldn’t and now all Europe but England lol thats funny
The Chinese Flu is less dangerous than H1N1 and President Trump is doing more, faster than Hussein Obama.
Trump: does what the media wanted him to do
The media: WHy yOu Do tHAt?!??
@Black Heart why is it that when someone points out the left’s insanity, or the media’s, they’re labeled as something? What about having common sense and seeing where these people can’t be pleased and just want to complain about something cause “oRAngE mAN BaD”? I’m not even a trump supporter. I’m just tired of seeing and hearing this crap.
@Kevin Childs how long did it take you to figure it out honey? You okay?
@Shane Coffey Sarcasm doesn’t suite you well. But honestly not sure how the company is going to do. I work at a small business 4 employees and the owner, best guess is we will be able to complete the jobs that we had before this all started and thats it.
Big problem with what President Trump said is it wasn’t clear and many of our suppliers did not know if they could sell to us with the stock they have. One day where we don’t know if we can say yes to jobs is not good.
Not saying this is Trump’s fault at all he just needs to be clear now more than ever.
The world needs to hygiene properly
@Frank Bellomo Then we’ll see in November. After that, when all the seled indictments are opened, we’ll get to see what he’s really been up to. See you there.
@Mason Bee okay I’ll see you in November I’m saving this post so the day after the election I’m just going to say haha
The same MSM who said Trump was over reacting on China ban!
True definition of hypocrisy!!!
Sol Manilla ayanna Presley Dish today in a House committee on finance service here he spewed Racism and xenophobia So if you wanna look it up bozo look it up I’m sitting here watching her words she shaved her head your eyelashes longer my toenails oh but I’m a racist that’s right
OMG, CNN is soooooooo clueless
Lol when they ever showed any clue!
@George Thompson man you’re really defensive for CNN, whats that say about you?
Trump made THREE major mistakes in a 10 minute speech and you think CNN has the problem lol. God, wake up, Trump is a FUCKING MORON! He’s an embarrassment and just winging it based on ‘hunches’. Well how is that working out?
@DeepShadedGlassesGuy My village is looking for an idiot are you interested ?
I’m torn between two desires;
– Dump CNN on my YouTube account To avoid he stupidity and bias of their fake news.
– Continue CNN as a reminder of how insane the main stream news can be.
Come November I’m pretty sure most Americans will be dumping in-ept assclown Trump who has been NOTHING but a total disaster on this.
Just like he ban other countries before. He ban those who he shouldn’t and now all Europe but England lol thats funny
Seems like you can’t handle the truth, ouch. Trump 2020 and forever. U.S.A
The Chinese Flu is less dangerous than H1N1 and President Trump is doing more, faster than Hussein Obama.
Orange Man Bad!
CNN is shameful to watch!! “Oh a virus is spreading and killing ppl? Great, let’s attack bad orange man”
It’s great to hear everyone’s views from people who are blaming Trump for everything. I would like to ask all those people that think this is a witch hunt against Trump to please get together and go to a mass support rally and listen to him talk about the upcoming election. That would be awesome!!!
Alabama Peach so you’d like us to all die bc we may agree with Trump and disagree with you? Is that what you’re getting at? Bc that’s disgusting!! As an independent it’s easy to see which sides plays nasty and it’s definitely you looney leftists with Trump Derangement syndrome bc conservatives will debate you to hell and back on ideas but they’ll never attack you personally or wish harm upon you for a simple ideology or political disagreement and you socialists wish anyone who likes trump or disagrees with you turns over and dies… that’s really disgusting, you should seek help..
Take care
Is this where TDS victims come for solace?
@Octavian Popescu, wow, your a moron and that’s an insult to morons
@T Bone actually it does go both ways
@Roughneck80 TDS go’s both ways, the slightest criticism towards Trump throws people into hissy fits
All of this is in flux every day. This was a 10 min speech. Every day they do 45 min live stream meetings with the task force that includes the health officials. He has said to follow what the local/state leaders are recommending because every area has different issues. My county in WA state got it’s first confirmed community transmission. The county to the south of me has had numerous community transmissions and 1 death. Everyone needs to remain calm, act purposefully, and follow the cdc guidelines for health. Go there and taken an hour to read all the pages.
