“He’s instructing, ‘find me voters, find me votes that will put me over the top,’ which is in effect saying disenfranchise the actual vote that happened,” Rev. AL Sharpton says regarding the audio obtained by NBC News of a phone call by President Donald Trump with Georgia election officials Saturday.
Sharpton also dissects Trump’s seemingly obsession over losing the state of Georgia, and his obsession with Stacey Abrams with the host of MSNBC’s “American Voices” Alicia Menendez. Aired on 01/04/2021.
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#RevAlSharpton #PresidentDonaldTrump #MSNBC
Trump’s Continued Fight Over Georgia Election Results Disenfranchises Its Voters | MSNBC
Nixon : I’m not a Crook.
Trump : I’m a Crook. So what. It is what it is.
Republicans : We are all Crooks. Get over it. We are screwing the country since a long time.
@Bill Burgess I don’t have to. Btw using a spelling error really. That’s your entire argument. What trump and his cronies are doing is by definition sedition and violates both state and federal law. Go take some constitutional law courses. Then come have a discussion. You obviously have no clue.
@Engage360 Dominion Attorney’s has giving trump , Attorney’s and all involved with this fake propaganda news that they will be sueing them.
Even the women that was lying to State Congress hearing and they did a script of her on SNL show.
She was warned.
Even the SOS of Georgia
Brad Rathersphere. Told trump that video they was showing of the one in them middle of the night was altered on the phone call. Police and investigators had looked over the video in Georgia.
Senators and the Congress of the house if presented in of that fake videos and reports should be held accountable.
Trump supporters think all those fake videos and affadvitts were presented in the Court of Law and none was
Judges in there report of trumps Attorney’s all said you have presented no evidence of voter fraud and dismissed case after case.
@myko freder exactly. I
with a mail in ballot i dropped it off at the drop box at voting place. 2020 election .
was counted.
I registered online to track my
10/27. Dropped off at drop box in the PM.
10/ 28. AM Received text they have my
10 / 28. PM. Received text that my ballot was accepted. Signature match the address was confirmed my ID mailing address everything matched.
11/ 04 / 2020. I went online showed me that my
@Bill Burgess fake propaganda news
Or you should turn it over to authorities.
@Bill Burgess We are talking about Donald Trump not the pope ,not Nancy not Joe , not New Years resolutions , we are talking about what Donald did .
– *If you could reason with Trump supporters They wouldn’t be Trump supporters* – .
@omi god keep following, or remember to subscribe. You love commenting on my comments So..
@omi god if you could shoot Trump supporters, the world would be a better place.
Look at the data…vote flow…doubt you will because the truth is painful. And the weak will not seek the truth.
@omi god It’s always worth repeating the truth.
AllNitePumpkinhead. I’ve got a suggestion for you. How about reaching way up inside yourass, and you’re probably going to have to go almost all the way up to your shoulder and feel around until you find your head. Then give that sucker a good yank because there’s going to be a lot of suction in your case. Then if you do manage to break suction and actually get that pumpkin out of yourass, and actually get some air to that 3 lb booger sitting between your ears, maybe you’ll wake the F up before its to late
This is how a narcissist behaves when he loses …
@West Trenton Inciting civil war… Sounds like you might have a knock on your door soon, and it won’t be pleasant.
A view from afar
@R Wags – We’re already in a civil war. I’m not inciting anything. The Democrats are the ones responsible for the civil war with their voter fraud.
@Bill Burgess Ummm…you need to eat some sh its. There!!! This is to all Ttump idiots.
@West Trenton Well, the majority of the US, the US judiciary, the majority of Congress, the Director of Cybersecurity (Krebs), Donny’s mate, Billy Barr and the rest of the developed world, DISAGREES.
Perhaps all the lies, corruption, racism, bigotry, misogyny, nepotism, obstructionism, collusion… and the utter mismanagement of the pandemic, actually came back to bite.
Time for a dose of reality rather than listen to a narcissistic psychopath, that can’t handle the truth…. he lost.
A view from afar
Tip: stating that you’re ready and waiting for Bunkerboys word to start a civil war, might not be the best thing to publish online.
You didn’t win Georgia, you stole it thru fraud. (NTD News “Georgia Hearing Forensic Audit”) 30 year Forensic expert show exactly how you did it
“If trump calls, tell him I’m in the shower.”
tRump responded to you VladI
@James Arias

Tell him I’m sleeping.
So Republicans want to object to Biden’s Win on the basis of Election Fraud by their own Leader Trump.
It’s now going to be that if Republicans win, it’ll be a “fair and balanced” election, but if democrats win, it’s “fraudulant and illegal”.
The Republican gerrymandering is voter fraud in advance, anyway.
He’s coming to Georgia today, just having accused and threatened the state secretary in no uncertain terms and on tape … ARREST HIM!!!
The question is where is the 21st centuries LHO bang bang
@Dawn Leary I listened to the entire record too. And Trump clearly threatens Raffensperger. Or what do you think “bad things will happen” means in the words of a mobster?
@legallyred One Never made threat. Typical that sheep do what ever they are told to.
You didn’t win Georgia, you stole it thru fraud. (NTD News “Georgia Hearing Forensic Audit”) 30 year Forensic expert show exactly how you did it
@Dawn Leary it was clearly a threat. I am not American and have no dog in this fight but, it was clearly an unveiled threat to both the SOS and his lawyer.
16 days until the garbage is removed from the white house.
Yep. Then the human waste comes in.
After his coup attempt phone call, he should be removed even sooner.
@Bill Burgess
Bye Pavlov Bogatishev
Pee ew
Truth! Thank you Stacey Abrams!
Stacey Abrams is a slimeball. The sister to Stacy, the judge, is compromised and should be disbarred.
@Brenda Thomas um, how exactly is she a slimeball? Because she built a ten year coalition to vote your autocrat out of office or because you just listened to that autocrat’s criminal phone call to the Secretary of State?
@Brenda Thomas
Recycling again cumrade?
Run along little GOLUBOI your solyanka is getting cold
Who needs NETFLIX when the entire country is a show.
A comedy…a drama…a horror
@Destroyer Johny, you’re
wright! I think i should unsubcribe from Netlix still for a few months! 

@Rebecca Mumford More like 4 years of this nonsense! If it were a movie you would not even believe it!
@Rebecca Mumford If they made a movie it would have to be fiction no one would believe it lol.
@philosophicalreason True enough. It just seems so unlikely. A failed business man who declared bankruptcy six times, committed tax and financial fraud somehow conned his way to being president of the US despite being barely literate and all the hijinks that ensue. Would be fine comedy if it weren’t real.
Trump is clearly trying to undermine an election. This is sedition, punishable by law. Let’s hope Georgia prosecutes him.
@Wisconsin Man So WHAT? Just because you say something does not make it true. He asked Reffensbergr to find these votes and say they had calculated wrong. Are you insane?? Dou you understand English?
@Brenda Thomas What are you babbling on about. They counted the voted 3 times! Can you republicans count- do you get math?? Geesh!
@Lucy Ricardo Quit lying fool. And dominion machines have been used since 2003 with no problems. Funny the only problems are in democratic areas that Dump LOST!!!!!
@m jones lol Your comment shows YOUR ignorance.
@Sar Donicus i agree where evidence…. my point is they say “we dont HAVE to allow you access to data and tell it to the judge” its not right….. PROPER AUDIT IS ALL THAT IS ASKED NOW
He has no regard for people’s rights. Even if he is delusional.
Georgia voters must send a message that these attacks on our democracy will not be tolerated.
And what will happen? NOTHING!
Two justice systems one for them the other for us. No accountability for those on top.
He’s never had any consequences for anything he’s ever done and he’s in his 70s. Why wouldn’t he think he can do whatever.
If he’s allowed to pardon himself then our democracy is over. That would mean a president could personally kidnap and murder someone then pardon himself and he’s good.
In what other job could you fire the ppl who are investigating you and it be legal
Wrong. The people have their own law, but we don’t practice it
Stacy Abrams gives me hope while trump represents the absolute worse of America.
@FightNarcissism-Well don’t you sound like the embodiment of narcissism. So as not to exercise your flaccid memory, how about calling the GA secretary of state to change the election results in his favor? Can you imagine how outraged you’d be if Hillary Clinton had done that? That is only the most recent of his many criminalities.