@TexTech how many did SARS kill? The NBA, NCAA, etc were not cancelled. How many Europeans were killed by SARS? Was the Serie A suspended? The response was propotionate to the crisis. You talk about intelligence but then make a stupid anology to support your dislike for CNN. Pres. Trump said by now there would only 1 or 2 people with the disease in the US.
Stephen Chisadza it’s ok remain calm at the end of this you can expect America’s IQ to increase a few points and the rest of the morons that think trump is doing a great job will be finished off by the next virus lol.
This isn’t even the pandemic the world needs to worry about it’s all those ones that will follow lol.
Our county is hit, too. Apparently people are clueless as to what self isolating means, as it was not explained. They have been told different things. Smh!
If Trump took this WAY more seriously a fucking MONTH ago we would be having more testing now. This idiot and his croonies were shouting literally a week ago it was ‘contained’ and now states are shutting down schools and sporting events. So no, sorry, you don’t get bonus points after the fact. These people are in-ept beyond belief.
” it’s contained “
“Travel ban will make no difference on this corona-virus “situation” ”
IS THIS FOR REAL?? Did just a doctor got paid by CNN to say that?
@Touringcarton42 we’ll see that in a few weeks. With how many people can’t afford proper health care in the US, something tells me it’s not gonna be much better than the situation in Italy.
@The Outsider Talk about fear mongering. The first cure is common sense if people start caring you will see less infections.
Bri nna no he called the democrat politicking a hoax
I swear, I feel like a passenger on the Titanic.
Back in 2016 we hit the iceberg and the last 4 years have been nothing but metal screeching against ice.
The Chinese Flu is less dangerous than H1N1 and President Trump is doing more, faster than Hussein Obama.
I never mentioned the President’s name, nor any party. I’m just saying that I’m tired of all the damn noise. My kid’s school district is closed until the end of the month. I don’t care who’s in charge right now. We need to get some goddamn tests and we can’t.
@Andrew C We have tests for the Chinese Flu. Private healthcare provided them since the CDC has bad tests. We are covered. We are spending more money and effort on this than H1N1. H1N1 killed 1,000 Americans before ANY action was taken. H1N1 killed 18,000 Americans. Relax, the Chinese Flu will blow over soon.
@Andrew C Why didn’t you abandon ship in 2016 then ?
@tredigi I beg to differ. We have 60,000 students and another 10,000 staff and faculty in our school district who have been screaming for tests for the past week. Don’t tell me we have them. Let us test the kids and we can get on with our lives. Do I sound panicked? No I’m pissed, because people like you are ignoring reality. The stocks are tanking, my 401k’s torn to shreds, the school’s sick of active shooter drills and the water isn’t safe to drink. Besides, I think I know more of COVID19 than you, unless you’ve been in med school longer than I have.
At least this answers the important question: how a cancer treats a virus.
Trump is Malignant Cancer.
When a scripted, tele-prompted speech sounds like you’re winging it and later has to be “clarified” … wao
And? It’s Part of the process lady, always has been. CNN deliberately words it like that to deceive naive people, you really can’t see through their game?
@Mister Sinister Let me see if I understand this process. Trump makes a speech in which he says things which then required clarification which totally contradicts what he originally read from his prepared speech. And you’re claiming that’s normal ?
urbanimage It’s a 10 minute speech about a global pandemic. There’s only so much he can cover. If he corrects himself, you libtards whine about how he got it wrong the first time. If he doesn’t correct himself, you cry about how he’s lying to the public. CNN deliberately twists everything to make Trump look bad.
@Mister Sinister You know what is part of the ‘process’? Having someone with an IQ above 40 look over the fucking speech and verify facts before you send it out to the world. Trump is a disaster and complete embarrassment.
The Chinese Flu is less dangerous than H1N1 and President Trump is doing more, faster than Hussein Obama.
Orange Sphincter: “Coronavirus was caused by Hillary’s email server.”
Remember last week when he contradicted a medical professional at the podium & said ” so we should just treat this like the flu ….right doctor ?”
She shook her head , mouthed NO in shame when he turned around.