Maybe all the unrest we’ve experienced has been the outrage to his racism and autocracy? Have you thought about that? By the way his poor and even criminal response to Covid is one reason our library has been closed for months.
@RAYfighter Well the earth is flat. Never landed on the moon.
@FightNarcissism–Do you know how to read? If so, read my previous reply. I can’t help you live in reality if you’re living in trump’s fantasy, apprentice world.
Trump took a course in Leadership and Communication. He got a D. For Deplorable.
@natasha maier You forgot to mention the lizard men working in the background to LOL.
Trump-Cultists: Here is the voter fraud youve been looking for – on tape!
You stupid laughable irrelevant jokes in your media mass minded cult Trump Derangement Syndrome hate are THE MOST SCREWED UP LAUGHABLY STUPID LITTLE ANARCHAL LAWLESS LIARS ON EARTH.
Listen to these liars at CNN, MSNBC and ALL FAKE NEWS. They lie and deny the voter fraud/crime and now again want some “phone call” President Trump made to Georgia be “a crime” and”the end of the world.”
You hypocritical laughable screwball joke President Trump hating losers deserve each other.
Watch how The Father, Son and Holy Spirit bring you all down to zero by putting President Trump in Office in 2021!
Stop reasoning with Trump Derangement Syndrome madness. They are all liars.
@Football Nerd
Funny how your mass minded Trump Derangement Syndrome hypocrisy makes you post stupid screwball things.
Listen to these liars at CNN, MSNBC and ALL FAKE NEWS. They lie and deny the voter fraud/crime and now again want some “phone call” President Trump made to Georgia be “a crime” and”the end of the world.”
You hypocritical laughable screwball joke President Trump hating losers deserve each other.
Watch how The Father, Son and Holy Spirit bring you all down to zero by putting President Trump in Office in 2021!
Stop reasoning with Trump Derangement Syndrome madness. They are all liars.
@Brenda Thomas They should be. I know Trump has filed a lawsuit for illegal wiretap, I.E. recording and release. So many need to be hung for treason it’s not funny.
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel “…Watch how The Father, Son and Holy Spirit bring you all down to zero by putting President Trump in Office in 2021!…”
I’ll take some of that. Let’s talk about The Son, shall we.
Christ is the embodiment of everything that mankind SHOULD be. Righteous, Compassionate, Honest, Loving, Accepting of others, etc., etc., etc. I could go on but you get the idea.
trump is the antithesis of EVERYTHING that Christ IS and everything that Christ STANDS FOR. Greedy, An inveterate Liar, Zero Compassion, An Adulterer, Dishonest, etc., etc., etc. Again…you get the idea.
Now, Here’s the $64,000.00 question:
Why would The Holy Trinity put forth an individual who is diametrically opposed to The Son, in EVERY WAY?
I’m curious to see how you justify God putting an unrepentant, (remember when trump told the world that he didn’t need to repent anything?), sinner in what we are assured is a “God given” position.
This…will be…Interesting.
Yup. Needs to be prosecuted.
By hook or by crook he’s willing to cross every red line. Shameful.
Hook and crook is all he knows!
Even after this call being released, trumpy continues to maintain rethug support and protection. Their silence speaks volumes…..
@Ronda Stern They are pathetic for the most part!
Americans, we made the right decision in voting Trump out of office.
Yes, you guys made the right decision in voting T***p out.
It really was the most important election of our lives.
He’s not going anywhere, the corruption of the democratic party is about to be exposed in a way that can’t be denied. TRUMP will serve four more years.
Trump won. Biden is just ahead at the moment because of voter fraud. Trump is speaking right now in Georgia and he’s not conceding. Mr. President, just give us Patriots the word and we’ll finish the civil war that the Democrats have started.
@Mr Deese – true. Trump is speaking right now in Georgia and he’s not conceding.
I told everyone that would listen he was going to try to be a dictator and look what he’s doing
The fact that he’s not resigning today illustrates how completely Rotten to the Core the US political system has become, I feel sorry for you.
Unfortunately, true.
A view from afar
Absolutely Sir.
“People are angry.” = Trump is cranky.